The Bills Are A-Comin!


At least the first day of the new Congress brought about something other than Bachmann's silliness.

Eight viable gun control bills!
1. Banning high-capacity ammunition. HR 138. This bill from Reps. Carolyn McCarthy (D-NY) and Diana DeGette (D-CO) would ban anyone in the US from owning, buying, or trading high-capacity ammunition clips, like the kinds that are often used in mass shootings. Such clips allow a gunman to fire off as many as 100 rounds without stopping to reload. McCarthy’s connection to gun safety laws is personal: Her husband was killed and son critically injured during a mass shooting.

2. Closing the ‘gun show loophole.’ HR 141. Another measure from McCarthy requires that all gun purchasers undergo a full background check. As-is, the private sales of firearms, and the sale of guns at gun shows, are exempt from the background check requirements that are mandatory for other gun sales. That loophole is currently an easy way for criminals or the mentally ill to access a gun undetected.

3. Making the database of who cannot buy guns effective. HR 137. Currently, states do a terrible job of entering names — of felons or the mentally ill — into the National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS). This measure also from McCarthy is called the Fix Gun Checks Act, and has been introduced in previous legislative sessions. It would create incentives and penalties to encourage the efficient entry of names into NICS. It would also close the gun show loophole.

4. Regulating where and how ammunition is purchased. HR 142. McCarthy’s fourth and final bill would make it mandatory for all ammunition dealers to have a license to sell. It would also require anyone purchasing ammunition to do so in person, face-to-face with a seller. All bulk purchases of ammunition would need to be reported under McCarthy’s law. This bill responds to the criticisms that the internet is an open market for the unlimited sale of ammunition.

5. Requiring handguns to be registered. HR 117. Rep. Rush Holt (D-NJ) crafted this national law based on his state’s requirements for handgun purchasing. It would require every single handgun sold in the United States to be licensed and registered, without any exceptions or loopholes, and for that registry to be easily accessible.

6. Regulating how gun licenses are issued. HR 34. Like Holt, Rep. Bobby Rush’s (D-IL) bill aims to create a unified system of gun licensing procedures — for both handguns and semi-automatic weapons. Rush’s legislation, a reintroduction of “Blair’s Bill,” named after a murdered Chicago teen, would also require gun safety training for firearm owners.

7. Raising the age of legal handgun ownership to 21. HR 65. In a move that seems pointed toward combating youth street violence, Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee (D-TX) proposed this bill that would make it illegal to own a handgun before the age of 21. Some states have such laws in place, but Jackson Lee’s measure would make the law national.

8. Requiring the reporting of stolen guns. HR 21. This bill, which Rep. Jim Moran (D-VA) has introduced to Congress previously and is reintroducing to the new Congress, would also close the ‘gun show loophole’ by requiring all gun-owners to undergo background checks. Additionally, it would make sure that gun owners are required to report stolen guns — a measure that could help law enforcement track illegal guns.

Each stand a good chance of passing.

There's also two bills (related) that remove schools as gun-free zones that IMO the Senate won't pass.
lol... #7 ending youth street violence. thank god all those child gangs will need to respect the 21 age limit now.
Gun control........Hitlers First Law.
There was a reason for it.

Every totalitarian regime on earth, prioritised gun control as an essential part of their power consolidation.

It will end badly for the honest law abiding citizen if it is ever forced upon us.
It doesn't say anything in there about gun grabbing? But I thought the Right wing knew for sure that Obama's #1 agenda was to grab guns. That's all that has been on Fox News. Surely the Right wing doesn't cut deals with gun manufacturers to sell guns..Money in politics? Scare tactics? Doesn't happen..

A lot of that sounds good about regulating the militia since the formerly drawn line was compromised. Some of it is vague and some of it is just dumb.

Just opinion.
It's all totalitarian.
No line was crossed.
Obama made sandy hook his reason.

Just as hitler made the burning of the chancellery his reason.

They both were responsible for making their reasons reality.
Gun control........Hitlers First Law.
There was a reason for it.

Every totalitarian regime on earth, prioritised gun control as an essential part of their power consolidation.

It will end badly for the honest law abiding citizen if it is ever forced upon us.
Hitler registered all the guns in 1935 and confiscated all of them in 1938, all true. If the Congress votes in any of those new gun bills, they need to be voted out of office in 2014. I keep having this reoccuring thought that Obama will try to run for a third term, and that will just be the beginning, but not the end.
Gun control........Hitlers First Law.
There was a reason for it.

Every totalitarian regime on earth, prioritised gun control as an essential part of their power consolidation.

