The Christian Eucharist is a Ritual Cannibalism

Imagine that.....another thread dedicated to "trolling". FYI: You will not find the word any translation of the Holy Scriptures. Its not there, thus its not Christian doctrine its man made doctrine.

There is only one source for Christian Truth, "Sanctify them by Your (God's) truth....YOUR (God's) word is truth. (John 17:17) All Christians construct their faith upon the foundation of THE WORD, "Faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the Word of God." -- Rom. 10:17

If you are looking for Christian your bible as one must consider "everything" in order to find the truth. Attempting to bait another into "arguing" over an empty word.....such as Eucharist is a waste. I defend THE TRUTH found in scripture...nothing more nothing less.

Come back when you prove that this word is actually found in the Holy Bible and is used as Christian Doctrine. Until then.....go bait some other RABBIT HOLE. :bigthink:

What do the scriptures teach and declare? There is a spiritual ritual called the Holy Communion.....but the Scriptures do not teach "transubstantiation". A little history first. Eucharist is a Latin word meaning ….to give thanks. That is not the reason given in the Holy Scriptures for this weekly "memorial" to Christ Jesus called the communion. The Communion indeed was established by Jesus the Christ (Matt. 26: 26-30). Its not done weekly to give thanks, nor is the wine and bread literally changed into flesh and blood (Transubstantiation)…..the Scriptures enlighten us why this memorial takes place weekly.....its in MEMORY of JESUS, after his death, burial and resurrection "And He took bread, and gave thanks and brake it, and gave unto them, saying 'This is My Body given for you: do this in REMEMBERANCE OF ME." -- Luke 22:19

Note: Jesus was not yet could the wine and the bread He prayed over literally be HIS BODY? Did He change the wine literally into His blood and the bread literally into His flesh and allow His disciples to consume Him...….LITERALLY? No.....the scriptures declare He passed the broken bread among His disciples.....not any portion of His body or blood.

In order to understand the scriptures one must RIGHTLY DIVIDE THE WORD OF TRUTH (2nd Tim. 2:15-16). Some demand to take every word in scripture as LITERAL....while Jesus Himself often taught in symbolism.

Some want to claim that the wine and bread are literally changed and one is actually consuming the body and the blood of The Christ. Clearly The Christ was speaking in symbolic terms as concluded via the context of the entire event outlined in the passage. Consider the words of Tertullian, ca 200 A.D., (history actual, a Carthaginian theologian) Far closer to the event timeline than any modern, preacher, monk, pastor, pope...etc.,
"Taking bread and distributing to His disciples He made it His own body by saying, 'THIS IS MY BODY...that is a FIGURE OF MY BODY.....

There is no miracle taking place each LORD'S DAY (Sunday ....not the Sabbath but the first day of the week, not the last day of the week as a Christian's Sabbath..i.e., REST does not come until after death)….changing wine into blood and bread into flesh...thus there is no CANALBALISM taking place. Its symbolism......just like Water Baptism symbolizes physical death and a rebirth...its FAITH that makes you come into contact with the blood of Christ. The Kingdom of Christ..i.e., the Kingdom of God is not a literal kingdom, its a spiritual kingdom that rests in the heart of all those who believe (John 18:36, Luke 17:20-21) "The Kingdom of God does not come with observation; nor will they say, 'See here!, or See there' for indeed the Kingdom of God is within YOU."

excellent thank you: "And He took bread, and gave thanks and brake it, and gave unto them, saying 'This is My Body given for you: do this in REMEMBERANCE OF ME." -- Luke 22:19
Even stranger, perhaps, than the transformation of the carpenter's son into one-third of God is the fact of the Eucharist, or Lord's Supper. According to the gospel of Mark, and apparently backed up by Paul, Jesus declared that some bread and wine had become his flesh and blood, and asked his followers to eat and drink it. Apart from the (rather strong) ick factor, there are powerful prohibitions in Judaic law against the drinking of blood - let alone human blood - or even eating meat that contains blood. And "long pig" - human flesh - would hardly count as Kosher. How, then, did Jesus convince his followers to carry on a ritual cannibalistic feast?

Jesus the other white meat?
Post reported. :nono:

I am Hindu.

[I guess you DID NOT TAKE MY POST LITERALLY???????????????]

Cow is mother!

Cow's husband is the very very VERY BEST beast of burden for agrarian economies [farming].

Therefore, killing and eating COW [and what to speak of veal] IS SINFULL.

Ya'll know mass-bad-karma by the term "God's wrath".

Eating flesh of beasts [not humans] is barbaric IMO.

Eating humans is what will be the status quo at the end of "Kali-yuga" as per Hindu writ.

