Thank You, for Clarifying my Thoughts


New member
I would like to personally thank "topspin" and "darla", two "textbook", classic, American Liberals. They have RE-inforced my thoughts and opinions, and to everyone who has read either of my "Mr.Obama" posts, the Classic, Hate-Filled Attacks that any Liberal visits upon the Head of ANY Conservative who challenges the Empty, Platitude-Filled, Nonsensical "No-Meat" Agenda and Policy statements of Barack Obama, and any OTHER Far-Left Socialist/Collectivist speech-giver or politician.

When I asked some perfectly valid questions about Mr.Obama's past and present dealings with Tony Rezco, Head Contributer and Federally Indicted Slumlord, and William Ayers, a Terrorist who planted a bomb at The Pentagon as a member of "The Weather Underground", and Mr.Obama's Pastor giving praise and an AWARD to Louis Farrakhan famous Anti-Semite, White-Hater and Race-Hustler, a poster here called "topspin" did not LIKE his Socialist/Collectivist views, or their Representative, Mr. Obama, being challenged, so instead of trying to use logic, reason, or FACTS (which he could NOT, he called me a "KKK dues-payer". Typical moronic, idiotic LIE, which Democrats use whenever they are BEAT.

Then, when I said, OK, Liberals, No Personal Questions(even though we NEED to ask "Personal Questions" of ANY man who wants the Biggest Job on Earth), I'll just ask POLICY Questions. To which ANOTHER Idiot Liberal, "darla", who someone said is really a MAN, started referencing my Dead Mother, which had NOTHING to do with Mr. Obama's fitness to be Commander-in-Chief of the Most Powerful Force on Earth. So I relied in kind, speculating that considering "darla"s apparent lack of intelligence, it was quite possible that HER parentage, mother, may have had morals, or drug problems.

So I must say,
Thank You, "topspin", and "Darla", or Sam, whatever your real name is. By repeating my post, you have further illustrated my point, that anyone with any brains, that can contribute in an intelligent way to a political discussion, should not start referencing a FALSE allegation of Racism, or my dead mother. And "darla", your answer of "Oh shut up ya lunatic", was a BRILLIANT retort. Well done. I would expect nothing less(or better) from a "Baaaa-Baaaaa" sheep Liberal, who thinks that just because someone has darker skin than them, and says the words "change" and "hope" SO MANY TIMES that even Liberal comedians are making fun of him, that he can "Heal the Country" or "Change the World", Haahaha!

Never MIND the fact that the guy doesn't know how to be an Executive for a Paper Route, or a Convenience Store, haha! Let me try ONCE AGAIN to make you Horse-with-Blinders Liberals understand. The guy YOU seem to want to Control and Command the Most Powerful Force on Earth is a guy who NOT ONLY has as his "pal" William Ayers, a bomb-planting Terrorist from the Weather Underground, he has a wife and Pastor who OBVIOUSLY HATE THREE-FOURTHS of the Nation, aka "White People", but even if those things were UNIMPORTANT (which they are NOT, and would be on EVERY FRONT PAGE IN THE NATION, if he were a Republican), let's
give him a gift, as DemMedia is, and say those don't count.

The guy has "organized" people in Chicago neighborhoods. He has written some Law Papers, and a book. He represented a friend, his Biggest Contributior,a Chicago Slumlord named Tony Rezco, whokept African-Ameicans in squalor, in rats and roaches, for many years, refusing to FIX the firetrap-rat hotels he had these African Americans PAY to live in. Let's say ALL that doesn't count.

He has been a State Representative, and now a Junior Senator from Illinois. I guess you want THAT to count, right? So WHAT has he done, in the Vast, Long Period of 8 years, that QUALIFIES him to had the HARDEST, MOST STRESSFUL, BIGGEST-DECISIONS ON EARTH JOB?? He is essentially INTERVIEWING for a JOB with the American People! If you were a CEO of a company, that YOURS AND YOUR CHILDREN'S LIFE AND STANDARD OF LIVING COUNTED ON, what ITEMS IN HIS RESUME point to the fact that THIS MAN can HANDLE THIS JOB??

I have 3 POLICY questions for Mr. Empty Reume Obama.

1.)What will you DO about the Islamist Fundamentalist Terrorism throughout the world, that has as its STATED GOAL the DESTRUCTION of the United States and Israel?

2.) What will you DO about the 21st Century Policy of Russia and China flexing their muscles, Russia's cracking back down towards Communism, Putin's stranglehold on their people, and China's apparrent Economic Destruction of anyone it sees as competition, and their buying up more and more of America?

3.) Last, but certainly not LEAST, Mr. Obama, where will you GET the almost- ONE TRILLION DOLLARS you are promising in NEW SPENDING, seeing Economic Experts agree that you CAN'T get it by immediatly Surrendering the War on Terror, and "Taxing the Rich", even if you TRIPLE their taxes, which will cause aMass Exodus of Business and Jobs from this Nation.

