The Choice Is Between A Socialist And A Communist


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Joe Biden is the only candidate that hasn’t revealed he’s actually a socialist (but he is)

Socialism is the road to communism. Communism is the goal, but is never achieved because socialism fails every time

Biden, the Authoritarian Accomplice
By Douglas V. Gibbs
March 3, 2020


In all of the years Senile Joe Biden was in government he championed every policy Bernie Sanders is promising to deliver, yet the Dirty Old Commie is vilified for calling himself a ‘DEMOCRATIC SOCIALIST’ while Biden is the only candidate that fought for Communism’s collectivism longer than Sanders, yet media portrays Senile Joe as a bumbling, lovable red, white, and blue American who would lay down his life defending the U.S. Constitution before he would surrender life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness to dastardly Communists.

NOTE: President Trump’s research staff find themselves in hog heaven. They have several months to put together a list of debate rebuttals regardless of which Democrat gets their party’s nomination.

Basically, President Trump will be debating Karl Marx or Friedrich Engels —— everything Trump can possibly say to his eventual opponent can be said to his opponent. Only the name changes. In fact, every Democrat dreaming about living in the White House are Sanders and Biden clones.

Also note that televison mouths and federal bureaucrats will faithfully serve any Democrat president.

QUESTION: Why is Biden is the choice over Sanders since they are Siamese Twins? ANSWER:

It matters not that Biden will be so catatonic when he is being sworn in somebody will be assigned to wipe the drool off of his chin. It matters not that the Parasite Class does not expect a catatonic to govern. Parasite bureaucrats will govern for him. Television networks conspiring to prop up Senile Joe for the cameras every so often is the only thing required to give him the illusion of governing.

Parenthetically, President Trump should consider ignoring the Democrat candidate completely. Run on his policies and promises and let the Democrat run on Socialism/Communism. The voting public already knows that the Democrat nominee will be so goofy he or she can only benefit from debates.

Let me close by reminding everyone that television today is a lot better at electing Democrats than it was when television torpedoed Richard Nixon in the first ever presidential debate in a general election.

In truth, television began replacing print in 1960. In a just world Don Hewitt (1922 - 2009) would have been held criminally liable for what he did to Nixon in his first debate against JFK. Hewitt later bragged he elected two presidents, JFK and Bill Clinton. Hewitt went on to enjoy a long and profitable career producing 60 Minutes for CBS.

Interestingly, the 1960 presidential election was decided by theatrical makeup. People who watched the Nixon/JFK debate on TV said JFK won. Those who heard the debate on the radio said Nixon won.
Don Hewitt used makeup for JFK, but he let Nixon appear on camera looking like a criminal with five o’clock shadow in a wanted poster.

In addition to television bias in the first presidential debate, print and electronic media moguls remained silent after JFK stole the election.

p.s. With the introduction of millions of illegal aliens after 1965, Democrats also became a lot more proficient at rigging elections.
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The main problems elderly, feeble-minded conservatives are having

They lack the education, intelligence, and intellectual curiosity to >

-Make distinctions between economic systems and political systems.

-Make any effort to grasp the profound distinctions between totalitarian communism, traditional European socialism, Karl Marx's actual philosophy, and social democracy.

The bottom line here is that one cannot intellectually grasp totalitarianism, communism, socialism, Karl Marx, and social democratic movements by relying on Rush Limbaugh and Fox as your primary sources.

I suggest we write off these types of threads as the poorly-reasoned convolutions of elderly Trump-loving teabaggers, grumpy and irritated from a load-full in their adult Depends undergarments.
He is a troll, intentions is to reinforce the Trumkins propaganda, don't bother, hate to think anyone is paying him cause his posts suck

What are your intentions, to show how much nigger dick you're willing to suck?
The main problems elderly, feeble-minded conservatives are having

They lack the education, intelligence, and intellectual curiosity to >

-Make distinctions between economic systems and political systems.

-Make any effort to grasp the profound distinctions between totalitarian communism, traditional European socialism, Karl Marx's actual philosophy, and social democracy.

The bottom line here is that one cannot intellectually grasp totalitarianism, communism, socialism, Karl Marx, and social democratic movements by relying on Rush Limbaugh and Fox as your primary sources.

I suggest we write off these types of threads as the poorly-reasoned convolutions of elderly Trump-loving teabaggers, grumpy and irritated from a load-full in their adult Depends undergarments.

The guy can't post anything and discuss it. You can label him a troll since he just posts obnoxious wackadoodle things without debate or even reply. He has butchered many a classic saying in his fiasco titles.
They lack the education, intelligence, and intellectual curiosity to >

-Make distinctions between economic systems and political systems.

