The Ad That Never "Ran"


Here is how often the ad that never ran was aired on national news programs:

Fox News

On Fox News, the North Carolina Republican Party's advertisement aired at least 10 times, with McCain's condemnation mentioned in nine of the instances, beginning at 4 p.m. ET on April 23, including on the programs Your World with Neil Cavuto, America's Election HQ, Special Report with Brit Hume, Hannity & Colmes, Fox & Friends First, and Fox & Friends.


On MSNBC, the advertisement aired at least eight times, beginning at 1 p.m. ET, including on the programs MSNBC Live, Hardball with Chris Matthews, Race for the White House with David Gregory, and Verdict with Dan Abrams. Seven of those reports included McCain's condemnation of the ad.


On CNN, the advertisement and McCain's condemnation aired at least four times, beginning at 4 p.m. ET, including on the programs The Situation Room and Lou Dobbs Tonight.

So the ad that no one paid a dime to run at all and that was originally slated to run in the North Carolina market got played at least 22 times on three national news stations for free. And all the while McCain gets to "condemn" the ad while benefiting from it.

Nice play GOPers. Playing the media like a fiddle.
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lets face it.. in terms of strategy the republican machine makes the dem brains look like 1st graders.
lets face it.. in terms of strategy the republican machine makes the dem brains look like 1st graders.

I am sick of how much respect these dispicable actions get. This lampoons the intelegence of the average voter every day, and they get respect for it.
Slimy actions are just fine to some people.

that is why we are hosed overall.

It is ok as long as you don't get caught mentality.
Here is how often the ad that never ran was aired on national news programs:

So the ad that no one paid a dime to run at all and that was originally slated to run in the North Carolina market got played at least 22 times on three national news stations for free. And all the while McCain gets to "condemn" the ad while benefiting from it.

Nice play GOPers. Playing the media like a fiddle.

John McCain would also like to thank mediamatters and all the wonderful liberal posters who continue to post links to the article and the ad as it only further brings the ad to the attention of potential viewers.

So thank you. Like the Wright situation we know we can count on you liberals to put up 10,000 threads on the topic all while bitching about how much people are paying attention to these stories.
I am sick of how much respect these dispicable actions get. This lampoons the intelegence of the average voter every day, and they get respect for it.

That’s why Hillary is making her “comeback”. You can’t keep that gal down! People admire cunning and sneakiness and a willingness to do anything to win. It’s the Vince Lombardi or whoever that coach was that men love, whose whole philosophy was winning’s not everything it’s the only thing. And coming in second place is the first loser. Blah blah blah.
That’s America.
Strange that slimy actions are praised when McCain does them but frowned on when Hillary does them. Actually no suprise and is to be expected when considering the differences between the parties.

the end justifies the means mentality of the right as opposed to the "is this right" mentality of the left.
That’s why Hillary is making her “comeback”. You can’t keep that gal down! People admire cunning and sneakiness and a willingness to do anything to win. It’s the Vince Lombardi or whoever that coach was that men love, whose whole philosophy was winning’s not everything it’s the only thing. And coming in second place is the first loser. Blah blah blah.
That’s America.

Funny, how when Senator Clinton displays that attitude the Republicans hate her... When Bush did it, they respected it!
That’s why Hillary is making her “comeback”. You can’t keep that gal down! People admire cunning and sneakiness and a willingness to do anything to win. It’s the Vince Lombardi or whoever that coach was that men love, whose whole philosophy was winning’s not everything it’s the only thing. And coming in second place is the first loser. Blah blah blah.
That’s America.

Spot on, there. We make the mistake of watching a lot of MSNBC - Scarborough, Matthews, Buchanan, et al. In one breath, they will admit that Hillary will 'do or say anything to win,' but in the next, it's 'by gum is she a fighter!' If you had told me 6 months ago that she'd be able to get away with what she has gotten away with, I wouldn't have believed it. Win at any costs; Obama's a loser because he just wants to talk about issues. What you really need to do is lie to show Americans that you're tough enough for the general.
John McCain would also like to thank mediamatters and all the wonderful liberal posters who continue to post links to the article and the ad as it only further brings the ad to the attention of potential viewers.

So thank you. Like the Wright situation we know we can count on you liberals to put up 10,000 threads on the topic all while bitching about how much people are paying attention to these stories.

Everyone on this site has already been exposed to the issue. It isn't as if we get new blood in here everyday and are a high traffic website, or a national news broadcast for that matter.

People on this site have been paying attention to the issue since it began and posting follow-ups that actually quantify the absurdity of giving John McCain "credit" for "condemning" the ad are not necessarily giving attention to the ad, which everyone has already seen, but to the bullshit that is the media, John McCain and the GOP.

But thanks for your opinion on the matter and bumping up this thread that highlights the gutter politics of your favored party.
Funny, how when Senator Clinton displays that attitude the Republicans hate her... When Bush did it, they respected it!

Jarod you read my mind. I was thinking of setting them up on that, just to watch them make fools of themselves.
would make no difference Dara. They did not even comment on Laura Bush driving off while a crippled girl was getting "SMASHED".
Everyone on this site has already been exposed to the issue. It isn't as if we get new blood in here everyday and are a high traffic website, or a national news broadcast for that matter.

People on this site have been paying attention to the issue since it began and posting follow-ups that actually quantify the absurdity of giving John McCain "credit" for "condemning" the ad are not necessarily giving attention to the ad, which everyone has already seen, but to the bullshit that is the media, John McCain and the GOP.

But thanks for your opinion on the matter and bumping up this thread that highlights the gutter politics of your favored party.

The only absurdity about this story is how some simpletons blame McCain no matter what he does. He condems the ad and tells the NCRNC not to run it.... you say he is simply playing politics. He doesn't condemn the ad and you bitch that he is not condemning the ad. If he were to send an army of national RNC members into NC to do everything possible to stop the ad from running.... what... let me guess.... you would bitch about him trying to restrict free speech....right?

As for the gutter politics.... please don't be so ignorant as to put forth such garbage as you just did.... especially since it was your beloved Clintons that started this entire story.
Right.... people "respected" Bush for what he did to McCain. what a crock of shit.

He won South Carolina dident he? He became president... and won a second election... He had a 90% approval rating at some point.