That 'C'-Word Thang


Damo is there some reason you felt you wanted me to read that post? You quoted it with this :readit: next to it. "read it"

That appears to be the word of the day on JPP, so let's bring it right out into the open. You want CUNT on your board, let's put it right up front.

You had asshate dropping the word on Tiana five or six times today, and then you got all excited when Gonzo called me a cunt, so you obviously like the word.

Now, I am aware that men like Gonzo, and I use the word "Men" loosely, love to call women cunts, and they do so with one hand on the keyboard and the other on their 2 inch dicks. It's a mastubatory thing. And you think it intimidates. But I'm not intimidated by the word cunt.

So, step up. Whose mother is a CUNT? Whose daughter is a CUNT? Whose sister is a CUNT? Whose wife is a CUNT?


If we're going to be dropping the CUNT word whenever our shriveled little dicks need a rise, let's do it where everybody can see it.
I know plenty of women that use the word as well, and rest assured that I use to describe a woman that has surpassed 'bitch'...I use to it describe men, as well. But you are wrong in saying I love to use it to describe "women"- I used the word "women" to describe "women", and use the word "cunt" to describe "cunts". I'm sorry that I can be more adult about language than you, without attaching it to a specific sexuality or attempting to censor the entire board.

It is in our language, and you can't expect the world to change just because you have decided your ears are virgins. Many non-woman haters have used the word as well-- Chaucer, for instance, has a woman (the Wife of Bath) in a progressive feminine role use the word, and authors as widely respected as James Joyce have also used it.

Also, I used it in response to you repeatedly being homophobic all day long, making snide comments while reminding me that you cannot see my responses, and generally acting like a CUNT.

EDIT: Also, if you aren't intimidated, then why are you ragging over it? Obviously it strikes a nerve, because if it didn't you would just go about acting like business as usual instead of making one of your "LOOK AT ME!" threads. Countdown to you claiming to be a) gay b) transgendered c) bisexual rabbit.

Also, I find it hard to believe that Damo "had" AHZ use the word "cunt"...I'm sure AHZ can make those decisions on his own
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I am not sure I have ever used that word. Well maybe in referring to a part of the Female anatomy :D But never in mixed company.

I may be an old fart hillbilly but I have more class than some on here.
Class does not come from attending classes.
Damo is there some reason you felt you wanted me to read that post? You quoted it with this :readit: next to it. "read it"

That appears to be the word of the day on JPP, so let's bring it right out into the open. You want CUNT on your board, let's put it right up front.

You had asshate dropping the word on Tiana five or six times today, and then you got all excited when Gonzo called me a cunt, so you obviously like the word.

Now, I am aware that men like Gonzo, and I use the word "Men" loosely, love to call women cunts, and they do so with one hand on the keyboard and the other on their 2 inch dicks. It's a mastubatory thing. And you think it intimidates. But I'm not intimidated by the word cunt.

So, step up. Whose mother is a CUNT? Whose daughter is a CUNT? Whose sister is a CUNT? Whose wife is a CUNT?


If we're going to be dropping the CUNT word whenever our shriveled little dicks need a rise, let's do it where everybody can see it.
Ah... I see. No, I just picked a post and quoted it randomly kind of like some people used to do to SF. I guess I should have read it.

There's no pseudo-intellectual or faux literary justification for using that word in public or with strangers. Give it up dude. It's a word only oafs and cretins use in the public domain.

Cue Darla's e-boyfriend to the rescue. Dude, you can xxx out of all my posts, you can champion her pseudo-feminist ideals, you can do whatever-- you are not going to tap that.

Faux literary justification? Chaucer and James Joyce are among the most respected authors in English history. Please go to your local college, find someone in the British lit department, and tell them that Chaucer is less of a writer because of his use of the word--- I hope you don't mind being laughed out of the building.

Oafs and cretins? The first time I ever heard the word was from a fact, most of the women I know use it. It wasn't until I heard them use it so frequently that I began using it as well, actually.

I'm not giving up anything, because censorship is an evil that society should not have to face. Darla is welcome to continue ignoring me (and I'm sure she will, since her beliefs can only exist in a vacuum). However, it is not Damo's fault that he runs a censor-free board.
I am not sure I have ever used that word. Well maybe in referring to a part of the Female anatomy :D But never in mixed company.

I may be an old fart hillbilly but I have more class than some on here.
Class does not come from attending classes.

Neither does class come from meaningless taboos assigned to words that have been a frequent part of the English language almost since the beginning of the language itself.

Actually, that is what being classy is-- assigning stigmas to things that don't matter.
"most of the women I know use it."
Glad I don't run with your crowd.

A large part of class is consideration for others. especially ladies if you are a real man.
NWA used to use the "N" part of their name constantly.

Doesn't mean I'd start blabbering it in downtown Compton...
NWA used to use the "N" part of their name constantly.

Doesn't mean I'd start blabbering it in downtown Compton...

No, that wouldn't be wise, I'd say. But last time I checked, the people that really get offended at the use of the word "cunt" don't have any guns and don't live anywhere near people who do.

Of course, a few places you will frequently see the word "nigger" is in print, on TV, in conversations that it is deemed "safe", in the classroom (if you are discussing a text or racial subjects)...even that word is not exempt from discussion.
If you guys want, we can just skip to the end of the thread---

LadyT comes in and says how disgusted she is at the whole thing.

Darla will come in, say something similar, but then express gratitude for her little virgin club for being so damn tolerant.

Desh will come in to support LadyT and Darla, then say something about me needing hugs or some shit.

Cue Cypress, BAC, Uscitizen, and any others looking for e-hugs that day to come in and return the cyber circle-jerk, then the thread gets buried.

Then the cycle resets until Darla needs attention again one day.