The Bush Legacy

Yes; far better to have done nothing and pretended Saddam was not a threat to our allies or to peace in the region and pretend the sanctions were hurting him and not the Iraqi people.

While we are pretending; let's also pretend that Europe had nothing to do with the mess the US was handed in the region and pretend that the former Soviet Union didn't arm despots like Saddam to the teeth.

I'm amused by the revisionist history that also pretends 9-11 didn't occur and the equally dense premise that it cannot happen again.

While we are pretending, we might as well pretend we are no longer the leader of the free world and hand the reigns over to Putin and the useless United Nations. Then we can all pretend there will be peace and that dictators, terrorists and despots will lay down the megalomaniacal desires and pursue peaceful coexistence.

Let's all have a collective global hug now.

Bush's real legacy is that he was a real leader who meant what he said and who after getting overwhelming support for overdue action, actually backed up his rhetoric with action only to be abandon by political apparatchiks and the fickle clueless American sheeple.

Yes; far better to have done nothing and pretended Saddam was not a threat to our allies or to peace in the region and pretend the sanctions were hurting him and not the Iraqi people.

If Saddam was such a great threat to the region then why wasn’t there a coalition of ”REGIONAL” forces to oppose Saddam and Iraq? What fucking business was it of the United States? What God died and left the United States in charge of world safety?

While we are pretending; let's also pretend that Europe had nothing to do with the mess the US was handed in the region and pretend that the former Soviet Union didn't arm despots like Saddam to the teeth.

Might I ask WHO handed the United States the mess in the region?

Fact check. It was actually the United States CIA that armed and brought Saddam to power in Iraq because it feared the communist would take over Iraq. It was also our CIA that deposed an elected leader in Iran and replaced him with the brutal Shah. And just think, America’s neo-con RINO right-wingers wonder to this day why so many Iranians hate America and why Iran took American hostages. It’s no fucking mystery to me!

I'm amused by the revisionist history that also pretends 9-11 didn't occur and the equally dense premise that it cannot happen again.

Are you also amused that Iraq had absolutely nothing to do with 911?

While we are pretending, we might as well pretend we are no longer the leader of the free world and hand the reigns over to Putin and the useless United Nations. Then we can all pretend there will be peace and that dictators, terrorists and despots will lay down the megalomaniacal desires and pursue peaceful coexistence.

Let's all have a collective global hug now.

Who the fuck elected America the so-called Leader Of The Free World? Did you get a vote on that? I don’t ever remember getting an opportunity to vote on that one.

Oh yeah! That’s right if you’ve been voting for the Duopoly Military Industrial Complex promoters and those same bastards that endlessly start unnecessary, undeclared, unconstitutional fucking wars where we have no real business, then you’re actually voting for the American World Police Force, the idiocy of Nation Building and last but by no means lest, you’ve provided your vote for “American leadership of the fictional free world,” huh? You’ve insured that Saddam is gone and now Iraq looks like Iran and that those fucking Arab dictators in Saudi Arabia and Kuwait are safe and sound, right?

Bush's real legacy is that he was a real leader who meant what he said and who after getting overwhelming support for overdue action, actually backed up his rhetoric with action only to be abandon by political apparatchiks and the fickle clueless American sheeple.


Actually the Bush legacy is his eternal worship of Dick, (let’s torture em), Cheney who was actually the flawed Presidential leadership of the “Bushwhacker Era.” The Bush legacy is a legacy of unnecessary, un-paid-for, undeclared, unconstitutional fucking stupid expensive wars that maimed, killed off and mentally destroyed thousands of America’s youth and left Iraq a place where American diplomats are physically restricted to a multi-million $ Embassy because the country of Iraq is soooo fucking dangerous and unaccepting of Americans to even take a stroll outside of Bush’s fortress Embassy is a suicide mission into a country that is now Iran’s little brother and devoted follower.

Not really sure Bush 41 or 43 have any sort of a legacy I would want....
George W. Bush's legacy is pretty secure. He'll go down as an inept and divisive conservative southern ideologue who was, not surprizingly, overwhelmed by circumstances.

