The best part of the ignore feature

toby2 said:
An igmore fuction is a way to censor speech, and well, I don't think speech should be censored in most cases. But hey, if you need what you read to be censored, then by all means use that function.

You need to learn what censoring means.

I'm not censoring anyone. Any troll has the right to post whatever he/she wants. The ignore feature simply makes it easier for me to scroll through it.

That comment of yours is about as stupid as Brent's comment about Nelson Mandela. I didn't think you were so stupid.

The ignore button is a way to censor what you read. You do it yourself so that is just fine if that is what you need to do. But make no mistake, it is censorship. But you elect to allow someone else to censor what you read. That is up to you.
toby2 said:
The ignore button is a way to censor what you read. You do it yourself so that is just fine if that is what you need to do. But make no mistake, it is censorship. But you elect to allow someone else to censor what you read. That is up to you.

It really is no different than avoiding somebody at a party. Sometimes you get to hear some of their conversation anyway because of proximity... such as when somebody here quotes them... It's just a way to give you to walk away.

However nobody is censored everybody else who is not avoiding them are able to have as much conversation as they wish. If I were censoring you... I would simply kick you out of my party. ;)
Not hardly Ornot. if you want the news you go to CNN, if you want TOUCHED BY AN ANGEL you go somewhere else. A discussion board is for discussion, you want a cluster fuck, try the DailyKos.
Dam I didn't mean to indicate that you made the decision to ignore or not. It has nothing to do with you.
toby2 said:
You missed the point Dam, why come to a discussion board and not have a discussion?

No, you missed the point. You go to the party because of the people you aren't avoiding. It isn't like somebody has come on here and ignored the whole lot. It isn't happening. Both you and I won't use the feature. In fact most won't (I've already seen that on other sites). Those who do are simply avoiding somebody at the party. Not that big of a deal.
toby2 said:
Not hardly Ornot. if you want the news you go to CNN, if you want TOUCHED BY AN ANGEL you go somewhere else. A discussion board is for discussion, you want a cluster fuck, try the DailyKos.
Blah, blah, blah. You're just annoyed because some people ignore you. There's absolutely no difference at all between putting someone on IA and simply scrolling past their posts.
I don't mind having an ignore button. I was just pointing out that it is silly to use it. Why come to a discussion board and ignore a poster? If you don't won't to hear opposing views there are plenty of blogs to go to that you won't hear anything you don't like.
toby2 said:
I don't mind having an ignore button. I was just pointing out that it is silly to use it. Why come to a discussion board and ignore a poster? If you don't won't to hear opposing views there are plenty of blogs to go to that you won't hear anything you don't like.

Sometimes it is the actions and not the views that somebody wants to "ignore"... In fact, most times it is such.
Maybe so Dam, but it is not all that hard to scroll on past that post is it? And well, how often is it that happens? If you note most who want an ignore feature want to exclude those who disagree with them. I don't mind those who ignore me, they can't make a logically arguement anyway. So I have lost nothing.
I find that most people who dont agree with Toby and call him names and such, also hate George Bush. Why, because even though they want to so badly, they just can't beat him, and in Toby's case they can't beat him verbally.
toby2 said:
The ignore button is a way to censor what you read. You do it yourself so that is just fine if that is what you need to do. But make no mistake, it is censorship. But you elect to allow someone else to censor what you read. That is up to you.

You are being an idiot in this case.

Censorship is preventing someone from having their say. It has nothing to do with choosing not to read or listen to the other. I am not censoring the KKK when I choose not to listen to their speeches or read their literature. I would be censoring them if I got an injunction against them preventing them from speaking or distributing literature.

It would be censorship if I prevented you from posting your viewpoints. It is not censorship if I choose not to read anything you post by simply using a feature that allows me to skip everything you have written.

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Immanuel said:
You are being an idiot in this case.

Censorship is preventing someone from having their say. It has nothing to do with choosing not to read or listen to the other. I am not censoring the KKK when I choose not to listen to their speeches or read their literature. I would be censoring them if I got an injunction against them preventing them from speaking or distributing literature.

It would be censorship if I prevented you from posting your viewpoints. It is not censorship if I choose not to read anything you post by simply using a feature that allows me to skip everything you have written.


It is not censorship if I choose not to read anything you post by simply using a feature that allows me to skip everything you have written.

I highly recommend you put toby on your ignore list. Do you realize, you just spent the last hour going round and round with him, about nothing? Toby's a waste of time.
Cypress said:
It is not censorship if I choose not to read anything you post by simply using a feature that allows me to skip everything you have written.

I highly recommend you put toby on your ignore list. Do you realize, you just spent the last hour going round and round with him, about nothing? Toby's a waste of time.

I have been tempted at times but he's not one of the ones that I would consider iggy material. I can scroll through all of his posts and not miss anything important. I also don't see the N*gger posts scrolling through his messages. Those are the ones that bother me the most. Those are the trolls that I feel are iggy material.

And I have not spent the last hour going round and round with him. Just bits and pieces of it. I was not waiting with baited breath for him to post so I could post a reply.

Why do I always feel like Im defending Toby? He is absolutely right... if you dont want to read someones posts.. just scroll by.. what is so hard about that? There a couple of people whom I consider trolls that most others wouldnt ... they add absolutely ziltch .., they dont have the ability to form more than 2 or 3 sentences ... yet some people regard them as heroes! As much as they annoy me.. I wouldnt use the ignore button.
klaatu said:
Why do I always feel like Im defending Toby? He is absolutely right... if you dont want to read someones posts.. just scroll by.. what is so hard about that? There a couple of people whom I consider trolls that most others wouldnt ... they add absolutely ziltch .., they dont have the ability to form more than 2 or 3 sentences ... yet some people regard them as heroes! As much as they annoy me.. I wouldnt use the ignore button.

Well, about the only people I have considered ignoring are people like Skinhead, Josef and Pimptdaddy. There is just nothing of value that comes out of them. I would sooner have a short box to scroll though then 287 lines of the N-word posted over and over again.

Oh an possibly because you ARE always defending Toby. :D