Now, for idiots like "sit'n'spin", THOSE are POLICY questions, and all the RACEBAITING and RACE-HUSTLING ala Louis Farrakhan or Al Sharpton will NOT answer those questions. Thank You.
Can anyone even make it thru reading that ?
Or is it just my uneddicated ass that is having problems with it ?
Can anyone TELL me what Mr.Obama's plans ARE towards those THREE questions? I mean, they are ONLY 3 QUESTIONS! He is going to have to deal with MORE than 3 questions on his FIRST DAY, if Doomsday comes, and he is elected!
Why, "US citizen", if you really ARE a US citizen, can't you read ENGLISH? Or did you go to SCHOOL, in your country of origin? Why would anyone have to "brag" the claim that they ARE a US citizen?
And if you really ARE a US citizen, you should be CONCERNED enough about my country to ALSO want to KNOW Mr. Obama's PLANS, concerning the ANSWERS to those 3 questions. Someone who was a US citizen WOULD want to KNOW.
"1.)What will you DO about the Islamist Fundamentalist Terrorism throughout the world, that has as its STATED GOAL the DESTRUCTION of the United States and Israel?"

3 words: Kum. By. Yah.

As has been reported, Obama's plan for dealing with Islamo-facism is getting all terrorist leaders together, and leading them on repeated verses of the famous peace anthem.

I'm all for trying it. I mean...why not?
That's a GOOD one onceler! Very witty! By JUST that response alone, I would NEVER be able to figure out whether you were being sarcastic, and against Obama, or sincere, and SO brainwashed that you think that such a ridiculous(albeit beautiful) pacifist thought could ever WORK! Believe it or not, in my soul, I AM a pacifist. If only it were SO, that World Leaders could sit cross-legged in a circle, sing Kum-ba-ya, and all the killing would stop. Beautiful dream. Maybe when Jesus comes for the Second Time.
Why, "US citizen", if you really ARE a US citizen, can't you read ENGLISH? Or did you go to SCHOOL, in your country of origin? Why would anyone have to "brag" the claim that they ARE a US citizen?

Probably because your sentence structure sucks worse than an 82 year old prostitute who chewed road tar as bubble gum.
balak HUSSEIN osama sys if he pulls out of iraq and al queda sets up shop there, he will go back and kick their asses (of course, why he would pull out when they are already there hasn't been addressed).
balak HUSSEIN osama sys if he pulls out of iraq and al queda sets up shop there, he will go back and kick their asses (of course, why he would pull out when they are already there hasn't been addressed).
Because they don't have enough time to build a base. We are going to leave because he thinks the job isn't hard enough. We must let them fortify and set up a base before we can fight them. If you notice he was very careful to talk about how they must build a base before we'd return to battle them.
balak HUSSEIN osama sys if he pulls out of iraq and al queda sets up shop there, he will go back and kick their asses (of course, why he would pull out when they are already there hasn't been addressed).

Al qaeda don't have any "bases" in iraq. At best, they have some safe houses.

Your president has allowed al qaeda to set up bases in Pakistan, and not done anything about it. Except for last month, when he finally took Obama's advice, and bombed one of them, without the explicit permission of the pakistani government.
Al qaeda don't have any "bases" in iraq. At best, they have some safe houses.

Your president has allowed al qaeda to set up bases in Pakistan, and not done anything about it. Except for last month, when he finally took Obama's advice, and bombed one of them, without the explicit permission of the pakistani government.
See? Like I said. We have to leave so they can fortify. I guess Obama doesn't think the job is hard enough yet and we have to make sure they have bases to work from before we ever fight them.
Because they don't have enough time to build a base. We are going to leave because he thinks the job isn't hard enough. We must let them fortify and set up a base before we can fight them. If you notice he was very careful to talk about how they must build a base before we'd return to battle them.

Eh, that won't happen either, the Iraqis would get pissed and want them out. It's much harder to attack 1000 people though when they are scattered in civilian populations, than it is to attack 1000 people in an established base.
Eh, that won't happen either, the Iraqis would get pissed and want them out. It's much harder to attack 1000 people though when they are scattered in civilian populations, than it is to attack 1000 people in an established base.
The Iraqis aren't going to kick out ISI, they are way too worried about which gang of thugs to join for protection to get together to kick that one out.
See? Like I said. We have to leave so they can fortify. I guess Obama doesn't think the job is hard enough yet and we have to make sure they have bases to work from before we ever fight them.

As I said previously, who among the Sunni Iraqis that hate Al Qaeda for killing Iraqis, the Kurds who just want to have their own piece of Iraq and the Shi'ite majority who hate the Sunni Al Qaeda and that would be supported by Iran would allow an overwhelming minority of foreign Al Qaeda elements "fortify" in their country to fight against an enemy that is no longer present in the country (the United States)?

Do you morons think this shit through or just repeat the dumbass talking points you hear bandied about?
Alquada can be anywhere. You may be in alquaeda. All of you may be.

Yep, which makes attacking 1000 'Al Queda' scattered thoughout civilian populations impossible unless you kill all the civilians too. It's much harder than having an identified base and just killing all inside.
The Iraqis aren't going to kick out ISI, they are way too worried about which gang of thugs to join for protection to get together to kick that one out.

.. and if they don't do anything about Al Queda, and Al Queda establishes a base.. they are easy pickin's