I don't think W was out worst President. His activities weren't treasonous like Franklin Pierce nor was he a criminal like Nixon and his administration certainly wasn't as corrupt as Grant's. Though from any objective view point he does rival Buchanon and Harding as the most incompetent US President.
Yes; far better to have done nothing and pretended Saddam was not a threat to our allies or to peace in the region and pretend the sanctions were hurting him and not the Iraqi people.

While we are pretending; let's also pretend that Europe had nothing to do with the mess the US was handed in the region and pretend that the former Soviet Union didn't arm despots like Saddam to the teeth.

I'm amused by the revisionist history that also pretends 9-11 didn't occur and the equally dense premise that it cannot happen again.

While we are pretending, we might as well pretend we are no longer the leader of the free world and hand the reigns over to Putin and the useless United Nations. Then we can all pretend there will be peace and that dictators, terrorists and despots will lay down the megalomaniacal desires and pursue peaceful coexistence.

Let's all have a collective global hug now.

Bush's real legacy is that he was a real leader who meant what he said and who after getting overwhelming support for overdue action, actually backed up his rhetoric with action only to be abandon by political apparatchiks and the fickle clueless American sheeple.


LOL You're funny. W couldn't even form grammatically correct sentences. His failures as a leader are legend. From his wreakless financial policies that ended national suprplusses and racked up trillions of debt to his irresponsible and immoral foreign policy that mislead the American people into an immoral war in Iraq while dropping the ball on a legitimate war in Afghanistan, to standing by and letting other incompetents create a cluster fuck while a major City drowned and people died to being asleep at the wheel while the national economy disintigrated around him to systematically undermining our public education system it's hard to imagine a more failed leader in US history than George W. Bush. Buchannon maybe?
the current right in this country seeks the failure of our state.

their actions like debt default out their real intentions
You think Bush is bad, wait till Obana is done embarrassing the US and himself; he'll make Carter look like a genius.
Meh...although certainly a historic President it's already clear what Obama's legacy will be. He'll go down in history as not only being our first black President but as the leader who dug this nation out of the shit hole that incompetent Bush put us in. He'll also have the long over due structural reforms (reforms that were mostly republican ideas) to our health care system as his legacy. Now while those are truely significant accomplishments, other than that he's not accomplished a lot. Though that's not entirely his own fault.

Hell just the fact that Obama has been able to dig us out, for the most part, of the Bush shit hole has earned Obama accolades as being one of our more significant Presidents as W dug a real, real, real big shit hole for this nation.

Obama will be remembered not as one of the truly great Presidents but will be remembered as an above average President who repaired the damage done to this nation by radical southern reactionary politicians.
If Saddam was such a great threat to the region then why wasn’t there a coalition of ”REGIONAL” forces to oppose Saddam and Iraq? What fucking business was it of the United States? What God died and left the United States in charge of world safety?

I guess you missed the coalition that constituted 35 nations; you’re starting to bloviate like an uninformed liberal now. But this occurs when Bush haters rant ignorant about history.

What business was it of the US to lead the coalition to eject North Korea from the South Korean peninsula? What business was it of the US to lead the coalition to eject Saddam’s forces from Kuwait?

The reason is clear; without the US military might and leadership, the United Nations becomes a useless and pointless organization with no capability to enforce their resolutions.

Take a history course.

Might I ask WHO handed the United States the mess in the region?

Gee; that would be France, the Dutch, Germany and England; are you unfamiliar with the history of the region and the decline of the Ottoman Empire or Europe’s colonial conquests and stealing Arab oil for nearly nothing?

Fact check. It was actually the United States CIA that armed and brought Saddam to power in Iraq because it feared the communist would take over Iraq.

Wrong again; the US had nothing to do with the Saddam coming to power in Iraq or arming them and I challenge you to provide one shred of credible evidence to support your laughably stupid claim.

It was also our CIA that deposed an elected leader in Iran and replaced him with the brutal Shah. And just think, America’s neo-con RINO right-wingers wonder to this day why so many Iranians hate America and why Iran took American hostages. It’s no fucking mystery to me!

Wrong again; the US had nothing to do with the Shah coming to power in Iran and I challenge you to provide one shred of credible evidence to support your laughably stupid claim.

I’ll give you a clue; it was a nation whose country starts with an “E” and ends with a “d’ to defend their oil rights in the region against a threatened socialist Presidents takeover.

Are you also amused that Iraq had absolutely nothing to do with 911?