BTW where did Cain get the idea to eat flesh?

PS: Cow is a female. Cow's are born out of females.
Even stranger, perhaps, than the transformation of the carpenter's son into one-third of God is the fact of the Eucharist, or Lord's Supper. According to the gospel of Mark, and apparently backed up by Paul, Jesus declared that some bread and wine had become his flesh and blood, and asked his followers to eat and drink it. Apart from the (rather strong) ick factor, there are powerful prohibitions in Judaic law against the drinking of blood - let alone human blood - or even eating meat that contains blood. And "long pig" - human flesh - would hardly count as Kosher. How, then, did Jesus convince his followers to carry on a ritual cannibalistic feast?

Jesus the other white meat?

If you don't understand the stuff why bother? Not all Christians are these "white goyim" you like to troll.
Prasāda, variantly spelled as Prasadam, Prasad and Prasada, is a material substance of vegetarian food
that is a religious offering in both Hinduism and Sikhism. It is normally consumed by worshippers after worship. Wikipedia

The literal meaning of the Sanskrit word “prasadam” is mercy.
So when we say “Krishna prasadam” we are referring to Krishna’s mercy.

To understand what prasadam is we need to clear up a common misconception.
Generally we are under the impression that we are the owners of the things
that we posses and these things are meant for our enjoyment.
And the materialistic persons are always trying to get more and more possessions
and enjoy them more and more. That is the materialistic concept of life.

The actual fact is that everything is provided by God therefore everything belongs to God.

So prasadam means Krishna’s mercy, and prasadam is the remnants of something that has
been prepared for the pleasure of Krishna with love and offered to Him for His enjoyment.
Because Krishna has tasted it or enjoyed it prasadam is not a material thing.

Once Krishna tastes something it becomes transcendental. Krishna and Krishna prasadam is non-different.

That means for example you can get the same benefits by honoring Krishna prasadam
(eating Krishna prasadam, but devotees don’t say “eating prasadam”–it is honoring prasadam or respecting prasadam)
as you could get by being personally present with Krishna face-to-face. Prasadam is so powerful.

Because as I tried to explain before everything belongs to Krishna therefore everything is meant
for the service of Krishna, for the pleasure of Krishna, so if we take things for ourselves,
for our own pleasure and try to enjoy them without first offering them to Krishna then we become thieves.

If we take something that belongs to Krishna and use it for ourselves then we have stolen it from Krishna and we become sinful thieves.

And there is another aspect to this, and that is karma. It is a big subject but simply put everything
we do in the material world, good or bad, generates a reaction that we will have to enjoy or suffer in the future.
So if we are performing these activities that generate good and bad karma that will force us to continue taking
birth in the material world perpetually so that we can experience the good and bad karma we have accumulated in this life.
So unless we can stop generating karma there is no escape for us from the material world.

Bhagavad Gita 3.13:
"The devotees of the Lord are released from
all kinds of sins because they eat food
which is offered first for sacrifice.
Others, who prepare food for personal sense enjoyment,
verily eat only sin."

PURPORT by A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami:
The devotees of the Supreme Lord, or the persons who are in God consciousness, are called santas,
and they are always in love with the Lord. The santas, being always in a compact of love with the
Supreme Personality of Godhead, Govinda (the giver of all pleasures), aka Mukunda (the giver of liberation),
aka Krishna (the all-attractive person), cannot accept anything without first offering it to the Supreme Person.

Therefore, such devotees always perform 'yajnas' in different modes of devotional service,
and these performances of yajnas keep them always aloof from all kinds of contamination of
sinful association in the material world. Others, who prepare food for self or sense gratification,
are not only thieves, but are also the eaters of all kinds of sins.

How can a person be happy if he is both a thief and sinful? It is not possible.
Therefore, in order for people to become happy in all respects,
they must be taught to perform the easy process of yajna, in full God consciousness.
Otherwise, there can be no peace or happiness in the world.

yajnas = sacramental rites

Bhagavad Gita 3.14:
All living bodies subsist on food grains, which are produced from rain.
Rains are produced by performance of yajna [sacrifice], and yajna is born of prescribed duties.

Bhagavad Gita 3.15-16:
Regulated activities are prescribed in the Vedas, and the Vedas are directly manifested from the
Supreme Personality of Godhead. Consequently the all-pervading Transcendence is eternally situated in acts of sacrifice.
My dear Arjuna, a man who does not follow this prescribed Vedic system of sacrifice
certainly leads a life of sin, for a person delighting only in the senses lives in vain.

Is Holy Communion Equivalent to Prasadam?

