That climate science isn't quite as settled...


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Once again the democrats get it wrong on methane gas it actually help stop the heat. The Global warming crowd will never admit that their agenda is a hoax until they destroy this country

Remember all that talk about methane being the scariest greenhouse gas? The claims are behind the war on meat, rice, farts, gas stoves, fracking, and just about everything else in the known universe that improves human life.

Well, except farts. They really don’t improve human life that much, unless you have gas pains. Man, it sucks when you have gas pains.

The science behind the claims that methane is a powerful greenhouse gas is pretty straightforward, if you look at only part of the science. Methane indeed traps more heat inside the atmosphere than CO2, by a wide margin. It disperses much more quickly, with a short life in the atmosphere, but if you only consider the warming impact it indeed is quite powerful.

That’s the reasoning behind the war on gas. But…Yeah, well, there is a huge problem with that claim. While technically true in some abstract sense, it is much less true when you look at all the effects methane in the atmosphere has on global temperatures. In other words, it is the sort of claim that relies upon your ignorance of the multiple effects of methane gas in the atmosphere–some of which are known widely, and many of which even climate “scientists” didn’t know when they made their wild claims about doom from leaking natural gas.

New research shows that methane is still a powerful greenhouse gas, but nothing like what is claimed regularly.

This is the sort of thing that happens all the time in climate research, where variables are viewed and modeled in isolation based upon a limited set of data, and then the “scientists” extrapolate the heck out of the limited data and come up with models that are, frankly, ridiculous.

Then they pick the most extreme outcomes from models with the worst outcomes, and call it “settled science.” It is exactly the sort of thing you see in nutrition research, for example. Creating simplistic models from limited data interpreting complex and highly interdependent systems as if they mirror the falling of a bowling ball and a feather in a vacuum.

And the results, as you can see in the real world, are quite different. Bowling balls and feathers fall at the same rate in a vacuum, but once you introduce the atmosphere a feather can “fall upwards” on a breeze while the bowling ball crashes down as predicted.

The research in question here reveals the complexity of reality: methane may trap heat, but it also prevents energy from reaching the earth. To some extent, the two effects cancel each other out.Methane is a greenhouse gas with dual personalities. It heats Earth’s atmosphere 28 times as potently as carbon dioxide, gram for gram. But its absorption of the sun’s radiation high in the atmosphere also alters cloud patterns — casting a bit of shadow on its warming effect.

So rather than adding even more thermal energy to the atmosphere, as previously thought, methane’s solar absorption sets off a cascade of events that reduces its overall warming effect by about 30 percent, researchers report March 16 in Nature Geoscience.The result is “counterintuitive,” says climate scientist Robert Allen of the University of California, Riverside. It happens because of the way that methane’s shortwave absorbance affects clouds in different layers of the atmosphere, Allen and colleagues’ simulations suggest.

When methane absorbs shortwave radiation in the middle and upper troposphere, above about three kilometers, it further warms the air — leading to fewer clouds in that upper layer. And because methane absorbs shortwave radiation high up, less of that radiation penetrates down to the lower troposphere. This actually cools the lower troposphere, leading to more clouds in that layer.

These thicker low-level clouds reflect more of the sun’s shortwave radiation back out to space — meaning that less of this solar radiation reaches Earth’s surface, to be converted into longwave radiation.
Hot Air is a conservative American political blog.It is written by the pseudonymous Allah pundit, Ed Morrissey, John Sexton, and Jazz Shaw.

Hot Air was founded by Michelle Malkin, a conservative author and blogger, in 2006, taking over from a defunct personal website. :palm:
Hot Air is a conservative American political blog.It is written by the pseudonymous Allah pundit, Ed Morrissey, John Sexton, and Jazz Shaw.

Hot Air was founded by Michelle Malkin, a conservative author and blogger, in 2006, taking over from a defunct personal website. :palm:

Read the study they show. You will ignore the facts because it is a conservative site. Conservatoves are far more truthful and smarter than Democrats
Hot Air is a conservative American political blog.It is written by the pseudonymous Allah pundit, Ed Morrissey, John Sexton, and Jazz Shaw.

Hot Air was founded by Michelle Malkin, a conservative author and blogger, in 2006, taking over from a defunct personal website. :palm:

Any post that starts with methane actually cooling has to be pulled so far from the ass they could probably tickle their tonsils.
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Once again the democrats get it wrong on methane gas it actually help stop the heat.
Your article hurts your case more than it helps. The article is entirely bogus.

