The Christian Eucharist is a Ritual Cannibalism

As union-busting, McCarthyism and discrimination against socialists has grown more and more powerful, a lot of people who want to seem safely 'radical' in normal countries have taken up the recapitulation of antique debates about religion from the Nineteenth Century to appear 'progressive'. In America it's a bit different because you never had many Christians, so the 'religious' remain powerful. Be nice if we could get back to serious politics before the capitalists burn the world.
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why do atheists spend so much time promoting their beliefs on the internet.........they're just another flavor of tele-evangelist.......
There is no such restriction on Christians.....

Genesis 1:29 King James Version (KJV)

29 And God said, Behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed,
which is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree,
in the which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed;
to you it shall be for meat.

I don't know of any instructions about vegetarianism given by Christ.

I pity the beast that Christ wound up eating!

At least saints are vegetarian.

BTW, I don't believe Christ ate meat.

Anyway here are the verses that support my position:

Please review the Greek & hebrew terms, and kindly, verify or deny their veracity:

I'd like to cut and paste the whole Bible text, but for here are the Chapter/Verse of mention of NONE-FLESH EATING:

Old Testiment RE-CAP:

gen 1:29 [vs. Gen 9:3 ~immediately after recovery from the flood].

gen 9:4-5

num 11:33

Isaiah 1:11,15

Isaiah 66.3

Leviticus 3:17

Regarding, "Thou shall not Kill" ---reference:

The hebrew words are: 'Lo tirtzach' ---according to Dr Reuben Alcalay's 'Complete Hebrew/English Dictionary', 'tirtzach' refers to any kind of killing.

Christ was vegetarian ---there are 19 Gospel references to 'meat' all have been mis-translated from the original Greek Bible text:

Greek (3 of references) - English meaning:
Broma (4) - 'food' Romans 14:15, 20-21; I Corinthians 8:8, 10:3
Brosis (4) - 'the act of eating' Romans 14:17
Brosimos (1) - 'that which may be eaten'
Phago (3) - 'to eat' Luke 8:55
Prosphagon (1) - 'anything to eat'
Trophe (6) - 'nourishment' John 4:8, Acts 9:19, Acts 27:33-36
Trapesa (?) - 'table' "...They set a table before him ..." Acts 16:34

Thus, John 21:5 "Have ye any meat" ---is incorrect. it should have been translated:
"Have ye 'anything to eat'"

Regarding, "FISH" ---reference: The secret & mystical symbol/Password for "Christian" in Roman Prosecution Times, derived from the Greek word for fish, ICHTHUS ---forming the acronym: Iesous Christos Theou Uios Soter (Jesus Christ Son of God Saviour)

New Testiment RE-CAP:

Matt 3:4 ~(the word 'locusts' used here means Locust beans, aka, carob, aka, St John's bread)
Luke 8:55 ~the word used here is 'phago' (to eat).
Isaiah 7:14,15 ~prophets predict Jesus's diet: "... Butter & Honey shall he eat ..."
Luke 24:41-43 ~Note the words used, Jesus was offered two things 'Fish and a honeycomb' "... and he took it . . ." indicates that he choose one of the two judging from Isaiah 7:15 [the word used here is 'brosimos' (eatable)].

See the Offence for fleash eating:

Greek word for FLESH is: 'kreas'
I Corinthians 8:13

IMO it is crazy to think animal eating will bring anything except future Dukham [aka suffering].
Christ was vegetarian ---there are 19 Gospel references to 'meat' all have been mis-translated by me

I know, right?......

I believe Jesus was vegetarian

Luke 24:41 And while they still did not believe it because of joy and amazement, he asked them, “Do you have anything here to eat?” 42 They gave him a piece of broiled fish, 43 and he took it and ate it in their presence. (why did you make up the part about the honeycomb?).........