The tradition of offering Prasad to the deity may have started with a very logical explanation
that finds its root in the power of positive thought. The Prasad is believed to foster
multiple positive thoughts. Firstly, the Prasad is offered to the deity and His blessing is sort for a wish,
a task in hand, blessing etc. Herein, it is believed that the Supreme Power has accepted our
request in form of the Prasad and given us the approval or the power to move on.

Secondly, this Prasad is considered to be sacred and thus all being receiving it are believed to be blessed.

Thirdly, the most important aspect is that when the primary pray-er gives the Prasad to fellow beings he
(primary pray-er) repeats his wish to the each one of them. Each fellow being in turn accepts the
Prasad and prays that the wish of the primary pray-er comes true. The more the Prasad is
distributed, the more positive thought is concentrated on the wish of the primary pray-er and
this in turn causes the universal power of positive thought or belief to work towards the
fulfillment of the wish of the primary prayer.
I am Hindu.

[I guess you DID NOT TAKE MY POST LITERALLY???????????????]

Cow is mother!

Cow's husband is the very very VERY BEST beast of burden for agrarian economies [farming].

Therefore, killing and eating COW [and what to speak of veal] IS SINFULL.

Ya'll know mass-bad-karma by the term "God's wrath".

Eating flesh of beasts [not humans] is barbaric IMO.

Eating humans is what will be the status quo at the end of "Kali-yuga" as per Hindu writ.

BTW where did Cain get the idea to eat flesh?

PS: Cow is a female. Cow's are born out of females.
Enjoy your vacation, pervert.
Even stranger, perhaps, than the transformation of the carpenter's son into one-third of God is the fact of the Eucharist, or Lord's Supper. According to the gospel of Mark, and apparently backed up by Paul, Jesus declared that some bread and wine had become his flesh and blood, and asked his followers to eat and drink it. Apart from the (rather strong) ick factor, there are powerful prohibitions in Judaic law against the drinking of blood - let alone human blood - or even eating meat that contains blood. And "long pig" - human flesh - would hardly count as Kosher. How, then, did Jesus convince his followers to carry on a ritual cannibalistic feast?

Jesus the other white meat?

Again.....Eucharist is not Christian Doctrine, thus its not a FACT of Christianity. Eucharist is Latin for giving thanks. The scriptures themselves detail the very reason for this weekly ceremony was not to give thanks....but a command by the Christ to do this each week IN REMEMBERENCE of The Christ, and this should be practiced until the end of this Christian era....THE LAST DAYS of MANKIND.

What the Christ did was change literal ceremony (such as actually sacrificing live animals to carry over one's sin from one season to the next)… a spiritual ceremony that carries one faith over from one week to the next, knowing that the Christ would one day return to pass judgment, thus allowing the Christian to comprehend that HE Jesus was still standing as an advocate between Father God and the SIN that EVERY MAN COMMITS. Its all about FAITH.

Jesus was never intended to rule over a literal kingdom on earth sitting on the Throne of King David. God placed a curse on the lineage of Jesus, declaring that no descendent of Coniah would ever sit on the throne in Judah...with Jerusalem in its center (Jer. 22:30), the lineage of the Jesus the Christ goes right through Coniah also known as Jeconiah (Matt. 1:11) God does not lie.

Thus, Jesus never did nor never will physically rule over Jerusalem sitting on King David's throne. It is true that Jesus is as we speak sitting on the throne of David....but its at the right hand of God in Heaven not on earth. The Kingdom was given to the Christ as promised in prophecy (Luke 1:32, Acts 2:30)….but its not a physical Kingdom and its been on earth for over 2000 years, its a Spiritual Kingdom. How do we know that the Kingdom has already come and Jesus is sitting on the Throne of David? "There are some standing here (standing where.....beside Jesus before His death over 2000 years ago) who shall not taste death till they see the Kingdom of God." -- Luke 9:27

The reign of the Christ shall not begin when He returns to pass judgment because the scriptures tell us when Jesus returns, "Then comes the end, when He delivers the Kingdom over to God the Father....when He puts an end to all rule and authority and power. For He must rule until He has put all His enemies under His feet." -- 1 Cor. 15:24-25. Which begs to ask the question. If the Christ is not already sitting on the Throne of David and ruler of a can He turn something over when He returns that He never did possess? He has been on the Throne of David in Heaven on the right side of Father God since His ascension after His birth, life, death and resurrection as detailed in the Book of Acts. The Kingdom of God is here....already, some simply can't see the forest for the trees as they are looking for a physical kingdom and a literal throne. Such as propagated via the religion of ISLAM who wants to physically conquer the world and assimilate everyone on earth at the point of a sword...with their prophet Muhammad ruling over a physical Kingdom by proxy of those who call themselves Holy Men.

