The Bills Are A-Comin!

Good for you!
You can afford to be a liberal.
Others work.
The way you lord it over the worker is sickening!
Liberal war on workers!
Thank you for confirming that for us!

Liberalism is all about rich liberals controlling poor workers!
Champagne socialist!!
Yes. It's done all the time in the hallways of gunshows. Until the gunshow loophole is eliminated, perhaps it would be best to eliminate them.

Since it's done all the time, then you must have HUNDREDS of examples of this occuring.
Care to show them?
i'm sure he can, since howey wrongly defines private sales as a loophole

When it's happening at a gun show, it's not only a loophole, it's illegal.

Both incidents point to a major loophole in the nation's system of regulating firearms, experts say: Private parties can buy and sell guns in many parts of the country with little or no scrutiny from state and federal authorities. Nearly 40 percent of gun transactions in America occur through so-called private party sales, creating a secondary firearms market that is largely invisible.

More than three-quarters of states have no laws requiring background checks or documentation during private party sales, increasing the risk of weapons falling into the hands of convicted felons, juveniles or those who are mentally ill. As lawmakers in Washington examine gun control measures in the wake of last week's school massacre in Connecticut, many advocates and researchers are pushing to extend federal regulations requiring background checks and registrations to private gun sales.

"Fixing this would be one of the single most important things we could do to address overall gun violence," said David Kennedy, director of the Center for Crime Prevention and Control at John Jay College of Criminal Justice in New York. "A lot of people don't understand that this is the way the world works. It means that people who everybody agrees shouldn't get guns have little trouble getting guns."

Under the current system, federal law on gun purchases extends only to the first point of sale. Federally licensed firearms dealers are required to perform background checks on prospective buyers to screen out those with felony records, a history of domestic violence or mental illness and several other categories. Dealers are also required to keep detailed records of customers.

On private party sales, none of those restrictions apply under federal rules. States come up with their own laws governing the secondary gun market, and the restrictions vary widely, leaving an uneven patchwork of regulations from state to state.

Expect more laws like these.

A handful of states, including California and Rhode Island, require universal background checks for all private party transactions. If someone wanted to purchase from an unlicensed seller at a gun show or anywhere else, he or she would have to go to a federally licensed seller to certify the transaction: the licensed dealer would have to perform a background check before the sale could go through and keep a record of the transfer.
When it's happening at a gun show, it's not only a loophole, it's illegal.

Expect more laws like these.
not in texas and not in texas. not only that, but on the off chance that congress is stupid enough to try it any way, I will ignore it as an unconstitutional law.