Where did I claim they did?

Who the fuck elected America the so-called Leader Of The Free World? Did you get a vote on that? I don’t ever remember getting an opportunity to vote on that one.

You don’t vote on leadership you inept dunce. It lands in your lap when you are the leader of the free world trying to liberate and defend free nations from despots, dictators and terrorists.

Myopic historically clueless thinking like yours gave us the policies that permitted Japan and Germany’s near takeover of the globe; how did that isolationism work for us again dimwit?

Oh yeah! That’s right if you’ve been voting for the Duopoly Military Industrial Complex promoters and those same bastards that endlessly start unnecessary, undeclared, unconstitutional fucking wars where we have no real business, then you’re actually voting for the American World Police Force, the idiocy of Nation Building and last but by no means lest, you’ve provided your vote for “American leadership of the fictional free world,” huh? You’ve insured that Saddam is gone and now Iraq looks like Iran and that those fucking Arab dictators in Saudi Arabia and Kuwait are safe and sound, right?

This is just another incredibly stupid lunatic rant lacking in facts and based on paranoia and ignorance.

Actually the Bush legacy is his eternal worship of Dick, (let’s torture em), Cheney who was actually the flawed Presidential leadership of the “Bushwhacker Era.” The Bush legacy is a legacy of unnecessary, un-paid-for, undeclared, unconstitutional fucking stupid expensive wars that maimed, killed off and mentally destroyed thousands of America’s youth and left Iraq a place where American diplomats are physically restricted to a multi-million $ Embassy because the country of Iraq is soooo fucking dangerous and unaccepting of Americans to even take a stroll outside of Bush’s fortress Embassy is a suicide mission into a country that is now Iran’s little brother and devoted follower.

This is just another incredibly stupid lunatic rant lacking in facts and based on paranoia and ignorance.


No, no; congratulations to you for removing any doubt that at times you can rant stupid like a Liberal Lefttard. Yay you!
George W. Bush's legacy is pretty secure. He'll go down as an inept and divisive conservative southern ideologue who was, not surprizingly, overwhelmed by circumstances.

Wrong; but at least you are consistent.

His legacy will exceeded those of the efforts to re-write Clinton’s pathetic Presidency hounded by scandals and philandering and the failure that is already obvious with Obama. But alas, you are a Liberal who is economically clueless, historically ignorant and who prefers to wallow in blissful denial.

I don't think W was out worst President.

That will go to Obama.

His activities weren't treasonous like Franklin Pierce nor was he a criminal like Nixon and his administration certainly wasn't as corrupt as Grant's. Though from any objective view point he does rival Buchanon and Harding as the most incompetent US President.

That title will go to Obama as well.

I am amused by the Bush haters; they hate a man who was handed a recession by their lefttards hero, then had to deal with the disaster of 9-11 thanks to the previous administrations incompetence, then gets blamed for the great Liberal experiment that wanted to give everyone of their constituents the right to a mortgage regardless of financial capacity and then demagogue Republicans for trying to reign it in.

A man who NEVER criticized or blamed his predecessors or those who follow him (like Clinton and Obama) and who, when confronted by terrorism and despots, actually did what he said he would do. Bush has more integrity in his little toe than the entire Democratic Party combined. A party that fully embraced his Iraq Resolution then saw political gain by impugning a wartime President and the troops carrying out that mission for pure political opportunism; which also failed.

But alas, you lefttards find reality, the truth and honesty repugnant. It’s all about winning elections and forwarding a leftist agenda no one wants through dishonest means and consolidating power in order to ram a fascist like agenda down everyone’s throat; a party so lacking a moral compass or honest agenda that it has to buy the voters loyalty through the Marxist Class envy tactics and rhetoric of wealth re-distribution.

I am fairly certain the historians will be far kinder to the Bush legacy when the facts and truth are used than they will be to Obama or to Clinton; look at the truth coming out about JFK. A philanderer that in today’s world would be run out of town on a jackass, yet is still a hero to dimwits on the left.

You may try to re-write the legacy based on the idiot talking points of the DNC, but it won’t stick. Lies, distortions and innuendo seldom do.
the current right in this country seeks the failure of our state.

their actions like debt default out their real intentions

The right doesn't need to "seek" it dunce; you voted for it...twice. It's yours and the dumbasses who elected the most inexperienced, inept and hyper partisan buffoon in the nation’s history.
LOL You're funny. W couldn't even form grammatically correct sentences.

