The Choice Is Between A Socialist And A Communist

No need for FOX or Rush, one only needs to know history.

Rolling a turd in powdered sugar....does not make it a confection.
Speaking of being knowledgeable about history,

I guarantee you there are virtually no conservatives here who know, without googling, who Aleksandr Kerensky is, what the difference between Boksheviks, Mensheviks, and the Socialist Revolutionary Party is, what the White movement was, what the distinctions between Karl Marx and Vladimir Lenin was, what the distinctions between the February and October Revolution were, what the origin and nature of the Russian civil war was, who Leon Trotsky was, what Article 58 of the penal code was and how Stalin used it, nor could they speak intelligently or at depth about the history of the Siberian labour camps and the Gulag, and there are almost no rightwing message board posters who have actually read Gulag Archipelago from front to back cover .

Yes, what conservatives think they know about the USSR originate from non-Russians on American rightwing talk radio or the right wing media.

My perspective is this: my Grandfather and several great Uncles were pro-tsarist, served in the imperial army, and had sympathies for the White movement during the Russian civil war. Several of them ended up being arrested and sentenced to the Gulag forced labor camps.

On the flip side, a great- great uncle was a noted member of the Socialist Revolutionary Party, advocated for a democratic socialist Republic to replace the autocracy of the Tsar, and fought on the barricades of the Presnya district of Moscow in the 1905 revolution. These same Socialist Revolutionaries were among the first to take up arms and resist the totalitarian Bolsheviks after the 1917 coup overthrow of the provisional government.

I feel like I have a rich perspective and understanding of the history of Soviet comnunism in a way rightwing posters do not.
I guarantee you there are virtually no conservatives here who know, without googling, . . .


I feel like I have a rich perspective and understanding of the history of Soviet comnunism in a way rightwing posters do not.

To Cypress: Your self-importance is showing. Conservatives google topics to check on their memories and to get exact quotes.
To Cypress: Your self-importance is showing. Conservatives google topics to check on their memories and to get exact quotes.

You do not know jack shit about communism, socialism, and the history of the Soviet Union. The point of my post made you realize how very little you actually do know, and the tiny amount you do know is from superficial caricatures you heard on American talk radio and right wing media.

Your knowledge of the history of communism and Karl Marx is utterly superficial, flawed, and carries no weight or authority whatsoever.

Edit to add: you will be hard pressed to find a body of posts illustrating me bragging, blustering, or bloviating in self impotance.

I generally keep my mouth shut on topics I know nothing about. And I am not going to apologize for being informed and educated on certain topics.

Your posts are almost invariably mind numbingly verbose, repetitive and lengthy word salads, which is a leading indicator of a subpar poster a little too impressed with themselves
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Your thread is total BS that is besides the point. The point that has to be settled first is White or non-white. You can't have both. Nature just doesn't work that way. It never has. Nor will it ever.
Take your fucking stormtroopers home and no-one would give a twopenny fuck what you did, arsehole.

I am in my native land, sheep-shagger. I am home.

You are a foreigner posting on an American political forum.

A "twopenny fuck" likely described your slag of a mother before she thankfully shuffled off the mortal coil.


Stacey Abrams would be the most preposterous vice-presidential pick ever
By Rich Lowry
May 18, 2020 | 8:03pm

Synonyms for preposterous

out of the question
taking the cake
too much

I would add ‘asshole’.

p.s. Senile Joe Biden barely has a pulse; so he will not know or care who his V.P. is. The question is: Will bureaucrats put Stacey Abrams on the ticket?

It matters not that Biden will be so catatonic when he is being sworn in somebody will be assigned to wipe the drool off of his chin. It matters not that the Parasite Class does not expect a catatonic to govern. Parasite bureaucrats will govern for him. Television networks conspiring to prop up Senile Joe for the cameras every so often is the only thing required to give him the illusion of governing.