The Christian demand for truth was its own demise


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"One can see what it was that actually triumphed over the Christian god: Christian morality itself, the concept of truthfulness that was taken ever more rigorously; the father confessor's refinement of the Christian conscience, translated and sublimated into a scientific conscience, into intellectual cleanliness at any price."

Religion is myth. And its benefits are precisely because it is myth. Once religion ventures into the realm of truth it dissolves.
Looking at nature as if it were proof of the goodness and care of a god; interpreting history in honor of some divine reason, as a continual testimony of a moral world order and ultimate moral purposes; interpreting one's own experiences as pious people have long interpreted theirs, as if everything were providential, a hint, designed and ordained for the sake of salvation of the soul - that is over now; that has conscience against it; every refined conscience considers it to be indecent, dishonest, a form of mendacity, effeminacy, weakness, cowardice.
"One can see what it was that actually triumphed over the Christian god: Christian morality itself, the concept of truthfulness that was taken ever more rigorously; the father confessor's refinement of the Christian conscience, translated and sublimated into a scientific conscience, into intellectual cleanliness at any price."

Religion is myth. And its benefits are precisely because it is myth. Once religion ventures into the realm of truth it dissolves.

What does social conscience have to do with personal consciousness with adapting to the moment all the time living here now proportionately alive as one of a kind withiout a doubt established socially from people wishing living was more than adapting to space evolving forward now genetics maintains eternal separation of each ancestor regardless species type or generation gap arrived in and departed as.
What does social conscience have to do with personal consciousness with adapting to the moment all the time living here now proportionately alive as one of a kind withiout a doubt established socially from people wishing living was more than adapting to space evolving forward now genetics maintains eternal separation of each ancestor regardless species type or generation gap arrived in and departed as.

how did you get off ignore
"One can see what it was that actually triumphed over the Christian god: Christian morality itself, the concept of truthfulness that was taken ever more rigorously; the father confessor's refinement of the Christian conscience, translated and sublimated into a scientific conscience, into intellectual cleanliness at any price."

Religion is myth. And its benefits are precisely because it is myth. Once religion ventures into the realm of truth it dissolves.

Atheist nonsense
Some people hate science

And math

And history

When you believe something in your soul sans facts that is faith

When you believe something due to provable facts that is science

Science is revised when facts demand it to

Religion is revised when it must do so or die

I prefer science to faith

But I will always defend someone’s right to believe their faith

I will also always defend peoples rights believe in science

There is one science

There are many faiths

Faith does not make a good factual base to design society's ability to function for all on
What drove the death of Christianity and the West is a very important question to answer.

I dont have it yet, but it certainly was not the seeking of truth.
Facts are more reliable than prepackaged religions

We know know much of the answers people sought with religion

Facts produce better results than what religion can produce

You can be angry at science for that if you wish

But it doesn’t change the facts
What drove the death of Christianity and the West is a very important question to answer.

I dont have it yet, but it certainly was not the seeking of truth.

You can’t force people to believe your faith

Face that people need it less and less
You can’t force people to believe your faith

Face that people need it less and less

1) Your post has nothing to do with mine.

2) I was never a Christian, I went to Church less than 10 times as a kid, and I did not like it.
Surely part of the problem is the failure to understand man, and thus what sustains us. We pretended that we are all rational beings and that the arc bends towards us being good not evil, and towards progress...all of which are false. We can be good and we can grow and learn and get better, but this requires a lot of us, building is hard, it does not happen by magic.
Most humans are mostly good

If you don’t believe that you are not likely one of the mostly good

No, it is a pretty even mix, it is only because of the will to do good that humans have often been more good than evil, it is not programed in us. This however is a Dark Age...we have lost that.....just look at JPP for instance.
No, it is a pretty even mix, it is only because of the will to do good that humans have often been more good than evil, it is not programed in us. This however is a Dark Age...we have lost that.....just look at JPP for instance.


The level of crime proves It

MOST follow laws and help others

Most are good

The level of crime proves It

MOST follow laws and help others

Most are good

When someone says something that you dont like you jump to the conclusion that they are defective and you hurl insults.

You are not behaving as a good person.

And crime is exploding.

Trust is collapsing.

Buckle Up.
No, it is a pretty even mix, it is only because of the will to do good that humans have often been more good than evil,

So you are saying that it's about 50/50 Good/Evil in people but there is MORE "will to do good" than doing evil? That sounds somewhat strange.

it is not programed in us.

Actually I kind of disagree. With social animals, pack animals, they don't have moral teachers to teach them what is right and wrong. And morality is simply the rules collectively agreed upon by humans in a human "pack", so I'm uncertain why much of what we consider to be "good" isn't kind of already part and parcel of the social animal we are. Kind of "programmed in" in a sense.

This however is a Dark Age...we have lost that.....just look at JPP for instance.

Agreed, JPP is a horrible cess pit. But that's kind of its attraction as well. You can come in here and vent a bit. Just don't expect people to actually knowledgeably discuss anything.
I am not here to judge others for what they have faith in or for what they don't have faith in.

That is none of my business or interest!

I like Christians and non-Christians alike and have no desire to change anyone's own opinions of their faith!