Thank You, "majority".


New member
Thank You, "majority", for your response to "A Pox on Both of Them". You have restored a BIT of my Faith in American willingness to face the TRUTH. I HAD to write, to thank you, but also to RESPOND to Disgusting Godless Socialsit Sheep, on here, who MOCK other people for their Faith in God. I understand why they have so mush HATE and ANGER. They're like The Clintons, when you put the TRUTH in front of thei FACE. They don't like it, Hahaha.So MANY won't ADMIT the Events of our Recent History, they would rather live in their Drug-Like Fantasy World, where Leading Liberals are Moral, and they REALLY CARE, about anyone but THEMSELVES, and their OWN Greed for Power. The same sheep that think if they buy a Hybrid Car, that will "help" the Millions of TONS of Sulfur Dioxide and CO2 that is poured into the Atmosphere yearly by VOLCANOES, and it will help with the MASSIVE POLLUTANTS poured into the environment by China, former Soviet Union, Eastern Europe, most of Asia, etc. Not to mention that "Global Warming" is happenning on Mars and Venus. I didn't KNOW we had Coal-Fired Power Plants, and Millions of cars on those two Planets! We'd better get some Hybrids out there!

But I digress. I'm glad there is at least ONE inteligent person here(besides damocles), that is not AFRAID to look at things realistically, is not AFRAID to call the Clinton Years just what they WERE: The most Disgusting, Embarrassing, Shameful Years to EVER BE an American, when we had to LIE, while in Foreign Countries, because we were SO ASHAMED, as Americans to have elected an IMMORAL, no, AMORAL piece of Human Feces as our President. And what was WORSE, we had an UNELECTED "co-president", grabbing for Power, in her Greed for Control of the American People.

Ted Kennedy IS an Unpunished Drunken Killer, but that doesn't MATTER to Godless, Immoral Democrats like Suckratease, a moron who can't even spell. Ignorant Liberals like him/her believe that it's FINE to have as their HEROSAmoral Scum who sexully molest married women and take advantage of the most REVERED JOB there IS, President of the United States, to use the POWER of the Presidency, to CHEAT on their wives, TO COMMIT SEXUAL ASSAULT ON Kathleen Willy and Juanita Broderick, and to take advantage of a NINETEEN YEAR OLD, IMMATURE GIRL. Just so he could meet HIS NEEDS. So HE could have ORAL SEX IN THE WHITE HOUSE. Yes, ignorant Liberals who MOCK and MAKE FUN of OTHER people's FAITH IN GOD, IN JESUS CHRIST, because THEY are SO MISERABLE, or have been SO ABUSED in Life, that they HAVE NO FAITH. That's why they put their faith in Amoral Racist Serial Adulterers, who care about NO ONE but THEMSELVES,(Bill Clinton) Power-Hungry Socialists who wish to CONTROL every aspect of Life, Work, Wealth, Healtrh, etc.(Hillary), Unpunished Killers (Ted Kennedy), Ku Klux Klan Members who bragged about being at LYNCHINGS of African-Americans (Democrat Hero Senator Robert Byrd).

THOSE are the HEROS of the Liberal Socialist/Collectivist set, people like Suckratease, who MOCK other people's Faith in God.
Disgusting Godless Socialsit Sheep, on here, who MOCK other people for their Faith in God

what an asshole

Is Jollie really damo..only his hairdresser knows for sure..this was a funny say the least!:cof1:
Oh, and by the way, Conservatives like Rush, Glenn Beck, and Sean Hannity are having the leaders of Cancer Charities, and PERSONALLY asking their listeners for donations to FIGHT Cancer, and many other, childhood diseases. I am also organizing a drive in MY area for a guest of Glenn Beck, John Huntsman. He is the FOUNDER of Huntman Cancer Institute, determined to wipe out Melanoma, Breast and Prostate Cancer.
What are YOU LIBERALS doing for your FELLOW MAN?
And for the "asshole" that caals itself "desh", THIS is what I called "MOCKING people's FAITH", moron: It was posted by your fellow Godless Socialist, Suckratease.

The Belief that a cosmic Jewish zombie who was his own father can make you live forever if you symbolically eat his flesh and telepathically tell him that you accept him as your master, so that he can remove an evil force from your soul that is present in humanity because a rib woman was convinced by a talking snake to eat from a magical tree.
And for the "asshole" that caals itself "desh", THIS is what I called "MOCKING people's FAITH", moron: It was posted by your fellow Godless Socialist, Suckratease.

The Belief that a cosmic Jewish zombie who was his own father can make you live forever if you symbolically eat his flesh and telepathically tell him that you accept him as your master, so that he can remove an evil force from your soul that is present in humanity because a rib woman was convinced by a talking snake to eat from a magical tree.

Is that summary wrong?
Whatsa matta, Lefties, got nothing else to say, huh? The TRUTH is a POWERFUL thing, ain't it?

I threw you an actual chance to explain yourself.

Now are you just a moronic troll or would you like to explain what you would like to see happen with our economy?
Wait, I left for a minute. Now what do y'all want to learn? The proper economic policy for America? It's simple. Do what John F.Kennedy and Ronald Reagan did. Lower taxes. Next, TRADE. That is our biggest problem. We let "Globalist" policy, the people who believe in MexAmeriCanada, put forth our policy, like McCain. We let China, Japan, Europe, and others step ALL OVER US, with freezing US out of THEIR markets, VAT's Tarriffs. It's time to SPEAK UP LOUDLY. there are many other policies I'd like to see, but I don't have time right now, I'll finish tomorrow. My main reason for coming back was to ask, those of you who think it's "cool" to bash Christians, I bet you agree with the Taliban and Islamists who think ALL CHRISTIANS AND JEWS SHOULD CONVERT TO ISLAM, OR DIE. That probably sounds good to you, huh?
Whatsa matta, Lefties, got nothing else to say, huh? The TRUTH is a POWERFUL thing, ain't it?

I actually miss your rants Michaelk. I'm glad you made it over from the Fullpolitics wasteland. We need good trolls cuz the other ones are lame and boring.
I'm sorry, I have to leave, I have a life. I's love to continue this tomorrow, the economy, I mean, Epicuris. Do you like to eat?
Disgusting Godless Socialsit Sheep, on here, who MOCK other people for their Faith in God

These are your words.

They are the words of someone who has no respect for what others believe.