The Bottom Line!

Unlike you, Anchovies, the American Founders who framed the Constitution were not Leftist ideologues, and they would certainly find the politics of a bug-eyed cultural Marxist (like yourself), to be simply and utterly insane.

This is because the Founders were all robust, political conservatives. Yes, that's right, Anchovies,staunch traditional right - wingers, like: Tom Cotton or Ted Cruz or Ronnie Jackson or Ron DeSantis or Chip Roy, and so on. In terms of their political philosophy and ideologies, they were what a modern-day political scientist would call -CLASSICAL LIBERTARIANS - (in the manner of their mentor, the great, John Locke). They were - the way I imagine them to be = late, 18th - century TRUMPERS. ! (So stick that in your pipe and smoke it, Anchovies !).

When they wrote : "WE THE PEOPLE", it went without saying that "THE PEOPLE" referenced were all WHITE (North-Western EUROPEAN) CHRISTIANS/PROTESTANT.S These were the people that the republic was designed for. The contents of the key Founding documents (The Declaration of Independence, The US Constitution/Bill of Rights, etc) are all direct expressions of the primary tenets of White, European "Western" culture. Remember, the the Founders were all very much men of the (Western European) Enlightenment. - a quintessential expression of refined, (White European), Western culture.

The AMERICAN EXPERIMENT worked brilliantly when "WE THE PEOPLE" were 85% - 90%, White, Europeans whose native culture was Western. But when "WE THE PEOPLE" increasingly become non - White European and non-Western in terms of their respective cultures, the experiment progressively fells apart;l and when White Americans (and their Western culture) ultimately become a demographic minority group, the American Experiment will collapse completely. The rapid, mass, non-white, Third-World immigration (legal and illegal) into America that began 60-70 years ago, was the equivalent (in effect) of repeatedly throwing handfuls of sand into the gasoline tank of a high-quality finely-tuned, high-performance, automobilie engine. That is, the engine will be swiftly and irreparably f**ked.

What I have just told you (above) is the truth about why America's now finds itself in a frightening state of decline. You may not like hearing it, and I admitt it is a very, very hard truth to face. But the thing is that if you have a big problem on your hands and you want to solve it, unless you are prepared to be completely truthful about what has caused the problem, you will never, ever solve it . Fabricating devious lies to explain the causes of social pathologies in modern-day America, like stubborn disparities in life outcomes between Blacks (and other coloured minority groups) and Whites by inventing a fiction like the bogus concept of "Systemic/Institutional Racism," is merely pouring gasoline onto an existing fire . But that is what the cultural Marxists currently running the US ultimately want to do, I suppose, that is, burn down the house that is the great American experiment.

Dachshund Dawg

I love it when you neo-Nazi numbskulls think you're so clever that you mount that tree stump and blather the most revisionist, logically convoluted and myopic blending of your personal bigot bilge and current events/history. The joker you see in the mirror along with like minded mooks must all seal clap with glee!

The majority of the rest of the world, not so much.

Like it or not, my sheet wearing clown, France and Britain gave the right wing their shot. They blew it, and the people didn't like the smell of fascism creeping into their lives.

Here in America, the authoritarian rubbish that Cheeto Jeezus is spewing cost the Republicans many seats in the last congressional elections .... much to the point that just a few more seats and they will lose the majority vote. They already are the minority in the Senate.

So do keep whaling away on the keyboards with your tired racist tinged screeds. It's such a pleasure to make a fool out of you to the rational, objective readers, as the chronology of the posts shows. Carry on.
New research has revealed that last week’s election saw the lowest turnout by British adults since the advent of universal suffrage in 1928.

The shocking information confounds previous claims that turnout was the lowest since 2001, which was made by measuring turnout as a proportion of those registered to vote.

Bottom line: he won, the corrupt, fascist/authoritarian tinged conservatives lost. If they want to quibble about how badly they lost, no one but butt hurt conservatives/fascist/authoritarians around the globe care.

Don't fret, Dippy. You can languish in your ex-patriot splendor in your adopted country's junta spawned gov't. Carry on.
Bottom line: he won, the corrupt, fascist/authoritarian tinged conservatives lost. If they want to quibble about how badly they lost, no one but butt hurt conservatives/fascist/authoritarians around the globe care.

Don't fret, Dippy. You can languish in your ex-patriot splendor in your adopted country's junta spawned gov't. Carry on.
That's alright. Given what Labour has done since getting elected in England, give them 100 or so days and the economy there will be screwed for decades. They've already stopped all new well production in the N. Sea meaning the UK will have to import more gas and oil since the country is still 80% dependent on the two for energy. That's just one example.
That's alright. Given what Labour has done since getting elected in England, give them 100 or so days and the economy there will be screwed for decades. They've already stopped all new well production in the N. Sea meaning the UK will have to import more gas and oil since the country is still 80% dependent on the two for energy. That's just one example.
source please?
source please?

Labour has run Wales into the ground, now they get their chance to do it to England.


Labour has run Wales into the ground, now they get their chance to do it to England.

Your first link requires subscription in order to read, so that's out.
Your other links are opinion pieces FROM THE PARTY THAT GOT THEIR ASSES HANDED TO THEM and right leaning publications.

So thanks for the sources, but essentially they're just bias sour grapes by the political party that the people of the UK ROUNDLY REJECTED. So now the Labour party will have to pick up the pieces and move on to hopefully better policies.

And the band played on.