Test military weapons on US civies first ?

Non-Lethal weapons are better than lethal weapons. I support the development of non-lethal weapons. It would be great if our police could simply incapacitate a violent suspect instead of shooting him.

Bean bag guns, sonic weapons, flashbang grenades. These are potentially great things to insitute.
But testing them on US citizens that have not given their permissions IHG ?
We are talking testing here IHG, not using proven technologies.
should the military test interrogation techniques on US prisioners to see if they are cruel and inhumane, before using them on enemies captured in combat ?
US from the beginning I made it clear. No involuntary testing. Your response to Cypress seemed to indicate you opposed any testing because of the long term negative effects of such a weapon.
US from the beginning I made it clear. No involuntary testing. Your response to Cypress seemed to indicate you opposed any testing because of the long term negative effects of such a weapon.

Yes I pretty much do oppose the testing even on consenting people unless they are guaranteed govt medical care for future complications resulting from the testing. Pretty strange to consider testing on US citizens instead of enemies in combat....

But I guess this is no suprise coming from a person whose expertise is in venture capital...
That's why I said nothing wrong in principle with non-lethal weapons for law enforcment.

"Testing" them on american citizens in beyond the pale though. That's why I criticized what this idiot said.

Non-leathal doesn't mean that you won't have long term affects from beign exposed to it. And how do you we know its effects will be limited to its targets. Will law enforcement people be in danger too? I'm sorry, but under no circumstances should something like be allowed to use on our citizens.
Non-Lethal weapons are better than lethal weapons. I support the development of non-lethal weapons. It would be great if our police could simply incapacitate a violent suspect instead of shooting him.

Bean bag guns, sonic weapons, flashbang grenades. These are potentially great things to insitute.

tear gas works.
I keep gas masks at my home Damo. I live less than 50 miles by air from a chemical weapons storage area.
Of course I am a fundie because I did not vote for Bush :)

But this fundie has never taken part in any public protest in person.

I am not a pack creature.
You'll have to turn in your fundie card then! Sadly, you only meet one requirement...
Actually Damo I used my gas mask once and it was great. Had to clean a bunch of rotten spuds out of a cellar. Did not smell a thing :)