-Make any effort to grasp the profound distinctions between totalitarian communism, traditional European socialism, Karl Marx's actual philosophy, and social democracy.

The bottom line here is that one cannot intellectually grasp totalitarianism, communism, socialism, Karl Marx, and social democratic movements by relying on Rush Limbaugh and Fox as your primary sources.

The guy can't post anything and discuss it.

To Cypress and Crocodile: For your edification I do not debate halfwits; most especially I do not debate religion. I say what I have to say. Assholes who try to sound intelligent by responding with the standard defense of Socialism/Communism talking points say the same crap I heard from a thousand liberals. I usually do not waste my time responding to clowns like them. I will make an exception this time in the hope you will put me in your IGNORE filter.

Basically, President Trump will be debating Karl Marx or Friedrich Engels —— everything Trump can possibly say to his eventual opponent can be said to his opponent. Only the name changes.

Debating a Christian is the same as debating Jerusalem Slim. Debating a Muslim is the same as debating Moe. Debating a Buddhist is the same as debating Boo. In short: Every organized religion’s fanatics —— including Communists/Socialists —— have one thing in common —— they never had an original thought in their entire lives.
Joe Biden is the only candidate that hasn’t revealed he’s actually a socialist (but he is)

Socialism is the road to communism. Communism is the goal, but is never achieved because socialism fails every time

Biden, the Authoritarian Accomplice
By Douglas V. Gibbs
March 3, 2020

In all of the years Senile Joe Biden was in government he championed every policy Bernie Sanders is promising to deliver, yet the Dirty Old Commie is vilified for calling himself a ‘DEMOCRATIC SOCIALIST’ while Biden is the only candidate that fought for Communism’s collectivism longer than Sanders, yet media portrays Senile Joe as a bumbling, lovable red, white, and blue American who would lay down his life defending the U.S. Constitution before he would surrender life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness to dastardly Communists.

NOTE: President Trump’s research staff find themselves in hog heaven. They have several months to put together a list of debate rebuttals regardless of which Democrat gets their party’s nomination.

Basically, President Trump will be debating Karl Marx or Friedrich Engels —— everything Trump can possibly say to his eventual opponent can be said to his opponent. Only the name changes. In fact, every Democrat dreaming about living in the White House are Sanders and Biden clones.

Also note that televison mouths and federal bureaucrats will faithfully serve any Democrat president.

QUESTION: Why is Biden is the choice over Sanders since they are Siamese Twins? ANSWER:

It matters not that Biden will be so catatonic when he is being sworn in somebody will be assigned to wipe the drool off of his chin. It matters not that the Parasite Class does not expect a catatonic to govern. Parasite bureaucrats will govern for him. Television networks conspiring to prop up Senile Joe for the cameras every so often is the only thing required to give him the illusion of governing.

Parenthetically, President Trump should consider ignoring the Democrat candidate completely. Run on his policies and promises and let the Democrat run on Socialism/Communism. The voting public already knows that the Democrat nominee will be so goofy he or she can only benefit from debates.

Let me close by reminding everyone that television today is a lot better at electing Democrats than it was when television torpedoed Richard Nixon in the first ever presidential debate in a general election.

In truth, television began replacing print in 1960. In a just world Don Hewitt (1922 - 2009) would have been held criminally liable for what he did to Nixon in his first debate against JFK. Hewitt later bragged he elected two presidents, JFK and Bill Clinton. Hewitt went on to enjoy a long and profitable career producing 60 Minutes for CBS.

Interestingly, the 1960 presidential election was decided by theatrical makeup. People who watched the Nixon/JFK debate on TV said JFK won. Those who heard the debate on the radio said Nixon won.
Don Hewitt used makeup for JFK, but he let Nixon appear on camera looking like a criminal with five o’clock shadow in a wanted poster.

In addition to television bias in the first presidential debate, print and electronic media moguls remained silent after JFK stole the election.

p.s. With the introduction of millions of illegal aliens after 1965, Democrats also became a lot more proficient at rigging elections.

How are you defining Socialism? We talking Marxist Socialism or Fox News Socialism?
The bottom line here is that one cannot intellectually grasp totalitarianism, communism, socialism, Karl Marx, and social democratic movements by relying on Rush Limbaugh and Fox as your primary sources.
No need for FOX or Rush, one only needs to know history.

Rolling a turd in powdered sugar....does not make it a confection.
The US is a weird country: a middle-of-the road politician is defeated by an extreme right winger and this is described, inevitably, in terms brainwashed peasants have never been allowed to understand, terms that apply only in democratic countries. No wonder you get a senile windbag like trumpf!