I may be funny, but you’re pathetic in that you don’t have a single fact to support your moronic claims and then argue that because Bush talked like a redneck he was dumb.

Hell, you can’t even write a grammatically correct sentence or one that is coherent. You have the hutzpah to criticize others?

You’re a testimony to the misplaced arrogance of Liberal dunces who fabricate incredible strawmen and say really stupid things claiming that someone who talks like a Southerner must be dumb. I am quite certain the irony escapes clueless dupes like you.

How about your guy Obama who claimed to have visited 58 states with two more to go, not including Hawaii or Alaska? A man who cannot utter a coherent sentence without saying “uh” or without the use of a teleprompter and constantly falling back on his tired moronic and divisive Marxist Class envy community organizer speak?

I will take a REAL leader with character that cannot pronounce nuclear the way YOU like it to a dullard who has spent five years passing everything he ever wanted and can’t take ownership of his failures and points the finger at everyone BUT himself.

But the irony of his lack of leadership and your dense rhetoric is beyond your intelligence level. You’re a trained circus monkey who mindlessly parrots leftist talking points in a vacuum of reality, the truth or the facts.

His failures as a leader are legend. From his wreakless financial policies that ended national suprplusses and racked up trillions of debt

The above is another grammatical failure on your part; but you’re wrong again dimwit; the surplus was ended as a direct result of the recession Bush inherited, the devastating impact of 9-11 and the decision by BOTH sides to go to war.

I will ask you the same question I have asked a thousand brain dead leftists and Bush hating Libertarians who make this farcical claim; name me any time in history a nation went to war with a surplus.

The trillions in debt were racked up when Democrats took over the House and the senate in 2006. Because you’re and uninformed, delusional, illiterate and historically ignorant Liberal, you didn’t know that Presidents cannot enact legislation, they can only sign it into law.

When Democrats took over based on their lies to the American people, the deficit was a mere $161 billion. By the time Bush left office it had ballooned to $465 billion and after Obama was elected and thanks to an ineffective $850 billion “jobs” bill, ballooned to the trillions of deficits we have today.

The irony for you Democratic dimwits is that you whined and carped about Bush’s deficits fighting two wars but now make whiney excuses about the massive increase in deficits for spending that has done NOTHING to improve the economy.

Last, but not least, and I have asked this numerous times of dunces on the left who make such moronic claims; name me ONE Bush policy that resulted in the mortgage collapse and subsequent failure on Wall Street.

to his irresponsible and immoral foreign policy that mislead the American people into an immoral war in Iraq

Wrong again dunce; there was nothing immoral about enforcing the UN resolutions on Saddam who had ignored them for a decade.
Now you are welcome to prove the “moral” failure; but it has to be something a tad more substantive than “because you say so.”

I am amazed how illiterate partisan dimwits like you can pretend Bush did this on his own; how stupid are you morons?

while dropping the ball on a legitimate war in Afghanistan

What made Afghanistan more legitimate than Iraq?

How was the ball dropped? The only one dropping the ball is your hero Obama who is sitting on his hands whining and carping about Republicans and Bush while ignoring the massive carnage occurring in the ME, Iraq and Afghanistan.

Your incompetent buffoon who lampooned Bush and now does nothing more than look like an idiot while our embassies are attacked, Syrians are in civil war, Iraq collapses into chaos and Afghanistan soon to follow.

to standing by and letting other incompetents create a cluster fuck while a major City drowned and people died to being asleep at the wheel

This is another incredible lie and distortion; Bush didn’t create that cluster fuck you moron; that title goes to the Democratic Governor and the inept Democratic Mayor of that city.

Once again you are incapable of thinking for yourself or discerning fact; you merely parrot that which fits in that tiny uninformed myopic Liberal skull of yours like a trained circus monkey.

In addition, for dimwitted dunces like you; Bush also did not build the city BELOW sea level or construct the levies that subsequently failed as a result of the storm surge.

But again, since when do facts, truth or realities have any effect on uninformed clueless dunces on the left?

while the national economy disintigrated around him to systematically undermining our public education system it's hard to imagine a more failed leader in US history than George W. Bush. Buchannon maybe?

