The attempt on Trumps life was the result of the despicable and repugnant rhetoric coming from Joe, Jill, the DNC and leftist media

:lolup: Triggered mental case.


We see you are..
As I stated many times previously on this forum, the lunatic rhetoric coming from Democrats are extremely dangerous.

Now, after years of this lunacy, the fruit born of this desperate repugnant and ignorant rhetoric comes to fruition.

Biden: “It’s time to put Trump in a bullseye,”

Biden: President Trump is an "existential threat" to the U.S.

Time Magazine: Donald Trump Is an Existential Threat to America and the World
Jill Biden: He’s evil.”

Democratic Party: Trump's return to the White House could spell the end of American democracy, saying that he'll be an autocrat who dramatically expands executive power and serve his own interests over the country's.

Yes, Democrats are the dumbest people on the planet and have zero shame when it comes to their repugnant ignorance about everything.

Not that the Right's souped up gun culture in this country with its love of the AR 15 could have something to do with it.
Not that the Right's souped up gun culture in this country with its love of the AR 15 could have something to do with it.
It has absolutely nothing to do with it. Are you aware that the shooter could not buy a gun on his own. His father bought it.

Are you aware that his car was full of explosives and home rigged with booby traps?

I doubt it. Given your moronic posts, you're aware of very little.
Pointing out your hypocrisy is not desperate. You cannot deal with the truth of your ugly.
You're an insufferable moron who thinks it's fine of Democrats lie, cheat, demagogue and act like lunatic morons.

The stench of hypocrisy comes from the left. But alas, severe mental cases like you are too stupid to know you are stupid.