The Christian Eucharist is a Ritual Cannibalism


We go from political war to Religious war.

I am starting to think that forums are for people whose families and friends have learned to ignore- so without anyone to argue with- they come to the forum!

And of course, you all know, I am right 99% of the time!

ah, the mysteries of transubstantiation befoul the atheist' karma.......its a shame semite atheists are so feeble minded........
Even if you still stubbornly cling to the belief that the Eucharist represents only a symbol of eating flesh and drinking blood, that still makes you a cannibal, if only a symbolic cannibal. If you partake in communion as a metaphorical representation of eating Christ's body, then that still makes you a metaphorical cannibal.

You might also want to question the metaphorical or symbolic stance because if the Eucharist presents metaphor, then what does that say for Jesus himself and what Jesus directly says from the Bible about eating his meat? Metaphorical also? How do you distinguish between metaphor and reality in the Bible when it treats all doctrines equally as the inspired words of God? Would you object to the title of Symbolic Christian or Metaphorical Christian? If you consider yourself a metaphorical or symbolic Christian, then you still fall under the label of Christian just as a symbolic cannibal falls under the label of cannibal.
There simply exists no way out for a Christian to escape the cannibal label, except of course to exit Christianity entirely. I did just that and by doing so, I escaped cannibalism along with all the other nonsense. I wrote this article as satire but if you live as one of the millions of faithful that believe in the Bible and the doctrines of Christianity then you must take this article as a serious argument.
Symbolic Cannibalism is interesting because as a society today it is our biggest taboo, but the practice has been sublimated to the point where most Christians do not even think about "eating" the body of Christ and "drinking" his blood during communion.
Symbolic Cannibalism is interesting because as a society today it is our biggest taboo, but the practice has been sublimated to the point where most Christians do not even think about "eating" the body of Christ and "drinking" his blood during communion.

Most of the heretics that do partake of communion, only consider it a symbolic act. But, yeah, repetition is often lost on Catholics and Orthodox.

Also, communion is offered daily in the Church. Not just on Sundays.

Imagine that.....another thread dedicated to "trolling". FYI: You will not find the word any translation of the Holy Scriptures. Its not there, thus its not Christian doctrine its man made doctrine.

There is only one source for Christian Truth, "Sanctify them by Your (God's) truth....YOUR (God's) word is truth. (John 17:17) All Christians construct their faith upon the foundation of THE WORD, "Faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the Word of God." -- Rom. 10:17

If you are looking for Christian your bible as one must consider "everything" in order to find the truth. Attempting to bait another into "arguing" over an empty word.....such as Eucharist is a waste. I defend THE TRUTH found in scripture...nothing more nothing less.

Come back when you prove that this word is actually found in the Holy Bible and is used as Christian Doctrine. Until then.....go bait some other RABBIT HOLE. :bigthink:

What do the scriptures teach and declare? There is a spiritual ritual called the Holy Communion.....but the Scriptures do not teach "transubstantiation". A little history first. Eucharist is a Latin word meaning ….to give thanks. That is not the reason given in the Holy Scriptures for this weekly "memorial" to Christ Jesus called the communion. The Communion indeed was established by Jesus the Christ (Matt. 26: 26-30). Its not done weekly to give thanks, nor is the wine and bread literally changed into flesh and blood (Transubstantiation)…..the Scriptures enlighten us why this memorial takes place weekly.....its in MEMORY of JESUS, after his death, burial and resurrection "And He took bread, and gave thanks and brake it, and gave unto them, saying 'This is My Body given for you: do this in REMEMBERANCE OF ME." -- Luke 22:19

Note: Jesus was not yet could the wine and the bread He prayed over literally be HIS BODY? Did He change the wine literally into His blood and the bread literally into His flesh and allow His disciples to consume Him...….LITERALLY? No.....the scriptures declare He passed the broken bread among His disciples.....not any portion of His body or blood.

In order to understand the scriptures one must RIGHTLY DIVIDE THE WORD OF TRUTH (2nd Tim. 2:15-16). Some demand to take every word in scripture as LITERAL....while Jesus Himself often taught in symbolism.

Some want to claim that the wine and bread are literally changed and one is actually consuming the body and the blood of The Christ. Clearly The Christ was speaking in symbolic terms as concluded via the context of the entire event outlined in the passage. Consider the words of Tertullian, ca 200 A.D., (history actual, a Carthaginian theologian) Far closer to the event timeline than any modern, preacher, monk, pastor, pope...etc.,
"Taking bread and distributing to His disciples He made it His own body by saying, 'THIS IS MY BODY...that is a FIGURE OF MY BODY.....

There is no miracle taking place each LORD'S DAY (Sunday ....not the Sabbath but the first day of the week, not the last day of the week as a Christian's Sabbath..i.e., REST does not come until after death)….changing wine into blood and bread into flesh...thus there is no CANALBALISM taking place. Its symbolism......just like Water Baptism symbolizes physical death and a rebirth...its FAITH that makes you come into contact with the blood of Christ. The Kingdom of Christ..i.e., the Kingdom of God is not a literal kingdom, its a spiritual kingdom that rests in the heart of all those who believe (John 18:36, Luke 17:20-21) "The Kingdom of God does not come with observation; nor will they say, 'See here!, or See there' for indeed the Kingdom of God is within YOU."
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