The Bottom Line!


Shaken, not stirred!
This lady tells it like it is! Pity that it's the French and British who are showing backbone and doing a better job of living up to those three words that is in OUR CONSTITUTION ..... WE THE PEOPLE ...
This lady tells it like it is! Pity that it's the French and British who are showing backbone and doing a better job of living up to those three words that is in OUR CONSTITUTION ..... WE THE PEOPLE ...
A 8 hot, 15 crazy...

This lady tells it like it is! Pity that it's the French and British who are showing backbone and doing a better job of living up to those three words that is in OUR CONSTITUTION ..... WE THE PEOPLE ...
When I heard that the UK had voted in a Labour (socialist) government my first thought was that the Brits will live to regret this - BIG TIME !

Every modern-era, Labour government in Britain has ended in tears, this one will be no exception.

In two years time, the streets of England will begin to run - as Enoch Powell famously put it - with "Rivers of Blood."

Mark my words, Taichi Baby.

Kindest Regards

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Most Americans are too stupid and brainwashed to understand that by voting for a Republican or a Democrat, they are still voting for the wealthy elite.
When I heard that the UK had voted in a Labour (socialist) government my first thought was that the Brits will live to regret this - BIG TIME !

Every modern-era, Labour government in Britain has ended in tears, this one will be no exception.

In two years time, the streets of England will begin to run - as Enoch Powell famously put it - with "Rivers of Blood."Dr

Mark my words, Taichi Baby.

Kindest Regards


A 8 hot, 15 crazy...

For God's sake, T.A., try to get sober before your fingers hit the keys. Just because your MAGA mind gets bruised with a little truth is no cause for you to lose your shit! Seriously, I'm embarrassed for you!
When I heard that the UK had voted in a Labour (socialist) government my first thought was that the Brits will live to regret this - BIG TIME !

Every modern-era, Labour government in Britain has ended in tears, this one will be no exception.

In two years time, the streets of England will begin to run - as Enoch Powell famously put it - with "Rivers of Blood."

Mark my words, Taichi Baby.

Kindest Regards

Another fascist we dream from the Nazi dog from Down Under. :sleep:
When I heard that the UK had voted in a Labour (socialist) government my first thought was that the Brits will live to regret this - BIG TIME !

Every modern-era, Labour government in Britain has ended in tears, this one will be no exception.

In two years time, the streets of England will begin to run - as Enoch Powell famously put it - with "Rivers of Blood."

Mark my words, Taichi Baby.

Kindest Regards


New research has revealed that last week’s election saw the lowest turnout by British adults since the advent of universal suffrage in 1928.

The shocking information confounds previous claims that turnout was the lowest since 2001, which was made by measuring turnout as a proportion of those registered to vote.

New research has revealed that last week’s election saw the lowest turnout by British adults since the advent of universal suffrage in 1928.

The shocking information confounds previous claims that turnout was the lowest since 2001, which was made by measuring turnout as a proportion of those registered to vote.

Non of this changes the "bottom line."

The "bottom line" being that the recently - elected Labour Party in Britain will be a disaster for the UK. There is no doubt about this.

Even if you were an Englishman who was deeply disappointed by the way the Tories had been governing, surely you would have voted Conservative if only as a means of helping to prevent Labour from winning the election. After all even a lacklustre Conservative government is is far, far more preferable to the British Labour Party in power ! Right ?

I mean, who (hypothetically) would you prefer to have in "Number 10": Jeremy Corbyn or Boris Johnson ?

Dachshund Dawg

This lady tells it like it is! Pity that it's the French and British who are showing backbone and doing a better job of living up to those three words that is in OUR CONSTITUTION ..... WE THE PEOPLE ...

Unlike you, Anchovies, the American Founders who framed the Constitution were not Leftist ideologues, and they would certainly find the politics of a bug-eyed cultural Marxist (like yourself), to be simply and utterly insane.

This is because the Founders were all robust, political conservatives. Yes, that's right, Anchovies,staunch traditional right - wingers, like: Tom Cotton or Ted Cruz or Ronnie Jackson or Ron DeSantis or Chip Roy, and so on. In terms of their political philosophy and ideologies, they were what a modern-day political scientist would call -CLASSICAL LIBERTARIANS - (in the manner of their mentor, the great, John Locke). They were - the way I imagine them to be = late, 18th - century TRUMPERS. ! (So stick that in your pipe and smoke it, Anchovies !).

