The Art of Being Presidential

Well thanks for proving my point about your being a blythering idiot. 70% of the nations or more dissapproves of Bush because of his borrow and spend drunken wrecklesness has added 5 trillion dollars of debt. Boy What a moron! LOL
No they disapprove of him because of Iraq.

And again $5 trillion is an exxageration. Bush sucks, whooped-de-dee, how is Obama going to be better in balancing the books? With his over trillion dollar universal healthcare? With his plans for free college education? His plans to hire 92000 more soldiers? His voting for every single spending increase?
At least with McCain you have a guy with a record of controlling SOME spending and that goes moreso when considering that regardless of who wins they will be sitting at their desk with a veto pen watching Dem majority congress bills get pushed under it.
WHO do you think is going to veto the Democrat congress's spending bills?