Thanks Mr President

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what, those dictators haven't siphoned enough of our hard earned money into their bank accounts.?

so now we not only have to work to take care of the poor here in the United States, but now we have to work to take care of the rest of world..

gezz, I never signed up to anyones slave..
Why not feed children instead of bombing them? one is purposefully bombing children and when we gave saddam food/supplies for oil..........HE KEPT IT....look at all the times we've given aid, the dictators take it for themselves.....

grow up
So we give with no strings attached, asking for nothing in return, because it's the right thing to do.
So we give with no strings attached, asking for nothing in return, because it's the right thing to do.

and I have no problem giving 1,000 dollars of my money to a charity that does that. I just don't want my government telling me that's what they are going to do and i'm going to pay for it.
What would Jesus do?
what would a Democrat do

Estimated cost of ending global poverty:

$30 billion: Annual cost to end world hunger
???...."Summary: After reporting its $60 billion fourth-quarter loss to the public, the American International Group (AIG) was granted by the federal government with $30 billion stimulus package that will prevent the possible meltdown of the company."
Rightwingnuts prove once more that they don't care about starving children.
40-60 percent approval in polling is what most presidents see throughout their term.

President Obama's ratings are a lot better than President Clinton's were at the same point in his first term, and about the same as Bush's at the same point in his disastrous reign of terror.

Of course, Bush shamelessly exploited 9/11 to pump up his approval ratings and it took a while to overcome the Faux News/Limbaugh disinformation campaign that finally collapsed when it became apparent Bush lied about Iraq and just about everything else.
Retailers posted their best monthly sales results in nearly a year in August.
There's still lots of work to be done to repair the shambles Bush made of our once-prosperous nation.

Thanks to the wise policies of President Obama, the Labor Department reports that the job losses slowed in August. The trends are favorable.

American employers cut just 216,000 jobs from payrolls, fewer than forecast, the smallest decline in payroll since August 2008. Average hourly earnings on the month rose 6 cents.

Many job openings exist in the government, renewable energy, and health care.
Over 15 million people are unemployed right now, and 5 million of them have been out of work for six months or longer, so we know the jobs were lost thanks to Bush.
Bush lied to get us into two losing wars, cut taxes on the rich, gave trillions to big corporations, crippled education, raped the Constitution, shredded environmental protection, promoted Wall Street thievery, the list is endless.
Over 15 million people are unemployed right now, and 5 million of them have been out of work for six months or longer, so we know the jobs were lost thanks to Bush.

Obama saved all the Bush job losses in January, remember....these have to be new ones, thus they are Obama's job losses.....