Christianity promotes spiritual transformation into the Kingdom....a changing of the Heart to save the soul, there is no physical warfare, all Christians make a freewill decision to enter the Kingdom of God, there is no value in sword point conversion as its not true.

We are "conveyed" into the Kingdom of God. The Apostle Paul wrote that the Father, ".....has delivered us from the power of darkness and conveyed us into the Kingdom of the Son of His love, in whom we have redemption through His blood (whose blood? The blood of Jesus the Christ, thus the communion and its symbolism that simply reveals the faith of those who have been conveyed into the Kingdom) …..for the forgiveness of sin." Again.....its the symbolism of spiritually coming into contact with the blood of the Christ (remembering His great sacrifice to fulfill the OLD LAW) that reminds US...the Christian that we have an advocate standing between our sins and Father God who cannot bear to look upon sin. There is no literal cannibalism...there is no literal transformation of Bread and Wine into flesh and blood....its a spiritual ceremony just like the Kingdom is a spiritual kingdom.

Thats why the Kingdom can never fall as long as there is one living, breathing CITIZEN thereof remaining on earth. Nothing spiritual can be defeated by DEATH....the CHRIST indeed overcame death and His Kingdom is forever (meaning as long as there is a physical earth)… the END.
It is quite probable that Jesus Christ was eaten by his followers
As we can infer from the biblical texts, the tomb where Christ’s body was stored was not guarded. True, the Gospel according to Matthew claims that in order to prevent the corpse of Jesus Christ from being stolen from the tomb, the next day after the crucifixion chief Jewish priests and Pharisees assembled in front of Pilate and asked him to post a guard to secure the tomb, and when Pilot told them, – ‘You have a guard…’ – they put (their?) guards at the tomb and sealed the stone. (Matthew, 27, 62-66)

This episode does not seem to be a testimony by some Christ’s contemporary, but it rather looks as a fake, which was grafted into the Gospel by a person who was not familiar with the Jewish religion and culture, because the events took place during the Sabbath, and any work (sealing the tomb and possibly posting the guard or even standing on guard) was then a serious crime against the Jewish religion.

Even the mother of the prophet and his (apparently) girlfriend or wife Mary Magdalene did not dare even to make preparations for the pending burial ceremony – there is little doubt that that nobody guarded the tomb until the Saturday sunset.

Even on the Sunday morning when the two Maries came to the tomb, they found only one man, who tried to convince them that Jesus Christ had resurrected (or two men according to Luke and John). So, most probably none of Christ’s enemies had guarded the tomb at all.

The owner of the tomb, Joseph from Arimathea, apparently was Christ’s disciple, so in fact the followers of the Christian prophet could have done with his corpse whatever they wanted, and they could have eaten the body as well.

If the body of Jesus Christ had actually disappeared during the cannibalistic party of his disciples, it is quite natural that they preserved their secret. The disclosure of such secret would not only have discredited the then still emerging Christianity, but also Jews, who did not tolerate cannibalism, would have executed all the participants of the last feast. Anyway, even if somebody of the initiated had blurted it out, nobody believed him.

Having assumed that Jesus Christ was eaten, many myths and rites of Christianity do not seem strange and mysterious any more
As it was mentioned above, the scene of the ‘Last supper’ acquires sense. Its purpose is to persuade Christ’s disciples that they will have to eat the flesh of their teacher and to drink his blood and to convince the ‘apostles’ that by doing this they will overtake Christ’s divinity.

Then, there appears to be much more sense in many other aspects of Christianity, including the myth about the resurrection of Jesus Christ itself.

No, it's not although the language in the ceremony might make you think that.

There are lots of things we can bash ppl for but religion shouldn't be one of them -- unless, of course, they're trying to shove theirs down our unbelieving throats.

In Catholicism, the bread is literally the body of Christ. Most Catholics don't even know this, but according to the Catholic church, the bread transforms into Jesus' body during the ritual.
So yup, cannibalism.

Mahatma [maha-atma] = great Soul

So Jesus or his Father In Heaven or just the Holy spirit are ALL PURE SOUL.


There's a holographic fractile-esque similarity between the cosmic manifestation entoto
and God's attribute of being the originating-wellspring ALL PURE SOUL.

Therefore God's ALL PURE SOUL status reveals that is name & form &
pastimes & fame & friends & family etc are also composed of ALL PURE SOUL.

We are spirit souls in the material body in the material world of
phantasmagorical varieties of "sense" enjoyments.

Ya'll ain't got to be a human to have "sense" enjoyments.

You must find the original ALL PURE SOUL Person while here in the phantasmagorical cosmic manifestation
---that facilitates varieties of "sense" enjoyments, birth after birth.