That climate science isn't quite as settled...

You mean science only matters if it agrees with Democrats agenda

You are denying science. So far you have denied the 1st and 2nd laws of thermodynamics and the Stefan-Boltzmann law.
You have done the same thing as the IPCC and the Church of Global Warming.

You cannot slow or trap heat.
You cannot trap thermal energy. There is always heat.
You cannot trap light.
You cannot create energy from nothing or destroy it into nothing.
Heat has no temperature. Learn what 'heat' is, which is defined by the 2nd law of thermodynamics.
You are denying science. So far you have denied the 1st and 2nd laws of thermodynamics and the Stefan-Boltzmann law.
You have done the same thing as the IPCC and the Church of Global Warming.

You cannot slow or trap heat.
You cannot trap thermal energy. There is always heat.
You cannot trap light.
You cannot create energy from nothing or destroy it into nothing.
Heat has no temperature. Learn what 'heat' is, which is defined by the 2nd law of thermodynamics.

“pigeon” has take up to at least a dozen ten counts on his “thermodynamics” bullshit, but that ain’t stopping him
You are denying science. So far you have denied the 1st and 2nd laws of thermodynamics and the Stefan-Boltzmann law.
You have done the same thing as the IPCC and the Church of Global Warming.

You cannot slow or trap heat.
You cannot trap thermal energy. There is always heat.
You cannot trap light.
You cannot create energy from nothing or destroy it into nothing.
Heat has no temperature. Learn what 'heat' is, which is defined by the 2nd law of thermodynamics.
You made a valient effort. Unfortunately you and I got ourselves caught in the middle of a religious war of competing sects. Neither side will have anything to do with science.
“pigeon” has take up to at least a dozen ten counts on his “thermodynamics” bullshit, but that ain’t stopping him.
I see that you consider thermodynamics to be bullshit. I appreciate you being so open and candid about your problem.
It is a settled science.
Too funny. It is a WACKY religion that targets the stupid and the gullible who don't know that there is no such thing as "settled science.". It was very thoughtful of you to confirm that you are completely scientifically illiterate, but we already knew.

Those in the field accept it at 97 percent.
There is no "field.". It's a church. The numbers are pure fabrications for the consumption of the stupid, gullible congregation, all of whom are scientifically illiterate morons.
Too funny. It is a WACKY religion that targets the stupid and the gullible who don't know that there is no such thing as "settled science.". It was very thoughtful of you to confirm that you are completely scientifically illiterate, but we already knew.

There is no "field.". It's a church. The numbers are pure fabrications for the consumption of the stupid, gullible congregation, all of whom are scientifically illiterate morons.

There is settled science, as far as accumulated knowledge dictates. However science keeps an open mind, thinking it is very, very unlikely, but something could come along and alter the science. You live it, use it and predict from it. You are a special kind of ignorant and stupid with more blind posts than anyone I ever read. You speak axiomaticall about things that are absolutely wrong again and again.
There is settled science, as far as accumulated knowledge dictates. However science keeps an open mind, thinking it is very, very unlikely, but something could come along and alter the science. You live it, use it and predict from it. You are a special kind of ignorant and stupid with more blind posts than anyone I ever read. You speak axiomaticall about things that are absolutely wrong again and again.

There is no such thing as settled science. There is "The Science" but that's not really science.
It is a settled science. Those in the field accept it at 97 percent.For some stupid reason, the 3 percent outliers get the floor in discussions. They should not.

There is no such thing as 'settled science'. Science is a set of falsifiable theories. It is not possible to prove any theory True.
Science is not a government agency. It is not a proof. It does not use consensus. There is no voting bloc in science.
There is settled science,
There is no such thing as 'settled science'. You are mindlessly chanting.
as far as accumulated knowledge dictates.
Science isn't 'knowledge'. Science is a set of falsifiable theories. Nothing more.
However science keeps an open mind,
Science has no mind.
thinking it is very, very unlikely, but something could come along and alter the science.
Science is always the same. It is a set of falsifiable theories.
You live it, use it and predict from it.
WRONG. You can use a theory that has been converted into a closed system such as mathematics to predict. Science itself has no power of prediction. It is an open functional system. Prediction is only possible in closed functional system such as mathematics.
You are a special kind of ignorant and stupid with more blind posts than anyone I ever read.
Inversion fallacy. You are describing yourself again. You speak axiomaticall about things that are absolutely wrong again and again.
Argument of the Stone fallacy. Discard of science.
It is not the least bit settled, just as they did with COVID the Overlords manufactured consensus by brutalizing all dissent, and lying.
There is no such thing as settled science. There is "The Science" but that's not really science.

