That 'C'-Word Thang

If you guys want, we can just skip to the end of the thread---

Cue Cypress, BAC, Uscitizen, and any others looking for e-hugs that day to come in and return the cyber circle-jerk, then the thread gets buried.


Looking for e-hugs? That line is getting old. It sounds like projection to me. When BAC, I, or any other liberal call posters out on muslim stereotypes or islamo-phobia, are we looking for hugs on this board from muslims??? LOL Stereotypying, and ethnic, religious, and gender slurs are all the same. And enlightened people will call bullshit on all of them. And anybody who isn't an oaf, knows that certain highly inflammatory words, like the ones you use with respect to gender or islam, or whatever is out of line.
Yes, let us not forget about that whole thing.

But this is exactly the hypocrisy that drives me from the Democratic party-- and you will notice that most of the outrage is coming from the left.

They are the party of freedom-- as long as it is the same freedom they want.

The party of free speech-- until you say something they find offensive.

The party of open-mindedness-- until you disagree with them (unless you disagree with them but are from a different culture).

That's because people like me realize that our side lost on this matter a long time ago. Society no longer cares about virtue, proper conduct, civility, community values and so forth. The 60's did all of those things in. Now I just bitterly remind people on the left (or fascists like midcan5, whom you can find over at who call themselves liberals) that they are being hypocritical when they demand polite, civil, neighborly conduct from others around them...
Looking for e-hugs? That line is getting old. It sounds like projection to me. When BAC, I, or any other liberal call posters out on muslim stereotypes or islamo-phobia, are we looking for hugs on this board from muslims??? LOL Stereotypying, and ethnic, religious, and gender slurs are all the same. And enlightened people will call bullshit on all of them. And anybody who isn't an oaf, knows that certain highly inflammatory words, like the ones you use with respect to gender or islam, or whatever is out of line.

Fuck your archaic, pre-60's anti-speech cuntish garbage. We don't want orthodoxy. Try somewhere else you dildo. :tongout:
Looking for e-hugs? That line is getting old. It sounds like projection to me. When BAC, I, or any other liberal call posters out on muslim stereotypes or islamo-phobia, are we looking for hugs on this board from muslims??? LOL Stereotypying, and ethnic, religious, and gender slurs are all the same. And enlightened people will call bullshit on all of them. And anybody who isn't an oaf, knows that certain highly inflammatory words, like the ones you use with respect to gender or islam, or whatever is out of line.

You and your little buddies are about the last people on Earth to speak about tolerance, when at the drop of a hat you will use homophobic and hate-filled remarks to insult another poster.

Tolerance means tolerance, not tolerance when it suits your needs and slander when you want to hurt someone's feelings.

There's no pseudo-intellectual or faux literary justification for using that word in public or with strangers. Give it up dude. It's a word only oafs and cretins use in the public domain.

While I find it amusing and hypocritical that Darla is bitching about the use of a word when she has no problem lobbing bombs all over the place at people, I do agree with your position.
NWA used to use the "N" part of their name constantly.

Doesn't mean I'd start blabbering it in downtown Compton...

HaHa, went to college right near Compton. No relevance but I thought it was cool.

Hey, I'm just a regular white dude. But I did play basketball and I did go to high school in Oakland. I was called the "n" bomb so many times by my black teammates that the word lost meaning to me.

I still won't use it because i know its history but as a white man who can jump and dunk and play hoops N.W.A. was talking about me.
HaHa, went to college right near Compton. No relevance but I thought it was cool.

Hey, I'm just a regular white dude. But I did play basketball and I did go to high school in Oakland. I was called the "n" bomb so many times by my black teammates that the word lost meaning to me.

I still won't use it because i know its history but as a white man who can jump and dunk and play hoops N.W.A. was talking about me.

Shit, can you dance too?!?

This book was written by a woman.

From Publishers Weekly
Somewhere between Valerie Solanas's bitter SCUM Manifesto and Eve Ensler's fanciful The Vagina Monologues lies this self-indulgent exercise in feminist reclamation. Striving to remove the negative connotations from a word usually used as a scathing insult, Muscio traces the history of the term "cunt" and asserts that it was once a term of respect before the patriarchy turned it into a profane, misogynistic epithet. This transformation, she insists, occurred as part of a conspiracy to make women feel a sense of self-loathing and uncleanness; only by reconnecting with love for their genitalia can women achieve personal and political power. Muscio muddles her work with rambling digressions, including those about utilizing sea sponges instead of tampons during menstruation, using herbal tea and visualization in order to miscarry an unwanted fetus and identifying with Imelda Marcos. What insights the book does provide must be discerned beneath Musico's jarring prose, which fluctuates between the academic and the colloquial, sometimes in the same paragraph. On responses to her manuscript, she writes, "Reactions to a book called Cunt always lead to an intense grilling. Ain't never encountered ambivalence." Although this work may constitute a move toward women's acceptance of themselves and their bodies, it is a very small step. Agent, Leigh Feldman.
Copyright 1998 Reed Business Information, Inc.

Book Description

An ancient title of respect for women, the word “cunt” long ago veered off this noble path. Inga Muscio traces the road from honor to expletive, giving women the motivation and tools to claim “cunt” as a positive and powerful force in their lives. In this fully revised edition, she explores, with candidness and humor, such traditional feminist issues as birth control, sexuality, jealousy between women, and prostitution with a fresh attitude for a new generation of women. Sending out a call for every woman to be the Cuntlovin’ Ruler of Her Sexual Universe, Muscio stands convention on its head by embracing all things cunt-related. This edition is fully revised with updated resources, a new foreword from sexual pioneer Betty Dodson, and a new afterword by the author. “Bright, sharp, empowering, long-lasting, useful, sexy....”—San Francisco Chronicle “... Cunt provides fertile ground for psychological growth.”—San Francisco Bay Guardian “Cunt does for feminism what smoothies did for high-fiber diets—it reinvents the oft-indigestible into something sweet and delicious.”—Bust Magazine
I have actually read this book part of the way through. My ex-wife's best friend gave it to her and tried to get her to start using sea sponges during her period. That wasn't going to happen, but it does have a relatively interesting history of the word.
Darla said:
you had asshate dropping the word on Tiana five or six times today, and then you got all excited when Gonzo called me a cunt, so you obviously like the word.

That's right. Damo made me do it with his Masonic Mind Control Ray (MMCR).