The "Birthers" Win One...


Staff member
I heard on the radio that the California Circuit Court ruled that the claimants have legal standing and scheduled the first hearing for January 26th 2010...
I seriously doubt that the above is at all accurate.
Just reporting what I heard. Dr. Corso (sp?) was on all excited about it on the morning show on my way in to work...

The morning show dude isn't a "believer" but he airs these guys all the time, they are very excited about a "trial" right now.
Just reporting what I heard. Dr. Corso (sp?) was on all excited about it on the morning show on my way in to work...

The morning show dude isn't a "believer" but he airs these guys all the time, they are very excited about a "trial" right now.

I trust that you are accurately reporting what you heard. I also trust that what you heard is not accurate.
Still with this, really? Jesus.
Yeah, they are tenacious. I hear that there are a bunch of "Where's the birth certificate?" billboards going up as well. A couple will be in Denver right next to the Highway.
I heard on the radio that the California Circuit Court ruled that the claimants have legal standing and scheduled the first hearing for January 26th 2010...

This has got to be one of the worst uses of our court systems in recent memory. They should round up the idiots who brought this to the court and just double tap them.
This has got to be one of the worst uses of our court systems in recent memory. They should round up the idiots who brought this to the court and just double tap them.

You don't understand. Birtherism is a cottage industry. They get water-twice-a-day-stupid people to give money to Orly Taitz, WorldNetDaily and whatever other bullshit "foundations" are riding the birther bandwagon and promote the judge putting out a tentative scheduling order as a "win" to keep the idiots sending them money.

They're a bunch of hucksters and they're getting paid.

The only thing I'm trying to figure out is why Damo posts about it all the time. The only reasonable explanation is that he's getting a slice of the action.
I heard on the radio...

Some rightwing talk radio show?

that the California Circuit Court ruled that the claimants have legal standing and scheduled the first hearing for January 26th 2010...

Exciting news!

I'm anxious to find out if it can be proven Obama is a secret radical marxist muslim too! :clink:

Just reporting what I heard. Dr. Corso (sp?) was on all excited about it on the morning show on my way in to work... this that Jerome Corsi guy? Noted swiftboat liar, and all-around fringe extremist nutjob? What kind of radio show do you listen to, that gives this nutjob a platform to speak? This totally has to be the Glenn Beck show....
You don't understand. Birtherism is a cottage industry. They get water-twice-a-day-stupid people to give money to Orly Taitz, WorldNetDaily and whatever other bullshit "foundations" are riding the birther bandwagon and promote the judge putting out a tentative scheduling order as a "win" to keep the idiots sending them money.

They're a bunch of hucksters and they're getting paid.

The only thing I'm trying to figure out is why Damo posts about it all the time. The only reasonable explanation is that he's getting a slice of the action.
It entertains me.