DAVID STROM 1:01 PM on April 20, 2023 Methane indeed traps more heat inside the atmosphere than CO2, by a wide margin.
Nope. Heat is not something that can be trapped or contained. This article is written by scientifically illiterates for the consumption of scientifically illiterates. There is no such thing as "trapping heat" in an atmosphere. There is so much wrong with this statement that it is simply best recognized as the manipulative propaganda that it is, targeting the stupid who can't call bullshit.

DAVID STROM 1:01 PM on April 20, 2023 ... it is much less true when you look at all the effects methane in the atmosphere has on global temperatures.
This is a total fabrication. The target audience of stupid people are not aware that there is no data for this, much less a valid dataset that concludes this. This article's intended audience has no idea what kind of data is required for this conclusion to be valid and just believes whatever conclusions they are told to believe because they appreciate David Strom doing their thinking for them, regardless of how totally stupid his conclusions are that he is having his readers believe. No readers of this article somehow DEMAND the data that led to this conclusion. This is why writers of articles, such as this one, find it easier to just make up crap; nobody will call bullshit.

Except for me. Shame on anyone else who fell for this crap.

DAVID STROM 1:01 PM on April 20, 2023New research shows that methane is still a powerful greenhouse gas, but nothing like what is claimed regularly.
No reader in the target audience is going to wince at how there is no link to all this amazing "new research" so we can read it for ourselves and run our own linear regression on the valid, unaltered, raw dataset that somehow leads to this conclusion. There is no "new research." Everything referenced in this article is a fabrication. Everything about this article is a lie.

DAVID STROM 1:01 PM on April 20, 2023This is the sort of thing that happens all the time in climate research, where variables are viewed and modeled in isolation
Actually, there are no climate models, and this is why nobody has ever seen one. Nonetheless, this article's target audience won't question anything they are told to assume and believe.

DAVID STROM 1:01 PM on April 20, 2023methane may trap heat,
Nope. Heat cannot be trapped.

DAVID STROM 1:01 PM on April 20, 2023When methane absorbs shortwave radiation in the middle and upper troposphere, above about three kilometers, it further warms the air — leading to fewer clouds in that upper layer. And because methane absorbs shortwave radiation high up, less of that radiation penetrates down to the lower troposphere. This actually cools the lower troposphere, leading to more clouds in that layer.
I feel sorry for anyone who read this verbiage and didn't call bullshit at least five times.

DAVID STROM 1:01 PM on April 20, 2023These thicker low-level clouds reflect more of the sun’s shortwave radiation back out to space — meaning that less of this solar radiation reaches Earth’s surface, to be converted into longwave radiation.
I feel sorry for anyone who read this verbiage and didn't call bullshit at least twice.
Once again the democrats get it wrong on methane gas it actually help stop the heat. The Global warming crowd will never admit that their agenda is a hoax until they destroy this country

No gas or vapor has the capability to warm or cool the Earth.
You cannot create energy out of nothing and you cannot destroy it into nothing.
Heat has no temperature. You cannot trap heat.
You cannot trap thermal energy. There is always heat.
You cannot trap light.
You cannot reduce entropy...ever.

Neither methane nor carbon dioxide nor water nor water vapor has the capability to heat or cool the Earth.

There is no data.
It is not possible to measure the temperature of the Earth.
It is not possible to measure the emissivity of the Earth.
It is not possible to measure the global atmospheric concentration of CO2, methane, or water, ice or water vapor.

No gas or vapor has magick capabilities to falsify the 1st or 2nd laws of thermodynamics nor the Stefan-Boltzmann law, which you are ignoring.
Hot Air is a conservative American political blog.It is written by the pseudonymous Allah pundit, Ed Morrissey, John Sexton, and Jazz Shaw.

Hot Air was founded by Michelle Malkin, a conservative author and blogger, in 2006, taking over from a defunct personal website. :palm:

Bulverism fallacy.
I take it you did not understand that Methane helps stop heat wich slows warming. Just shows how the so called science the IPCC uses is false

You cannot slow or trap heat. Heat has no temperature.
You are making the same kind of mistakes and ignoring the same theories of science the IPCC does.

It never has. Climate has no values associated with it. There is nothing that can change.

A marine climate will always be a marine climate. It always has been, and always will be.
A desert climate will always be a desert climate. It always has been, and always will be.

Climate has no temperature.
Climate has no wind speed.
Climate has no humidity.
Climate has no wind direction.
Climate has no sky cover.
Climate has no barometric pressure.
