The broken system

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The CBO made an asssessment based on their projections. Is that a lie?

They are not able to predict the future, as far as I can tell.
Is that a lie?

Considering that there is no final bill yet, don't you think it's too early to decide whether or not the final product will be deficit-neutral?
Is that a lie?
They are not able to predict the future, as far as I can tell.
Is that a lie?
Either a lie, or the most stupid statement in the history of political discourse.

What the hell do you think a PROJECTION is, if not a prediction of the future?

Amazing. The CBO has been sung to high heaven as the end-all/be-all by the Democratic Party for the past 8 years at least and suddenly they are "inaccurate".

It is their job to assess the budgetary cost of each bill as it comes through, they've done their job. Your "One" was misleading in his assessment.
The Office of the Speaker explains "First of all, under our bill, no one can ever be forced onto a government-run health plan. Under our bill, the public health insurance plan is available to all those using the Exchange. All those using the Exchange will have a choice of options, various private plans, as well as the public plan. If an employer is providing their employees health insurance through the Exchange, it is the employee, not the employer, choosing the plan. Under the bill, in the first two years of the Exchange, small employers may participate; in later years, the Administration has the discretion to permit larger employers to participate but there is no timeline for this participation.

Second, the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office predicts the number of Americans in private insurance plans will actually increase under the bill, rather than millions being forced out of private plans and into a public plan.

Thirdly, the nonpartisan CBO has estimated that, by 2019, about 9 or 10 million Americans, or 90 million fewer Americans than claimed by Republican Leader Boehner, will be enrolled in the public plan. CBO projects that two-thirds using the Exchange will choose a private plan, not the public plan. Even if more Americans end up choosing the public plan, it will be their choice, no one can force them into the plan."
Amazing. The CBO has been sung to high heaven as the end-all/be-all by the Democratic Party for the past 8 years at least and suddenly they are "inaccurate".

It is their job to assess the budgetary cost of each bill as it comes through, they've done their job. Your "One" was misleading in his assessment.

We are long past the point where we have to argue over how to count the money. Doesn’t anyone realize that this means we are spending more than we can afford? Isn’t finding novel ways to count money what they did at Enron?
A dog is not considered a good dog because he is a good barker. A man is not considered a good man because he is a good talker. - The Buddha

And both are wise only when they know when to shut up.
We are long past the point where we have to argue over how to count the money. Doesn’t anyone realize that this means we are spending more than we can afford? Isn’t finding novel ways to count money what they did at Enron?
This works for me. We expect far more from the government than we pay for, it is unrealistic. The difference is I wouldn't suggest higher taxes to fix it, I would suggest a cut back in spending.
This works for me. We expect far more from the government than we pay for, it is unrealistic. The difference is I wouldn't suggest higher taxes to fix it, I would suggest a cut back in spending.

I would choose spending cuts over higher taxes, but I would venture that we will eventually have to do both.
Americans spend more on health care than on housing or food.

If the current health cost growth persists, the Congressional Budget Office estimates that by 2025, one out of every four dollars in our national economy will be tied up in the health care system.
"Affirmative action" is a racist code term when used by a rightwingnut, isn't it?
Despite fierce opposition from the highly-paid status quo lobby, health care reform will be a reality by the end of the year.

"The president of the United States will be out front as the drum major," says House Speaker Nancy Pelosi D-CA. "We will be the drumbeat across America."

The House has advanced a bill to initiate reform after the insurance lobby's campaign of fear and lies failed.

White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs said that the House committee action was a "big, positive step forward, and gets us even closer to comprehensive healthcare reform."

During the August recess, House Democratic leaders will blend three committees' versions of the legislation in preparation for a vote.