The American Dollar

Logically I'm right, therefore I'm right. I thought you said you weren't going to change your signature?

You went from vaguely National Socialist to full-blown Nazi.
Not Alexander Hamilton, Patrick Henry, and many others with whom I see eye-to-eye. Not all founders were "libertarians." In fact, I would say less than a third of them could be described as libertarian. Many were Monarchists -- to them, liberty meant independence, not the "freedom" to do whatever we want to do.

What would you rather have, Watermark? A dollar you can trade for silver at the US Treasury, or a dollar which is backed by nothing and can be easily manipulated? Sure, you can trade dollars for silver by purchasing silver, but the value of the dollar is not directly connected to the value of silver as it should be.

Thankyou for picking two of the least respected founding fathers, responsible for much of the legislation and thought they caused us to be able to completely disregard the constitution. I bet you'd like to get rid of the bill of rights. Well, maybe not, but you'd like to replace it with "rights" like these:

You have the right to not be anything but white
You have the right to not be anything but Christian
You have the right to not do anything I, Brent, don't want you to

You're an idiot.
Thankyou for picking two of the least respected founding fathers, responsible for much of the legislation and thought they caused us to be able to completely disregard the constitution. I bet you'd like to get rid of the bill of rights. Well, maybe not, but you'd like to replace it with "rights" like these:

You have the right to not be anything but white
You have the right to not be anything but Christian
You have the right to not do anything I, Brent, don't want you to

You're an idiot.
Hamilton, for all his faults, understood that a fledgling economy had to pay its bills, and currency, monetary policy and faith in the dollar were paramount. Hamilton was a genius in terms of economics. I'll give him props for that. He made something out of nothing, and did it magnificently.
I don't know the figures, but expect that we don't have nnearly enough gold to back our dollars in circulation, let alone our debt, so this is a moot point.
US glad to see you dude .

I really missed you!

Thanks Desh. I missed some of ya on here too. But then some I missed about like a jab in my eye with a sharp stick. I will be around some, but not too much. Very busy here lately. Neighbor gave me a several thousand board feet worth of nice oak / cherry / beech trees if I will just clear them off his property.
Got a deal worked out with the sawmill to saw them on shares for me.
Pretty good, considering life sucks :)
Was forced into a promotion in my job, I have mixed feelings on that.
I have been very busy this summer. Starting my paying job a 6-7 AM and then working on other stuff afterwards till 11 or so at night. And I seem to be losing ground :(
Scanned the old board and it appeared a bit slow and said something about having a dup ID AKA troll ID, so I came over here. I guess I got bit by the toebee and Dicksie aliases :) Oh well they were worth it.
You're an idiot, Brent. I barely could read through your posts without laughing. You know nothing about economics.

No. You're an idiot, watermark. Fiat currency is the bane of the modern world, A statist totalitarian's wet dream. Gold and silver are actually scarce. Fiat currency can be created from thin air by the FED (a private corporation), and the people are on the hook to pay it back, but they CAN'T make it out of thin air. The value of fiat currency is the strength of the state apparatus which proclaims it's value. Hence, the value of the dollar is reinforced by the american government's willingness to use force to defend it's value.
So why is china working so hard for US dollars? The dollars themselves are worthless, as pointed out. The value of the money is America's pledge to enslave american people to pay off the trade debt, if necessary. Money is control. And if money isn't control, then it's not even money, according to NWO thinkng. Fiat currency is worthless, the slaves created from it's abuse are valuable.
So why is china working so hard for US dollars? The dollars themselves are worthless, as pointed out. The value of the money is America's pledge to enslave american people to pay off the trade debt, if necessary. Money is control. And if money isn't control, then it's not even money, according to NWO thinkng. Fiat currency is worthless, the slaves created from it's abuse are valuable.
So use your "fiat currency" to buy gold as an investment. Buy many American Eagles. You'll need it.
Buy thinkg that cannot be replicated. Like gold, Land, silver, platnium, etc. We are not making any more of those things.
So use your "fiat currency" to buy gold as an investment. Buy many American Eagles. You'll need it.

That may be a personal escape plan, on an individual level; I'm suggesting freeing society in general from the constant inflationary effect of fiat currency.
You will find that you cannot force people to save themselves. Work on yourself.

Who's forcing? Im merely providing an accurate account of our situation. You work on yourself. I'm going go to try to get these fucks who control this shit to stop their carnage.

All this new age crap really IS ultimately about selfishness, isn't it?
It is all about getting mine and perception now-a-days.
Greed is good and next to godliness.


Nice phone, douchebag.