The above is nothing more than more unadulterated nonsense containing nothing more substantive than “because you say so.” Or in your case, “because that was what you were told.”

Carry on dunce; it is apparent that you do not have a grasp of the fact, truth or reality and cannot think for yourself. You’re the typical uniformed clueless buffoon who elects an empty suit on nothing more than “hope and change” and then parrot the moronic talking points you are fed like a trained circus monkey.

It is obvious that facts are NOT you forte’; nor truth, nor reality.
I guess you missed the coalition that constituted 35 nations; you’re starting to bloviate like an uninformed liberal now. But this occurs when Bush haters rant ignorant about history.

And just exactly what was the contribution of the so-called coalition in the Iraq war? What did the Saudis, the Kuwaitis and Israel contribute, those nations most targeted and threatened by Saddam? What was the Iraqi threat to the United States?

What business was it of the US to lead the coalition to eject North Korea from the South Korean peninsula? What business was it of the US to lead the coalition to eject Saddam’s forces from Kuwait?

You tell me!!! Just exactly what was the threat of reason to the United States to be involved in any of those unnecessary, undeclared, unconstitutional wars? Communism evaporates all by itself and or becomes a national tyrannical recluse locked up in its own little closet corner of the world. So much for North Korea. And if communism was such a threat to America, why weren’t Americans fighting in Cuba, one hell of a lot closer to America’s shores?

The reason is clear; without the US military might and leadership, the United Nations becomes a useless and pointless organization with no capability to enforce their resolutions.

Take a history course.

Again I’ll ask you what God died and anointed America as savior of the world? The United Nations is a fucking joke. It’s a toothless cluster-fuck. It’s a place where social drinkers and fucking thieves congregate. It’s a socialist collective body of tyrants, thieves, drunks and crooks all looking to rule the universe and or stick a hard prick up some other nation’s ass.

So tell me again why America should enforce anything those UN bastards wish to impose. Tell me why America is stupid enough to even belong to the UN. Why does America proxy its sovereignty to such a socialist communist gang of sons-of-bitches and do its biddings?

Gee; that would be France, the Dutch, Germany and England; are you unfamiliar with the history of the region and the decline of the Ottoman Empire or Europe’s colonial conquests and stealing Arab oil for nearly nothing?

And that became the business of the United States because? Why is what the fucking idiots in Europe do the business of America?

Would you rather buy oil from the French, Dutch and Germans or the fucking Saudis and what difference does it really make?
Yes; far better to have done nothing and pretended Saddam was not a threat to our allies or to peace in the region and pretend the sanctions were hurting him and not the Iraqi people.
Except he wasn't and even if he was (which again, he wasn't), it's not our business. American soldiers for AMERICAN soil. Everyone else can get fucked or become a colony.

While we are pretending; let's also pretend that Europe had nothing to do with the mess the US was handed in the region and pretend that the former Soviet Union didn't arm despots like Saddam to the teeth.
You're right, I forgot all about how the U.S. wasn't at all involved in propping up the Saudi aristocracy and removing the democratically elected leaders of nations like Iran and installing brutal tyrants in their place (like we did when we put Hussein in power)

I'm amused by the revisionist history that also pretends 9-11 didn't occur and the equally dense premise that it cannot happen again.
You seem to be the one pretending that it cannot happen again, and also are blissfully ignorant as to WHY it happened (here's a hint, it's those 'valuable allies' we supposedly have).

While we are pretending, we might as well pretend we are no longer the leader of the free world
Oh we are? Under what authority was such leadership granted?
and hand the reigns over to Putin and the useless United Nations
Yeah, Putin really wants to rule the world. Or maybe just blow it up like Dr. Doom or whatever 1960's comic book fantasy you think actually applies to international relations.
Then we can all pretend there will be peace and that dictators, terrorists and despots will lay down the megalomaniacal desires and pursue peaceful coexistence.
Or, we could just cut our losses and wash our hands of useless allies who only get us to waste blood and treasure for no benefit. Like the Founders wanted....Damn, it's almost as if they could see it coming.