It will end badly for the honest law abiding citizen if it is ever forced upon us.
I hope we have a civil war before that ever happens.
It's all totalitarian.
No line was crossed.
Obama made sandy hook his reason.

Just as hitler made the burning of the chancellery his reason.

They both were responsible for making their reasons reality.

No line was crossed? You seriously don't see the advancement in weapons technology? If I posted a ban on all future weapons tech., you would oppose it.

All extreme Right wingers need to stop acting extreme and realize that weapons technology is advancing fast. What we are defining is FREEDOM. Who is free? The person flaunting and owning a weapon that can kill masses in their "everyone should be this way" zone or the person who thinks weapons are ok but extreme weapons that can cause a massacre should be regulated like the Constitution said they should.
Liberals will seize all guns from the public.
That is their primary goal.

They will seize IRAs and 401Ks first.
Liberals will seize all guns from the public.
That is their primary goal.

They will seize IRAs and 401Ks first.

It's not the liberals behind this. Disarming the population is the primary goal of our banker overlords who use our government (with the guns) to enforce and enrich their interests. The liberals in power are being used if they believe they're making the country safe. Safe for who? The bankers? Certainly not for citizens after Obama signed the NDAA.
The liberals are behind the plan to seize 401Ks and IRAs.
Gun control is the loud issue they use to camouflage the policy.
The liberals are behind the plan to seize 401Ks and IRAs.
Gun control is the loud issue they use to camouflage the policy.
Really? Do you understand the ramifications of a legal carry owner, selling to another?

Yes. It's done all the time in the hallways of gunshows. Until the gunshow loophole is eliminated, perhaps it would be best to eliminate them.
I've been waiting a week to see which of you dimwit right winger teabaggers would bring this piece of shit lie up.

So you have been prepped by the party to expect this plan to be mentioned?
They have instructed you to use angry abuse from the acceptable abuse dictionary and call it a lie?

Thing is, the exact same sentence was used to denigrate the person who said Obamas crazed tax plan would increase tax on all Americans, not just the "rich"!

That person too was a dimwit right wing teabagger bringing up a piece of shit lie!

Your textbook reaction tells me it is a fact, he intends to seize the aforementioned.

I have cashed my 401K out and invested in copper.

Copper jacketed lead in a Brass cartridge!!

The wife has emptied her IRA, purchased gold, silver, diamonds and two new bullpup rifles!

All our bank accounts have been closed, any cash is kept in the house for safety!

You won't get my money, my guns or my freedom, nor my children's lives!!

We are cashed out, off the grid, armed up and home schooling!!

You gonna send in the tanks?
So you have been prepped by the party to expect this plan to be mentioned?
They have instructed you to use angry abuse from the acceptable abuse dictionary and call it a lie?

Thing is, the exact same sentence was used to denigrate the person who said Obamas crazed tax plan would increase tax on all Americans, not just the "rich"!

That person too was a dimwit right wing teabagger bringing up a piece of shit lie!

Your textbook reaction tells me it is a fact, he intends to seize the aforementioned.

I have cashed my 401K out and invested in copper.

Copper jacketed lead in a Brass cartridge!!

The wife has emptied her IRA, purchased gold, silver, diamonds and two new bullpup rifles!

All our bank accounts have been closed, any cash is kept in the house for safety!

You won't get my money, my guns or my freedom, nor my children's lives!!

We are cashed out, off the grid, armed up and home schooling!!

You gonna send in the tanks? really are a fucking nutcase!

Quit getting your "news" from Facebook and chain emails and you'll be ok.
Home • Ask FactCheck • No Government 401(k) Takeover
No Government 401(k) Takeover
Posted on December 11, 2012
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Q: Is the Obama administration attempting to eliminate private 401(k)s and IRAs and create a “national retirement system”?

A: No. Obama endorses a proposal that would require businesses without retirement plans to establish private IRAs for their employees and deposit a percentage of wages into the accounts. Employees could opt out.


I have started seeing postings on Facebook and other web sites referring to ”recent hearings” sponsored by the Labor Department and Treasury Department. The hearings are being referred to as “the beginning of the Obama administration’s effort to nationalize the nation’s pension system and to eliminate private retirement accounts…” The whole thing sounds bogus, and I have been unable to find anything to support the claim other than those sites making the claim.

One site claiming this, National Seniors Council, appears to be basing the entire claim on the testimony of some of the groups and individuals, which seems weak at best.

What are the real facts?


