The Choice


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[ame=""]YouTube- The Choice[/ame]

In November the choice is clear. The Democratic Party will work to put America back to work, keep our Nation health, to keep Americans in their homes and safe. What will the Republicans do? The Republicans will just give more of our money to the rich and put us deeper into debt. They will give us an America that won't be fit to live in. This is why we must vote for the one and only Democratic Party.
YouTube- The Choice

In November the choice is clear. The Democratic Party will work to put America back to work, keep our Nation health, to keep Americans in their homes and safe. What will the Republicans do? The Republicans will just give more of our money to the rich and put us deeper into debt. They will give us an America that won't be fit to live in. This is why we must vote for the one and only Democratic Party.
[ame=""]YouTube- The Price is Right Loser Horns w/ Buzzer[/ame]

WRONG ANSWER! The truth is voting with current party lines on either side will simply fuel more of the same attitude, and reward failure. This the November the REAL choice, the AMERICAN choice, is to think for yourself and vote on candidates based on their merit and voting records, not about the (R) or (D) or (I) or (L) next to their name.
WRONG ANSWER! The truth is voting with current party lines on either side will simply fuel more of the same attitude, and reward failure. This the November the REAL choice, the AMERICAN choice, is to think for yourself and vote on candidates based on their merit and voting records, not about the (R) or (D) or (I) or (L) next to their name.

What you are missing is that Republicans are just voting the same things that have failed, essentially there isn't a Libertarian party and a vote for it or an Independent is for all measures a wasted vote. The only party that will work for the health of the whole Nation is the Democratic Party. You want to work for a decent wage, then vote Democratic. You want to keep your home, then vote Democratic. You want you Children educated so that they will have a future, then vote Democratic. Do you want the streets safe, then vote Democratic. If you want to raid the treasury of our hard earned tax dollars and give them to the extreme rich, then vote for the Republican Party.
What you are missing is that Republicans are just voting the same things that have failed, essentially there isn't a Libertarian party and a vote for it or an Independent is for all measures a wasted vote. The only party that will work for the health of the whole Nation is the Democratic Party. You want to work for a decent wage, then vote Democratic. You want to keep your home, then vote Democratic. You want you Children educated so that they will have a future, then vote Democratic. Do you want the streets safe, then vote Democratic. If you want to raid the treasury of our hard earned tax dollars and give them to the extreme rich, then vote for the Republican Party.
Yeah, that's right. Don't think for yourself. Don't weight what the actual candidates voted for, or how they actually propose to fight the mounting deficit. Just vote for that little letter next to their name.
YouTube- The Choice

In November the choice is clear. The Democratic Party will work to put America back to work, keep our Nation health, to keep Americans in their homes and safe. What will the Republicans do? The Republicans will just give more of our money to the rich and put us deeper into debt. They will give us an America that won't be fit to live in. This is why we must vote for the one and only Democratic Party.

You're funny!

The Democrats? Hahahaha.
sweet dreams

You're funny!

The Democrats? Hahahaha.

You have a problem with the truth? Tell me, what will the Republicans do, other than give our tax dollars to the extreme rich? That is their only agenda, but if you want to be beguiled into believing else wise, well sweet dreams.
The only party that will work for the health of the whole Nation is the Democratic Party.

They were elected to fix health care, they passed a HCR bill which increases cost, while lessening availability and quality of health care. There will now be 'rationing' in order to meet the demand. How has the Democrat Party worked FOR the health of the whole nation?

You want to work for a decent wage, then vote Democratic.

You want to actually have a JOB, then vote Republican!

You want to keep your home, then vote Democratic.

If you don't want to pay for DeMartMan's home, vote Republican!

You want you Children educated so that they will have a future, then vote Democratic.

If you don't want your kids brainwashed by socialist teacher's union goons, and continue to fail as they have for the past 70 years under an archaic Democrat-designed ed system, vote Republican!

Do you want the streets safe, then vote Democratic.

If you don't want terrorists brought to US soil to stand trial, vote Republican!

If you want to raid the treasury of our hard earned tax dollars and give them to the extreme rich, then vote for the Republican Party.

If you want to do this twice as fast and twice as largely, vote Democrat!
Remember, there's only one Democratic Party

They were elected to fix health care, they passed a HCR bill which increases cost, while lessening availability and quality of health care. There will now be 'rationing' in order to meet the demand. How has the Democrat Party worked FOR the health of the whole nation?