The Fake sCiEnCe he refers to is religion, not science. The Church of Global Warming routinely discards:

* The 1st law of thermodynamics. They do this by claim that energy is created out of nothing (or destroyed into nothing).
* The 2nd law of thermodynamics. They do this by attempting to heat a warmer surface using a colder gas, or by attempting to trap heat, thermal energy, or light. This law also defines the concept of 'heat' and gives it a direction.
* The Stefan-Boltzmann law. They do this by attempting to trap heat and light, or claim that equation has a frequency term in it (it doesn't), or attempt to suspend this law for some period of time (there is no sequence).

What the Church of Global Warming claims has NOTHING to do with science.
It is not the least bit settled, just as they did with COVID the Overlords manufactured consensus by brutalizing all dissent, and lying.

The Covid hoax has nothing to do with science either.

The Church of Covid routinely makes two paradoxes, which I call Paradox M and Paradox V.

Paradox M:
1) I wear a mask to protect myself from covid.
2) I demand you wear a mask because my mask doesn't work.

Paradox V:
1) I get the 'vaccine' to protect myself from covid.
2) I demand you get the 'vaccine' because mine doesn't work.

It also claims a variant of a variant, which is not possible (it's either covid19 or it ain't).

NO variant of the Covid/SARS series of viruses kills. Covid19 is the mildest variant so far discovered.

Any respiratory virus can induce pneumonia, which is no joke. It can be treated with an aggressive program of antibiotics (it's an opportunistic bacteriological infection) IF it is detected early. After that, options get limited very quickly. If pneumonia is not treated, death is quite possible.
Covid/SARS series of viruses are respiratory viruses.

Covid19 is airborne. That means 6 ft means nothing to it. That means plastic shields at cash registers mean nothing to it. If it can come from China and infect people here so rapidly, no 6 foot distance or plastic shield will do anything.
Masks are worse then useless. N95 masks are dust masks. Viruses pass through them like the mask isn't even there. Masks DO, however, harbor bacteria and fungi that can very definitely cause big problems, including pneumonia.
Long term use of N95 masks is dangerous. These masks should be changed every couple of hours, for workers that use them to protect themselves from dust or fibers.

If you lay insulation, perform dusty work plowing fields, or sand composites or metal, these masks are very useful. Against viruses, completely useless.

Surgeons use a mask designated ASTM2100 (or 2101 or 2102, for specialized types of surgery). These masks contain a plastic barrier treated with an antibacterial agent. They are only good for a few hours then must be discarded.

The insanity of this religion still continues among the illiterate, who still wear masks even when walking by themselves. They will die with their masks on, and probably wear them to their own funeral...such is the religious nature of the Church of Covid.
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The Fake sCiEnCe he refers to is religion, not science. The Church of Global Warming routinely discards:

* The 1st law of thermodynamics. They do this by claim that energy is created out of nothing (or destroyed into nothing).
* The 2nd law of thermodynamics. They do this by attempting to heat a warmer surface using a colder gas, or by attempting to trap heat, thermal energy, or light. This law also defines the concept of 'heat' and gives it a direction.
* The Stefan-Boltzmann law. They do this by attempting to trap heat and light, or claim that equation has a frequency term in it (it doesn't), or attempt to suspend this law for some period of time (there is no sequence).

What the Church of Global Warming claims has NOTHING to do with science.

"There is only power"
The Covid hoax has nothing to do with science either.

The people who nonstop claimed to be following the science and tarring all dissent as science denial ("I am science") barely consulted anything approaching science....they consulted the polls to see what they could get away with in their mission of stealing our freedom.

They got away with way too much, the American people are now in the main ignorant cowards, sheep, and sheep get slaughtered.