Our inbox was recently flooded by emails referring to this 2010 article from the National Seniors Council, titled “Obama Begins Push for New National Retirement System.” The NSC calls itself a “national conservative senior citizens organization.” It advocates for limited government and against President Obama, claiming that the administration has a “big-government anti-seniors agenda” and that “Social Security and Medicare are both on the chopping block in order to pay for the liberals’ welfare programs and bailouts.” It’s also a committee of the National Grassroots Advocacy, a 501(c)4 founded in 2009 that advocates for the repeal of the president’s health care law.

The group drew attention to its two-year-old article in a “Director’s report” posted in November after the election. It stated: “In the coming months and years there will be huge battles over ObamaCare, Social Security, and even Obama’s dream of establishing a new ‘national retirement system.’ ” However, the group’s 2010 article is an opinion piece full of misleading information and misguided speculation. The administration hasn’t proposed any “national retirement system.”

The article focuses on a September 2010 joint hearing of the Department of Labor and the Treasury. NSC National Director Robert Crone acknowledges in the article that the hearing “was set up to explore why Americans are not saving as much for their retirement as they could,” but he goes on to claim, without any evidence, that “it is clear that this is the first step towards a government takeover.” The article also mentions the Automatic IRA Act. Crone claims that if the bill passed, “the government will be just one step away from being able to confiscate all these retirement accounts.” He goes on to say that the government would ultimately “redistribute the wealth of America’s older citizens.” But the Automatic IRA legislation doesn’t call for any sort of “government takeover” of retirement accounts, nor is there evidence of a sinister plan to redistribute seniors’ retirement dollars.

Instead, the legislation is a long-standing proposal that was originally developed in 2006 by David C. John, senior research fellow in retirement security and financial institutions at the conservative Heritage Foundation, and J. Mark Iwry, then of the Brookings Institution and now with the Treasury Department. The bill aims to expand retirement savings among Americans. It would require businesses that don’t have retirement plans to establish private, employer-sponsored IRA plans and automatically deposit contributions from employees, unless employees opt out.

John told us that it “would not make it any easier for a government to confiscate retirement savings.” He said that currently only about half of the U.S. workforce is able to contribute to retirement funds with payroll deductions. The bill would increase that to about 90 percent.

As for the 2010 hearing on retirement options, the NSC focused on one speaker, Rebecca Davis, of a consumer advocacy group, who called for additional government assistance in retirement funding for lower-income workers. But Iwry, now senior advisor to the Secretary of the Treasury, opened the hearing by stating that the meeting was “in the context of the department’s support for the private pension system.”

Readers also have sent us a World Net Daily article by Jerome Corsi titled “Now Obama Wants your 401(k).” Corsi was the author of a 2008 book, “The Obama Nation,” which was critical of then-presidential candidate Obama and, we found in fact-checking it, “a mishmash of unsupported conjecture, half-truths, logical fallacies and outright falsehoods.” Corsi’s article for the WND claims that Obama, with help from the Departments of Treasury and Labor, is “eyeing the opportunity to redistribute private retirement savings to less affluent Americans and to force the retirement savings out of the private market and into government-controlled programs investing in government-issued debt.” Corsi cites the same things the NSC does — the 2010 joint hearing and the Automatic IRA bill.

Automatic IRA

In the President’s Budget for Fiscal Year 2013 (page 147), the administration endorses an Automatic IRA proposal that would require businesses without retirement plans to establish employer-sponsored IRA plans. In the House, Democratic Rep. Richard Neal of Massachusetts introduced the most recent version of the bill on Feb. 16, 2012. No action has been taken on the bill since March, when it was referred to the House Subcommittee on Health, Employment, Labor, and Pensions. The bill would require employers to automatically enroll employees in an IRA by directly depositing 3 percent of wages into the fund. Employees may opt out of the IRA at any time, and the program would be strictly voluntary. Businesses with 10 or fewer workers would be exempt.

Corresponding legislation in the Senate, the Automatic IRA Act of 2011, was introduced in September 2011 by Democratic Sens. John Kerry and Jeff Bingaman. It was promptly referred to committee, and no action has been taken since. Neal and Bingaman had previously introduced the same legislation in 2010. The legislation was also introduced back in 2006 and 2007. None of those bills has come to a vote — they all have died in committee.

The Labor Department’s Phyllis C. Borzi, an assistant secretary for the Employee Benefits Security Administration, testified on the latest legislation before the Senate Special Committee on Aging on March 7, 2012.