You want to actually have a JOB, then vote Republican!

If you don't want to pay for DeMartMan's home, vote Republican!

If you don't want your kids brainwashed by socialist teacher's union goons, and continue to fail as they have for the past 70 years under an archaic Democrat-designed ed system, vote Republican!

If you don't want terrorists brought to US soil to stand trial, vote Republican!

If you want to do this twice as fast and twice as largely, vote Democrat!

To your personal attacks I have only one thing to say, I have a great paying job thanks to a great president Bill Clinton and the Teamsters. The trouble is that if we go back to Busheconomics we'll be headed towards another Republican Great Depression. That doesn't help anyone. What we need are politicians who will put the Nation ahead of the parties and restore our former glory that we had because of FDR and the Democratic Party.
Well, the unemployment rate climbed last month from 9.5% to 9.6%, so I can certainly see how the Dems are going to put more people to work...
To your personal attacks I have only one thing to say, I have a great paying job thanks to a great president Bill Clinton and the Teamsters. The trouble is that if we go back to Busheconomics we'll be headed towards another Republican Great Depression. That doesn't help anyone. What we need are politicians who will put the Nation ahead of the parties and restore our former glory that we had because of FDR and the Democratic Party.

Well, there was no personal attack in my response, it was all based on the facts and truth, and if that hurt your feelings, I hate it. I can now see why you are such a suck ass for the Democrats, you are a union goon! No doubt you do have a nice paying job, probably a helluva lot more than you are worth!

Busheconomics? Wow, I haven't heard a single conservative even talking about that lately, not since about 2003 at least. Bush's economics were one of the things most conservatives didn't like about Bush, or his father. Now REAGANomics, that's a different story, but that won't lead to a "Republican Great Depression" any more this time than it did the last. When you liberals warned us of the dangers of Reganomics before, it turned out we had the longest period of peacetime prosperity in the history of America. Not a Depression... the OPPOSITE of a Depression.

But then, this is your problem all the way down the line. Whatever Democrats tell us the solution is to a problem, it turns out to be wrong. You mentioned FDR, but when he initially implemented his New Deal programs, the economy tanked further. It wasn't until several years later, when he was in political trouble, and started implementing some of the conservative ideas, that things began to turn around. The same thing happened to Clinton. FDR actually invented 'triangulation' and Clinton copied it. Carter wasn't as smart.

What we get with Democrats is a stubborn insistence they know the right path, then it turns out to be disastrous, so they 'moderate' or 'triangulate' and adopt what the Republicans said to do all along, and things get better. It's been happening like that for about as long as we've had Democrats!
Well, the unemployment rate climbed last month from 9.5% to 9.6%, so I can certainly see how the Dems are going to put more people to work...
I think what is really ironic here is that the Dems are taking the hit for not fixing the Republicans fuck ups fast enough. and I don't have a problem with that. If they want to be in power then they have to own the problem.

However, It's one hell of a Catch-22. Dems aren't fixing the problem fast enough but the alternative is to put the Repubs, who got us into this mess in the first place, back in power with the same old failed regurgitated Bush era policies?

I haven't seen anything from Repubs that would inspire me to vote for them.
I think what is really ironic here is that the Dems are taking the hit for not fixing the Republicans fuck ups fast enough. and I don't have a problem with that. If they want to be in power then they have to own the problem.

However, It's one hell of a Catch-22. Dems aren't fixing the problem fast enough but the alternative is to put the Repubs, who got us into this mess in the first place, back in power with the same old failed regurgitated Bush era policies?

I haven't seen anything from Repubs that would inspire me to vote for them.

What's REALLY ironic, is the Democrats still have koolaid-drinking water-toters like you. The Democrats are taking a hit because all the things they said would 'fix' the problems, have not worked, but made things worse.

And I am still trying to figure out, how Chris Dodd and Barney Frank were the fault of Republicans, when they mandated Freddy and Fanny make loans to people who couldn't afford them. Maybe it's Republicans fault for not pulling out a moose gun and shooting them to prevent their insane legislation?

What are a few of these "failed regurgitated Bush era policies" you speak of? Do you mean, 'tax cuts for the people who provide 90% of private sector jobs?' Yes, those people who provide the overwhelming majority of our jobs, have more money than they deserve, we certainly shouldn't revisit the failed Bush policy of cutting their taxes to stimulate jobs and economic growth. Especially with this Keynesian thing working so well!

