That MSM Double Standard And VP's


The Associated Press reported today that Sarah and Todd Palin have released their 2006 and 2007 tax returns. The release concluded:

Palin tax returns for 2006 and 2007 released

WASHINGTON (AP) — Republican John McCain's campaign says Sarah and Todd Palin had a gross income of nearly $170,000 last year and paid nearly $25,000 in taxes.

The campaign also says the couple made nearly $130,000 and paid about $12,000 in taxes in 2006.

McCain's campaign released the joint income tax return Friday for his vice presidential nominee and her husband.

The couple donated more than $8,000 to charity over two years.

Their income jump from 2006 to 2007 resulted from the salary increase when Sarah Palin became Alaska's governor.

The McCain-Palin campaign had said the tax returns would be released Monday, but it suddenly put them out Friday afternoon — a time long used by government to reveal embarrassing news because few people watch TV or read newspapers Friday evening and Saturday.


Biden releases 10 years of personal tax records

By PHILIP ELLIOTT – Sep 12, 2008

COLUMBUS, Ohio (AP) — Democratic vice presidential nominee Joe Biden and his wife on Friday released a decade of their personal financial records, showing a veteran U.S. senator who earned less than many of his congressional colleagues.

Joe and Jill Biden earned $319,853 in 2007. Joe Biden reported $161,708 in income from the U.S. Senate and another $71,000 in royalties for his book, "Promises to Keep."

No mention of the following in Bidens news release

a time long used by government to reveal embarrassing news because few people watch TV or read newspapers Friday evening and Saturday.

Also whats missing is Joe's charitable contribution's during those 10 years. I guess its because during those 10 years, he only had $3,690 in charitable contributions, talk about a cheap fuck
You realize they make charitable contributions as tax write-offs, don't you? Joe makes the least of any Senator. I'm sure the Palin family makes more, and has more money to protect through tax incentives that make them spend on charity.
... as for the double standard, you're comparing apples and guavas. In one instance, you have Palin saying they'll give them out on Monday, then suddenly do a Friday-night sneak release of the info as the AP correctly points out is a tactic often used by the government to minimize damage from information.

Biden didn't say one thing then do another. Also, he released a decade of tax returns. I mean Jesus.
You realize they make charitable contributions as tax write-offs, don't you? Joe makes the least of any Senator. I'm sure the Palin family makes more, and has more money to protect through tax incentives that make them spend on charity.

LOL now that's funny. Man you're a tool
Here is a chart of the Bidens’ giving for the years covered by the tax returns:

Year Gross Income Charity

1998 $215,432 $195

1999 $210,797 $120

2000 $219,953 $360

2001 $220,712 $360

2002 $227,811 $260

2003 $231,375 $260

2004 $234,271 $380

2005 $321,379 $380

2006 $248,459 $380

2007 $319,853 $995

Total $2,450,042 $3,690


Biden made more money than the Palin's did. Admit it, Joe is a cheap cocksucker
You realize they make charitable contributions as tax write-offs, don't you? Joe makes the least of any Senator. I'm sure the Palin family makes more, and has more money to protect through tax incentives that make them spend on charity.

Tie yourself in fuckin' knots defending the indefensible .....

Do you believe your own fantasys and get some kind of satisfaction by being a tool...???
And where did palins go to ? Her church ?

She is going to burn in hell becuse it is not 10%.


Does not matter, she still gave more than the cheap Biden. We know Joe ain't a good Catholic with donations like that. Must be spending all his money on hair plugs and brain operations.
Its sad you two clowns will just remain the assholes you are now if you refuse to open your minds to reality and facts and two can get together, join the circus, and call yourselves the Obermanns..wear those little funny caps that look like arrows thru your heads....pointy caps of course...

LOL... No one said that... just that Biden is a cheap fuck.

You tickle me with your defense... Joe gave less, wrote off less. Like the actual money doesn't really ever exist, the only thing that exists is the tax break. Joe gave less, thus kept more, and paid the tax on it. The Palin's gave more away, meaning they didn't keep it, they GAVE IT AWAY... thus, didn't pay tax on it. I guess Joe was just being "patriotic", huh?

It's this kind of thing that demonstrates why Liberals are always advocating government handouts... they are too cheap to give their own money to charity. As I recall, the same situation befell the Kerry's, when tax disclosure time came. You people are all about giving away other people's money, just not your own! Thank God there are conservatives out there, the poor charities would go under if they had to depend on the cheap skate liberals.