Phyllis C. Borzi, March 7, 2012: Under the budget proposal, the Administration projects that the new system of automatic workplace pensions will expand access to tens of millions of workers who currently lack pensions. Coverage will be expanded by requiring employers who do not currently offer a retirement plan to enroll their employees in a direct-deposit IRA account compatible with existing direct-deposit payroll systems. Employees would be permitted to opt-out if they choose. Employers with ten or fewer employees and employers in existence for less than two years would be exempt. Employers with fewer than 100 employees who set up these arrangements would be eligible for temporary business tax credits.

The Heritage Foundation’s John, who developed the original Automatic IRA proposal, told us that the Automatic IRAs “would be invested using private sector providers chosen by the employer.” As for government’s role, John said it would be “limited to requiring businesses with more than 10 employees (below that would be exempt) that don’t offer their employees any other type of pension or retirement savings account to offer their employees [the] opportunity to save for retirement with an Automatic IRA. It would also provide guidance about the types of investments allowed and help employers to connect with a private sector investment manager.”

There’s also the possibility that Treasury bonds could be used initially for “first-time savers.”

John, Dec. 4, 2012: There could be an R-Bond account at Treasury for first-time savers, but that money would be rolled into private sector accounts once the individual accounts reached a certain size. The R-Bond is designed to enable small savers to build up a balance up to $5,000 without any administrative fees. It has the support of many private financials, and private sector managers could substitute a private sector alternative if they wished.

On April 17, 2012, John testified on the same topic before the House Ways and Means Committee. He approved of the legislation, saying that it was “not a partisan or ideological proposal.”

John, April 17, 2012: This is not a partisan or ideological proposal. In 2008, the Automatic IRA won the endorsement of both the Obama and McCain campaigns, and it has continued to enjoy support from all sides of the ideological spectrum. Earlier this year, Rep. Richard Neal of the committee introduced HR 4049, the Automatic IRA Act of 2012. While the Heritage Foundation as a 501(C)3 nonprofit does not and cannot endorse any legislation, let me say that the policy contained in his bill would significantly improve our retirement savings system.

John went on to say that the proposal wouldn’t result in large costs to businesses. “For employers, offering an Automatic IRA would involve little or no cost or regulatory burden. The employer would not be maintaining a retirement plan, and employer contributions would be neither required nor permitted.”

According to John’s testimony, tax credits would cover any costs to employers. The White House Budget for 2013 says employers could receive tax credits of up to $250 per year for six years to cover costs, and that the administration’s budget would double the current tax credit for small employers offering retirement plans for the next four years (from $500 to $1,000 per year).

Labor Department Hearings

The 2010 National Seniors Council article also focuses on a joint hearing of the Departments of Treasury and Labor that, according to the group, “marked the beginning of the Obama Administration’s effort to nationalize the nation’s pension system and to eliminate private retirement accounts including IRA’s and 401k plans.”

But the hearing, which took place September 14 and 15, 2010, didn’t focus on eliminating private retirement accounts. In fact, Iwry, senior advisor to the secretary of the Treasury and deputy assistant Treasury secretary for retirement and health policy, said at the hearing that it was “in the context of the department’s support for the private pension system and especially for employer sponsored retirement plans, both defined benefit and defined contribution.” Its purpose was to discuss lifetime retirement payment options for seniors.

The various speakers included many from private companies and investment firms. But the NSC focuses on the testimony of one person — Rebecca Davis of the Pension Rights Center, a consumer advocacy group. Davis called for a “government sponsored program” to help low-income individuals buy annuities.

Rebecca Davis, Sept. 14, 2010: Private annuities are problematic, primarily because of their high cost and the negligible monthly benefits that small account balances can purchase. For these reasons, an annuity option within a 401k for participants with low balances would not be a realistic choice for most low and moderate income participants. Yet these are the individuals most in need of lifetime income in retirement. Therefore, we suggest that serious consideration be given to the concept of establishing a government sponsored program, ideally administered by the [Pension Benefit Guarantee Corporation] where participants with low account balances could purchase low cost annuities.

But that’s simply Davis’ opinion, offered among many in two days of hearings. Iwry made clear that the hearing “does not reflect any intention to require a purchase of annuities or any other particular investment.” He said the discussion was about choices. “We’re here to consider whether and how we might increase people’s choices, not limit them.”

John, of the Heritage Foundation, confirmed that the hearing “focused totally on products offered through the private sector.” We asked if he had seen any other effort by the Obama administration to create a “national retirement system” that could lead to the government confiscating accounts, as the National Seniors Council claims. John responded: “I have seen no indication that this is an Obama administration goal.”

– Jesse DuBois