When they wrote : "WE THE PEOPLE", it went without saying that "THE PEOPLE" referenced were all WHITE (North-Western EUROPEAN) CHRISTIANS/PROTESTANT.S These were the people that the republic was designed for. The contents of the key Founding documents (The Declaration of Independence, The US Constitution/Bill of Rights, etc) are all direct expressions of the primary tenets of White, European "Western" culture. Remember, the the Founders were all very much men of the (Western European) Enlightenment. - a quintessential expression of refined, (White European), Western culture.

The AMERICAN EXPERIMENT worked brilliantly when "WE THE PEOPLE" were 85% - 90%, White, Europeans whose native culture was Western. But when "WE THE PEOPLE" increasingly become non - White European and non-Western in terms of their respective cultures, the experiment progressively fells apart;l and when White Americans (and their Western culture) ultimately become a demographic minority group, the American Experiment will collapse completely. The rapid, mass, non-white, Third-World immigration (legal and illegal) into America that began 60-70 years ago, was the equivalent (in effect) of repeatedly throwing handfuls of sand into the gasoline tank of a high-quality finely-tuned, high-performance, automobilie engine. That is, the engine will be swiftly and irreparably f**ked.

What I have just told you (above) is the truth about why America's now finds itself in a frightening state of decline. You may not like hearing it, and I admitt it is a very, very hard truth to face. But the thing is that if you have a big problem on your hands and you want to solve it, unless you are prepared to be completely truthful about what has caused the problem, you will never, ever solve it . Fabricating devious lies to explain the causes of social pathologies in modern-day America, like stubborn disparities in life outcomes between Blacks (and other coloured minority groups) and Whites by inventing a fiction like the bogus concept of "Systemic/Institutional Racism," is merely pouring gasoline onto an existing fire . But that is what the cultural Marxists currently running the US ultimately want to do, I suppose, that is, burn down the house that is the great American experiment.

Dachshund Dawg

New research has revealed that last week’s election saw the lowest turnout by British adults since the advent of universal suffrage in 1928.

The shocking information confounds previous claims that turnout was the lowest since 2001, which was made by measuring turnout as a proportion of those registered to vote.

Why do you think the turnout was so low?
Non of this changes the "bottom line."

The "bottom line" being that the recently - elected Labour Party in Britain will be a disaster for the UK. There is no doubt about this.

Even if you were an Englishman who was deeply disappointed by the way the Tories had been governing, surely you would have voted Conservative if only as a means of helping to prevent Labour from winning the election. After all even a lacklustre Conservative government is is far, far more preferable to the British Labour Party in power ! Right ?

I mean, who (hypothetically) would you prefer to have in "Number 10": Jeremy Corbyn or Boris Johnson ?

Dachshund Dawg

You're not an Albanese hound?
You're not an Albanese hound?

My pet mini, smooth red Dachshund, Mr Peanut, even has his own little, red, MAGA cap.

I made it for him to wear when he goes for his walkies in Brisbane. It has an elastic strap that keeps it sitting on top of his head (!)

As you are an animal-lover, ChristieFANNY (like me) would you like to know what I think is the cutest animal of them all ??

I'll tell you.

The God-D**n cutest animals of them all are Koala's - esp the baby ones.

Unfortunately, in Australia it is illegal to keep them as pets

Apart from being unbelievably CUTE Koalas are political animals as well.

And I hate to tell you this, ChristieFANNY but they are traditional CONSERVATIVES (Yes, "Reich - Wingers, Christie !!)

I know this because one half of their life is spent sleep, while the other half is spent sitting on their butts on a branch of a Gum tree munching Eucalyptus leaves non-stop.

Thats all they ever do, they do not like any sudden change to - or reform their Gum tree status quo and they believe in the value of passing down their Gum tree traditions to successive generations of future Koala. They do not have anything to do with LGBTQI identity politics, and they are not woke (they are either crashed out for 12-hour sleeps, or drowsy whenever they are awake). They are firm believers in the nuclear family

These are all classic traits possessed by a traditional Conservative. So I guess if you took a Koala to the states this November it would vote for TRUMP

Love and Kiss from your devoted friend and virtual LOVER ! :love::love::love::love:

Dachshund - the TRUMPER DAWG ! xxxxxooooo
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Non of this changes the "bottom line."

The "bottom line" being that the recently - elected Labour Party in Britain will be a disaster for the UK. There is no doubt about this.

Even if you were an Englishman who was deeply disappointed by the way the Tories had been governing, surely you would have voted Conservative if only as a means of helping to prevent Labour from winning the election. After all even a lacklustre Conservative government is is far, far more preferable to the British Labour Party in power ! Right ?

I mean, who (hypothetically) would you prefer to have in "Number 10": Jeremy Corbyn or Boris Johnson ?

Dachshund Dawg