Bush's real legacy is that he was a real leader who meant what he said and who after getting overwhelming support for overdue action, actually backed up his rhetoric with action only to be abandon by political apparatchiks and the fickle clueless American sheeple.
Yes, endless war is the best kind of war isn't it?
Wrong again; the US had nothing to do with the Saddam coming to power in Iraq or arming them and I challenge you to provide one shred of credible evidence to support your laughably stupid claim.

For a self-proclaimed “truth detector,” your detection skills seem woefully wanting! The internet is slam-jam full of absolute evidence that Saddam and the CIA were adorable bed fellows. The following is just a small example. History isn’t your strong suit, huh???

The Devil in the Details: The CIA and Saddam Hussein
"The coup that brought the Ba'ath Party to power in 1963 was celebrated by the United States.

The CIA had a hand in it. They had funded the Ba'ath Party - of which Saddam Hussein was a young member - when it was in opposition.

US diplomat James Akins served in the Baghdad Embassy at the time. Mr. Akins said, "I knew all the Ba'ath Party leaders and I liked them".
"The CIA were definitely involved in that coup. We saw the rise of the Ba'athists as a way of replacing a pro-Soviet government with a pro-American one and you don't get that chance very often.

"Sure, some people were rounded up and shot but these were mostly communists so that didn't bother us".

The Ba'athist coup, resulted in the return to Iraq of young fellow-Ba'athist Saddam Hussein, who had fled to Egypt after his earlier abortive attempt to assassinate Qasim. Saddam was immediately assigned to head the Al-Jihaz al-Khas, the clandestine Ba'athist Intelligence organisation. As such, he was soon involved in the killing of some 5,000 communists. Saddam's rise to power had, ironically, begun on the back of a CIA-engineered coup!
Wrong again; the US had nothing to do with the Shah coming to power in Iran and I challenge you to provide one shred of credible evidence to support your laughably stupid claim.

Again your truth detecting skills are severely wanting. Again the internet is slam-jam full of evidence that the CIA instituted the ousting of Iran’s elected leader who was thereby replaced by the Shah. The following are just some samples. Try a history lesson or two Goober.

(CNN) -- Sixty years after the overthrow of Iranian Prime Minister Mohammad Mossadegh, a declassified CIA document acknowledges that the agency was involved in the 1953 coup.
The independent National Security Archive research institute, which published the document Monday, says the declassification is believed to mark the CIA's first formal acknowledgment of its involvement.
The documents, declassified in 2011 and given to George Washington University research group under the Freedom of Information Act, come from the CIA's internal history of Iran from the mid-1970s and paint a detailed picture of how the CIA worked to oust Mossadegh.

At an NSC meeting in early 1953, President Dwight Eisenhower said "it was a matter of great distress to him that we seemed unable to get some of these down-trodden countries to like us instead of hating us."1 The problem has likewise distressed all administrations since, and is emerging as the core conundrum of American policy in Iraq. In All the Shah's Men, Stephen Kinzer of the New York Times suggests that the explanation may lie next door in Iran, where the CIA carried out its first successful regime-change operation over half a century ago. The target was not an oppressive Soviet puppet but a democratically elected government whose populist ideology and nationalist fervor threatened Western economic and geopolitical interests. The CIA's covert intervention—codenamed TPAJAX—preserved the Shah's power and protected Western control of a hugely lucrative oil infrastructure. It also transformed a turbulent constitutional monarchy into an absolutist kingship and induced a succession of unintended consequences at least as far ahead as the Islamic revolution of 1979—and, Kinzer argues in his breezily written, well-researched popular history, perhaps to today.
Read much more at
the current right in this country seeks the failure of our state.

their actions like debt default out their real intentions
Failure of the state is guaranteed if we continue on the path of generational theft we are on now. What opposition to a realistic fiscal policy where the US actually pays its debt is: The left actively working towards the failure of the state.
Originally Posted by Classic Liberal
Are you also amused that Iraq had absolutely nothing to do with 911?

Where did I claim they did?

Well since you attempted to equate 911 with the Iraq war, you surely must have been amused that even your fucking hero the “Bushwhacker” admitted Iraq had nothing to do with 911, right? Weren’t you amused that your hero had absolutely no fucking reasonable reason to get thousands of young Americans killed, maimed and mentally destroyed in Iraq for nothing except to eventually transform Iraq into Iran’s little loyal brother?