The bible

I know how my faith came to be. I know who the author of it is.

No you don't. You GUESS you do. You have FAITH that you do. But you don't really.

Look, I'm not begrudging you your faith whatever it is. If you are a Christian I'm more than happy to discuss Christianity. If you can't do that then I assume you are some other religion. Whatever floats your boat.

There is only one Father in Christianity. I don't need to name Him other than that.

You do, however, need the other members of the Trinity. While I am more than familiar with the Johanine Comma (maybe added in sometime in the Middle ages) which establishes the Trinity and I am more than well acquainted with the Nicene Creed and its establishment of the homooisiousness of Christ with God, it still is kinda more than one. Just people SAYING 3=1 is one thing, 3 actually equalling one is quite another.

I also believe in Jesus Christ, His Son. A agree with their teachings put forth in scripture.

Glad you got your "Statement of Faith" out of the way.

I do not waste my time.

It isn't YOUR time I was complaining about being wasted.

The only reason that you consider your time wasted is because you believe no god or gods exist.

No, it's 100% your posts. You fill the air with meaningless shit.

You simply believe in a different religion.

Nope. No matter how many times you personally try to redefine all the words in the language you are still not correct.

You then waste YOUR time trying to prove your religion True.

I don't have to prove a negative.
why pretend you qualify?......

I have proven myself more than capable in this discussion. Unlike you I don't have to LIE about my bona fides as I claim none. But I DO KNOW that I know more about Christianity and theology than YOU do.

I also know you are inherently dishonest.

That's how I know you for what you are. I know the type of "tree" you are by your fruits. Your fruits are rotten, my friend. I suggest you tend to your orchard.
But per many variants of your faith those who fail to "believe" properly (even as you note without any possibility of "proof") then they will be consigned to the flames of hell.
Yes, some tend to believe that, typically fundamentalists. Whether or no, to make such a statement is pretending to speak for God, an omniscience fallacy. Only God has authority to make any judgement of this sort. The 'flames of hell' story comes from Norse mythologies anyway. 'Hell' is short for Hellheim. See the Prose Erda.
I know you think that's super-clever, but trust me. It isn't.
I have no idea what your reference is or what you are talking about here.
One of your fellow Christians said that directly.
Yes, I've heard that fairly commonly. It is a mixture of Christianity merged with Norse mythology and attempting to speak for God.
It accomplishes quite a bit, actually. It tells the reader that the Christian telling others to "fuck off" when they don't believe as the Christian does that maybe the Christian doesn't understand anything about their own faith and their witness is actually working AGAINST bringing people to God.
Oddly enough, they are not interested in bringing people to God. They are only interested in fear mongering.

As far as the unrepentant sinner, they are already in their own prison of their own making. That is their own damnation. Until they decide to correct their problem, they will remain damned. Repentance isn't an easy process, but it is open to all who seek it.
Yes, some tend to believe that, typically fundamentalists.

It's not just the fundamentalists in Christianity who have a concept of "hell" as eternal torment.

Whether or no, to make such a statement is pretending to speak for God, an omniscience fallacy.

I wish you'd stop making shit up. Or maybe if you just read with some ability to understand it would help.

Yes, I've heard that fairly commonly. It is a mixture of Christianity merged with Norse mythology and attempting to speak for God.

So when your fellow Christians tell people to "fuck off" you make excuses for them and make up more things that aren't related to reality?

Oddly enough, they are not interested in bringing people to God.

You will have to take that up with your fellow Christian who said it.
Understood. You seem lacking in this area.

Oh please stop it. Just stop it. If you are 86 years old then that means you took statistics in college only about 60 years ago which is well after Fisher and inferential statistics. If you find an error in what I posted say it. But since you actually DON'T UNDERSTAND what I said (probably because you were lying about having any statistics) I guess we can probably let this go.

It really feels like you haven't read a single thing I wrote.

Just as I "blindly guess" there are no invisible microelephants living in my fridge. (Gosh I wish you read my posts instead of replying without reading).

Maybe you shouldn't have lied about having statistics.

If you don't understand something, you know you can ask.

Cute? You mean an 86 year old with a high school diploma (just barely) thinks my writing is cute? Great.

At least I'm not uneducated like you appear to be.

Sounds as though you are losing it, Perry. PostmodernProphet already owns you. I am just borrowing you for a bit.

I did study statistics in both my economics and psychology courses...but as you mentioned, that was over 60 years ago.

You are playing a game, because you cannot do what must be done here. You are attempting to make your blind guess that there are no gods, seem reasonable and logical. But, it is no more reasonable or logical than the blind guess others make that there is at least one god. That is to is not reasonable or logical at all.

There may be no gods; there may be many gods; there may be a single GOD.

There is absolutely no way YOU can assert reasonably or logically that there are no gods. Pretending you can is a joke.

