Texas urges residents to cut power usage as prices surge

Nice spin to justify the corruption of the Democrat party. You show why no one should vote for Democrats

It is not spin. You are just too stupid to see what you continually say.

You are saying in a State like Texas where Republicans have taken control at almost all levels, that a tiny number of Dems with almost no apparent power IN FACT hold the major power and pull the strings.

Time and again the arguments you guys push speak to these all powerful Dem's that the Republicans are just outmatched by and cannot stop no matter how little power the Dems have and how much the GOP has.

Trump can hand pick his AG, DoJ, FBI head, SC and yet he still can't prosecute all the Dem obvious crime and he cannot stop the Dems using his own people to investigate and indict his people. That is a huge Fuck you flex by the Dems to show they control shit even when Trump has all the controls. It is an in your face moment.

Now you say the same about Texas. Dems secretly exert so much control, it is their fault, as the GOP is hopeless to take control and fix these things.

I mean, tell us, how much control do you think the GOP would have to have in Texas before you would blame them and not Dems? What power that they currently do not control, do they need to get control of?

Or do you believe it is hopeless? That there simply is no amount of power and control the GOP can gain where they would be at fault as Dems are just that good and competent and the GOP is useless and inept?
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We should be all nuclear at this point.

It's clean, powerful and cheap and has no downtime.

Stupid liberals are blocking it though.

Because Blue Hydrogen is the next Big Thing, power plants and the Oil and Gas industry are looking at that as the best way to go for the future!

Nuclear power plants are huge investments.

And there are as many Republicans, if not more, who don't see nuclear as the answer.

Don't forget that the Republicans are in bed with the oil and gas people!

And the oil and gas people are left out of the nuclear power plant thing altogether.
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That is not politically correct. It seems odd it is like this in Texas

Texas may be governed by Republicans, but that don't mean they are stupid Republicans.

It's about money here in Texas and making lots of it.

Wind farms are huge money makers! Royalties my friend. If they put a wind turbine on your property, it will make you rich!

It is helping restore economy to these rural areas of the state- and creates a lot of well paying jobs. Wind Turbine maintenance engineers make great money!

The problem Texas gets into, is because of some very stupid Republican legislature, that prevents huge Wind Farms to link up to the grid.

By law, the Wind Farm's electricity has to remain in the region where it is generated.

Ok, I spoke out of line! Perhaps the Republican leaders are stupid after all! It seems they can't get out of their own way! :laugh:

Because Blue Hydrogen is the next Big Thing, power plants and the Oil and Gas industry are looking at that as the best way to go for the future!

Nuclear power plants are huge investments.

And there are as many Republicans, if not more, who don't see nuclear as the answer.

Don't forget that the Republicans are in bed with the oil and gas people!

And the oil and gas people are left out of the nuclear power plant thing altogether.

Blue hydrogen takes more energy to create then it produces.

While it is a good method I don't see it becoming the standard.

Nuclear power plants only cost about 6 to 9 billion to build and they recover that money fairly quickly.

The average plant generates about 500 million per year in earnings paying about 16% of that in taxes to local and state taxes increasing everyone's wealth.

Blue hydrogen generates nothing in taxes.

There is no contest here.

Blue hydrogen also generates an extreme amount of climate harming pollutants and although it is captured and not released, it's a pain in the ass to get rid of.
Blue hydrogen takes more energy to create then it produces.

While it is a good method I don't see it becoming the standard.

Nuclear power plants only cost about 6 to 9 billion to build and they recover that money fairly quickly.

The average plant generates about 500 million per year in earnings paying about 16% of that in taxes to local and state taxes increasing everyone's wealth.

Blue hydrogen generates nothing in taxes.

There is no contest here.

Blue hydrogen also generates an extreme amount of climate harming pollutants and although it is captured and not released, it's a pain in the ass to get rid of.

You may be thinking of Green Hydrogen. Blue Hydro is CLEAN!

Blue Hydro will be fueling most everything in the future. That is why every Gas and Oil company is developing it as fast as they can.
I have personally witnessed the enormous economic benefit of having a nuclear powerplant in one's community.
Our beach house was within easy rowing distance from one.

