The attempted assassination of Trump is not nearly as surprising as it should be

It was expected. It's not surprising at all.
Trump is internationally known as an assassin himself.

Soleimani was a war target. He helped murder American soldiers.
There was no evidence of that- and Americans were in the country illegally. Iran is not at war with the US.
Trump assassinated Soleimani as a gift to the genocidal Jews. Trump is an assassin himself.
There was no evidence of that- and Americans were in the country illegally. Iran is not at war with the US.
Trump assassinated Soleimani as a gift to the genocidal Jews. Trump is an assassin himself.
He killed them in Iraq moron.

For attacks orchestrated or attempted against American and other targets abroad, Soleimani was personally sanctioned by the United Nations and the European Union,[19][20][21] and was designated as a terrorist by the United States in 2005
He killed them in Iraq moron.
Yes, chundertits- Americans are in Iraq illegally.
Withdraw to the patriotic little boys forum.

The Legal Basis for U.S. Operations in Iraq
Against this backdrop, questions as to the legality of continuing U.S. operations in Iraq are particularly salient. While operations against ISIS in Iraq retain a strong legal basis in both international and Iraqi domestic law, these bases do not extend to a conflict between the United States, Iran, and its proxies. And, despite the war on ISIS’s strong international legal footing in Iraq, U.S. domestic law justifications are weak at best, relying on stretched interpretations of the 2001 and 2002 Authorizations for Use of Military Force (AUMFs) and of the president’s authority under Art. II of the Constitution.

Trump is an assassin
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Yup. The MAGA morons want to blame the increase in violence on the left...and leave a remark from a Trump endorsed candidate alone.

THEY are the problem...and don't even realize it.
the idiots who support assassins aren't fooling folks have been inciting this shit for seven long years......the consequences are now squarely in your fucking lap.......