The best thing ever written about Bush

This is my favorite kind of retarded, right-wing drone; the kind that compares Bush to Truman, and contends that the genius of Bush will only be recognized by future generations.

There is no hope for hacks like this.

I think I like the spastic delusion of grandeur posts by posters such as Jollie. At least they are fun to laugh at.
"We have a chance to stop and change this shit but Im not sure it is doable yet."

When I think about this, my natural cynicism kicks in, in a big way.

Leonard Cohen has a great song called "Everybody Knows." I'm too lazy to look up the lyrics, but the jist is that the fix is in, the dice are loaded, we're always being lied to....and everybody knows. We all know that our gov't is bought & paid for, that most legislation is written by corporations & that we tend to attract & reward the worst kind of politicians to lead (how many times has someone said "lesser of 2 evils" to justify their vote?), but we don't do a damned thing about it.

We're all busy, and we all have lives, and only half of us even muster up the energy to get out & vote every few years. We reward incumbency like nobody's business. The idea that a population like this is going to mount the revolution that is needed to truly change things is, sadly, laughable. It's just getting worse; we're seeing the results, and the reaction is still a collective shrug.

Oh man, I must be more cynical than I thought, because I agree with this. I don’t have all that much hope. You only need look at the public’s response to illegal wiretapping and compare it to what happened when it came out that the CIA was eavesdropping on American citizens in the 1970s. People used to give a shit.