I've never witnessed the disaster that living near a nuke plant could conceivably bring,

but if we're going to live afraid, it's better to not live at all.
Nice spin to justify the corruption of the Democrat party. You show why no one should vote for Democrats

How many Trumpian politicians are charged so far? How many more to come? Trump ran a lawless admin and broke laws trying to steal an election he lost. The Reds have always been the party of corruption because the gods they worship are money and power. Now it caught up to the worst of them.
That is true. Renewables will not power this country. The solar panels are taking up thousands of acres of farm land and will cause a food shortage

Renewables already power this country. Both oil and natural gas are renewable fuels.

Solar panels are too expensive to take up much farmland. There are some places that have large installations of these things, but they still produce piddle power. They are the most expensive method of generating electricity there is.
How many houses blow up due to wind generators?

Tragedy has struck Tennessee Titans cornerback Caleb Farley for the second time in five years. Late Monday, his father, Robert M. Farley, died in an explosion at Caleb's North Carolina home.

Robert Farley, 61, was found dead following a suspected gas leak. The event resulted in the collapse of the 6,391-square-foot home. Another person, Christian Rogers, 25, was injured and transported to a hospital in Charlotte with non-life threatening injuries.


Taking shit out of context again, Sock?
Pivot fallacy.
Now the arguments pushed that the Dems are so smart and capable and competent that they can run and control Trump's AG,DoJ, FBI, SP, SC, and how inept, useless and stupid Trump and his Trump tards in his Admin and fan base are, move to GOP States.

Well done ptif.

I agree, even GOP States have no chance to run their own States against the far left. T he far left is just SUPERIOR in every regard. Intellect, tactics and competence and DGAF what GOP governors and States want. YOU WILL DO WHAT THEY TELL YOU TO DO.


Trump does not control the AG, the DoJ, or the FBI. They are being converted into a modern 'Gestapo' by Obama (Biden).
Meanwhile in reality this is just a refresh of the same BS argument that Texas recycles each and every time there is a power issue.

It is talking point supplied by O&G Think Tanks that Derps just swallow and regurgitate as they are dumb and dupes of Big O&G interests.

If you look at the dishonesty in the prior spin cycle you will understand what this is all about...

There it is again. The hate of the Church of Green.
All corporations are 'evil', except the politically correct corporations, of course.
All profit is 'evil' (ignoring the profit of politically correct corporations, of course).
It is not spin.
It is spin.
You are just too stupid to see what you continually say.
...and insults.
You are saying in a State like Texas where Republicans have taken control at almost all levels, that a tiny number of Dems with almost no apparent power IN FACT hold the major power and pull the strings.
Austin is mostly Democrats, dumbass.
Time and again the arguments you guys push speak to these all powerful Dem's that the Republicans are just outmatched by and cannot stop no matter how little power the Dems have and how much the GOP has.
Assumption of victory fallacy.
Trump can hand pick his AG, DoJ, FBI head, SC
Trump controls none of them.
and yet he still can't prosecute all the Dem obvious crime
Trump is not a prosecutor.
and he cannot stop the Dems using his own people to investigate and indict his people.
The Democrats still want to follow this pointless path. They've been persecuting Trump for NINE YEARS.
That is a huge Fuck you flex by the Dems to show they control shit even when Trump has all the controls.
Trump does not have all the controls.
It is an in your face moment.
Your time is coming. You cannot escape your fate.
Now you say the same about Texas. Dems secretly exert so much control, it is their fault, as the GOP is hopeless to take control and fix these things.
False dichotomy fallacy. Word stuffing.
I mean, tell us, how much control do you think the GOP would have to have in Texas before you would blame them and not Dems? What power that they currently do not control, do they need to get control of?
Conservatives would not be trying to dictate energy markets. They are not fascists like Democrats are.
Or do you believe it is hopeless? That there simply is no amount of power and control the GOP can gain where they would be at fault as Dems are just that good and competent and the GOP is useless and inept?
Because Blue Hydrogen is the next Big Thing,
It isn't. Hydrogen must be manufactured. It will cost MORE energy to manufacture hydrogen then just charging EVs. It is also a low energy fuel at the pressures available in cars. It is also difficult to handle and requires a long time to refuel.
power plants and the Oil and Gas industry are looking at that as the best way to go for the future!
No, they aren't. You are hallucinating again, Lizard.
Nuclear power plants are huge investments.
They are far cheaper than either solar panels or wind generators!
And there are as many Republicans, if not more, who don't see nuclear as the answer.
The 'answer' to what?
Don't forget that the Republicans are in bed with the oil and gas people!
Government has no business deciding what form of energy people want to use.
And the oil and gas people are left out of the nuclear power plant thing altogether.