Other than that obviously failed policy, I can't find another Bush era policy Republicans are running on. The primary policy seems to be cutting the size of government, which Bush never did. That's obviously a failed policy of some other Republican, and not Bush.
You have a problem with the truth? Tell me, what will the Republicans do, other than give our tax dollars to the extreme rich? That is their only agenda, but if you want to be beguiled into believing else wise, well sweet dreams.

You remind me of Dixie.

DeMartMan, you ask me, "what will the Republicans do",,,, well,,,,, how about,,,,, "be the whores equal to the dems just as they usually are".

Looking at history, I expect they will work with the dems to find ways to shit on me.

Do you know how stupid you sound defending the dems?:FootMouth:
To your personal attacks I have only one thing to say, I have a great paying job thanks to a great president Bill Clinton and the Teamsters.

I hope one of the illegals being sent your way gets your job!

Seeing that you voted for it.

Correct me if I'm wrong.
You remind me of Dixie.

DeMartMan, you ask me, "what will the Republicans do",,,, well,,,,, how about,,,,, "be the whores equal to the dems just as they usually are".

Looking at history, I expect they will work with the dems to find ways to shit on me.

Do you know how stupid you sound defending the dems?:FootMouth:

Yes, not all of us can be cynical little disillusioned fucktards like you! We can't all selfishly embrace an idealistic set of values and pretend our 'perfect candidate' is out there running as a libertarian somewhere. Some of us don't require bitter vindication or have to rail against ALL parties, because NONE have delivered our 'perfect candidate' as of yet. Some of us actually understand we live in two-party system, and have to decide which party is closer to our personal core values. Some of us are willing to make some compromises in our personal principles for the greater good of the nation, then others, like yourself, are hell-bent on watching America go down in flames, because you can't have your 'perfect world'.
We can't all love the Constitution and our founding principles...


Here's the thing, I am always hearing 'Libertarian' types, spouting nonsense about our founding principles and constitution.... as if ANY FUCKING BODY is advocating we abandon our founding principles and constitution, other than Fascist Socialist Communist Marxist Leninist Democrats! Aside from that 2-3% of the population, who legitimately believe we need to abandon our founding principles and constitution, most of the rest of us want to adhere to them. It becomes a matter of HOW WE INTERPRET our founding principles and constitution, and wish for it to be applied!

It's a really lazy and cheap way out of a debate and discussion, to claim some moral superior high ground on the basis of "founding principles and constitution" when that's basically what EVERYONE wants! It's basically saying, you are a bigot and anyone who doesn't agree with you, is out to destroy our founding principles and constitution. If that were actually the case, the country would have dissolved long ago.
If the proles are too fucking stupid to understand that the excuse of "interpretation" is an excuse to not adhere to those principles, then its already been irrecoverably lost as already...
It may be a while till I get back this way, so this is important.

I think what is really ironic here is that the Dems are taking the hit for not fixing the Republicans fuck ups fast enough. and I don't have a problem with that. If they want to be in power then they have to own the problem.

However, It's one hell of a Catch-22. Dems aren't fixing the problem fast enough but the alternative is to put the Repubs, who got us into this mess in the first place, back in power with the same old failed regurgitated Bush era policies?

I haven't seen anything from Repubs that would inspire me to vote for them.

Good point, the recession (which would have been another Great Depression if President Obama and the Democrats hadn't step in) is the product of Republican economic policies which stretch back some thirty years; and Democrats are suppose to have fixed it all in less than 24 months? I do have some good news to leave you all with on the economic topic. Even though I haven't been able to go to work since February (due to the 4000 pound forklift running me over) I have been in constant contact with the Terminal Manager and others from the company and the word is good. I work for one of the largest trucking companies and if you didn't know it, the freight industry is like the canary in the coal mine to the economy. If the economy is going to slow down in four to six months we see it first. I am told that most of the lay-offs are over and most of the people have been called back. This is a very good sign of things to come, but the recovery is a fragile one, which means it can be excelled or stopped depending on the policies of Congress and the President. Personally, I can't wait to get back to work. I enjoy making my videos and have improved a bit, but staying home is driving me nuts. (My good friend USF will tell me that I've been there for years) anyway, I don't know when I'll get back to this board, so you take care and keep your spirits up.