Test military weapons on US civies first ?

Air Force chief: Test weapons on testy U.S. mobs
POSTED: 7:56 p.m. EDT, September 12, 2006

WASHINGTON (AP) -- Nonlethal weapons such as high-power microwave devices should be used on American citizens in crowd-control situations before being used on the battlefield, the Air Force secretary said Tuesday.

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Does anybody else have an initial reaction of: WTF??? I guess I'll have to actually read this one!
Interesting. I think that this guy is never going to get approval for that... until it has been tested on volunteers first.
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I'll tell you what, leaders under Bush keep topping themselves every year. This nuts officially on my radar.
Absolutely insane - I think this may be one of the scariest things I've read about out of this admin since hte inception of the Patriot act. Even scarier, because its physical harm they intend to inflict on US citizens. I think I'd take to the streets if they ever really did something like this.
thanks for the link US, I've sent it to my distribution list. People need to know about stuff like this.
Is he insane?????!~!!!!!

What if someone's pregnant and they use it on them? This is ridiculous. I'm writing my reps and asking them to call for his resignation. If you really want to use military weaponry on US citizens you shouldn't be the head of anything.
Does anybody else have an initial reaction of: WTF??? I guess I'll have to actually read this one!

Nothing in principle wrong with no-lethal weapons to control criminals or rioters. Its better than using bullets.

But, the way in which this guy advocates it - the words he chooses to use - are idiotic.
The system should not be tested in such a way. If it is used in a way where only willing people are tested and the effects are not harmful I don't automatically oppose it but using unwilling humans as guinea pigs is what is distasteful about this.
Wrong cypress, what if a few years later you get brain tumors or cancer from it...

That's why I said nothing wrong in principle with non-lethal weapons for law enforcment.

"Testing" them on american citizens in beyond the pale though. That's why I criticized what this idiot said.