I do appreciate you sharing your blind guess with us, though. is cute that you think your can get away with the pretense. Very cute.

Remember what I said. When you go back to your gang to brag about how strong you were on the Internet, don't throw sand at each other.

I love ya. You provide laughs.

Now try applying your response to what I actually was talking about...
I did.
Most Christians believe today that human hands were involved in writing the Bible.
Sure they think God inspired it, but humans had to do the writing. I don't know what you believe.
God is the author. All of the scripture He has release to Earth is His. It is not God inspired, it is God working through his prophets.
Just as a fun factoid: Humans often lie or make stuff up.
True, but they don't have to. Bigotry.
Wrong-o. Front to back (sans apocrypha). Do you have any questions about it? I can help you.
You cannot help me.
You are not a Christian. Luke 6:31. See how it works?
False equivalence fallacy.
Because I used to be a Christian and I like talking about religion.
Contextomy fallacy. Stay on topic.
Why do you care?
Clearly you didn't get it. I think you are lying. I don't believe FOR ONE INSTANT you have a Masters degree IN ANYTHING.
Bulverism fallacy.
Wanna know why?

1. You are incapable of talking technically about ANY of this stuff.
2. You write like a brain damaged 3rd grader. Learn how to use punctuation. (If you had a Masters in Theology you would have had to write quite a bit. If you wrote like this you didn't get a degree. I know this because unlike you I actually DO have a couple graduate degrees).
Insult fallacies. 'Expert' worship.
So go ahead and try to lead the flock astray, ravening wolf. I know you for what you are.
Omniscience fallacy. You don't to speak for 'the flock' or for PostmodernProphet. Bulverism fallacy.
as previously shown, that is a lie.....

better to ask why its so important for atheists to deny the obvious.....

one traces his genealogy for the Jews, the other for the Greeks.......different systems......note that one notes the women in his family history.....

He is not an atheist. He belongs to the Church of No God.
Give me an example please. Thanks.
I am not here to teach you logic. You have to learn that yourself.

However, this is a short example referring to a traffic light:

The red light is not lit.
The yellow light is not lit.
The green light is not lit.
Therefore the traffic light is not functioning.

So you have never read the Bible???? Wow. Try picking up a copy some time. Hit up Matthew 7:15. I'm doing my job.
Let me know if you ever get around to reading the Bible or even parts of it. We can talk more then.
You cannot teach me anything. You deny and discard the Bible and believe no god or gods exist. Fundamentalists cannot teach anyone anything.
you're dimwitted and think denial will win the argument for you?......

as do I.....a Juris Doctorate and a Masters in Theology.......what are yours?......

Irrelevance fallacy. No degree, license, certification or any claim of any other government sanctification or self sanctification means anything on a blind forum such as JPP.
Not shown. Ergo are YOU lying now?

It appears you haven't actually read the Gospels. May I ask why various MALES present in one are missing in the other? How many different versions of YOUR ancestry do you have?

There are various "explanations" for the differences but they are just guesses and exegeses to make sense of what is far more likely to simply be two different people making up two different stories about the same concept.

I assume you've never heard of Ockham's Razor. But if you have two competing explanations and one is FAR more complex and requires a lot more guesses to make it work it is probably not the correct one.

Sure you could make up all manner of "greek vs hebrew" etc. which won't really explain why Mark lists Solomon but Luke doesn't or why BOTH OF THEM END WITH JOSEPH right before Jesus.

Again, I'm also uncertain why Joseph matters AT ALL in ANY geneology of Jesus. I mean Joseph wasn't even INVOLVED. Unless you have a very different version of Christology than everyone else does.

Yes it WAS shown. RQAA. Your fiction isn't going to work.
sure you can't seem to make up your mind whether you deny his existence or if you're simply waiting for proof.......using your own silly terms you aren't sure if you're strong or weak.......that in itself makes you sound weak.......

He has made up his mind. He is a fundamentalist in the Church of No God. He is no atheist.
So you are OK with Christians lying in service to God?
Word stuffing.
That's not in accordance with your own faith. I'd give you the chapter and verse but you'd have to read the Bible then.
Cascade fallacy.
Obvious lies, however, are hard to hide.
Cascade fallacy.
Well, it indicates that some people who CLAIM to be Christian will lie in order to support their faith. I don't know why someone would do that unless they were a "ravening wolf".
Insult fallacies. True Scotsman fallacy. Omniscience fallacy.
^^^^^^THIS RIGHT HERE^^^^^^. This is how I know you DON'T have a Masters in Theology.

They're not "my" terms. But given that you clearly know less than nothing about theology I can understand how you'd make that assumption.

Why are you such a liar? Do you think your God is going to be pleased with you?

Word stuffing. Omniscience fallacy. Denial of self argument.