The Church of the Ascending Obama


The Force is With Me
Church of the Ascending Obama

"The likes of Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan Chase, Lehman Brothers and Morgan Stanley early on paid for Obamite Church property, pulpit and pews."

Obamamania might as well be a religion. Its African American denominations are rooted in faith - not facts. In some respects the Church of the Ascending Obama's dogma is the reverse mirror of those doomsday religious sects that preach "the end is near" based on no worldly evidence whatsoever.

Like all belief systems anchored in faith and little else, the Obamites scorn hard evidence and treat bearers of facts as heretics and servants of Evil. The difference is, the doomsdayers take it as a matter of faith that the end of the world as we know it is imminent, while the Obamites rely on faith alone to predict that their spiritual leader will usher in a glorious era of "change." You can't tell the Obamites any differently, even though their Holy Man is hopelessly surrounded by and beholden to international finance capital and their global protectors, the U.S. military-industrial complex.

If African American Obamites and their purportedly "progressive" non-Black brethren would get their heads of the clouds and survey the earthly landscape, they would confront the fact that the forces opposing change are far more influential in the Obamite church than the long-suffering masses of voting congregants. The money-changers are in charge. The likes of Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan Chase, Lehman Brothers and Morgan Stanley early on paid for Obamite Church property, pulpit and pews, long before the multitudes had ever heard of Obama or had a chance to tithe a portion of their hard-earned wages to him. Obama makes regular pilgrimages to shrines of imperial hegemony like the Chicago Council on Global Affairs. There, in the bosom of the permanent corporate rulers of the United States, Obama has repeatedly pledged to increase the already obscene U.S. military budget.

"The money-changers are in charge."

Do the Lords of Finance Capital fund Obama because they desire change? No! They give millions in campaign funds now in order to secure hundreds of billions in bailouts later, when The Obama has risen. That's their idea of salvation. Do the bankers and global money manipulators seek a new dispensation for the average citizen, a break from the past? Of course not. It is they who were the architects of the mega-corruption of recent decades, and who stand to lose the most from fundamental change, real reform. Have the militarists and their factories of mass destruction been converted to "change" that any peace loving person can "believe in?" Never. They want more of the same, more money for weapons, more troops, more tools of global domination. Obama blesses their gruesome enterprises - a benediction for the Anti-Changers.

The only change desired by the rulers of the United States, is a change of face, a new-and-improved packaging of the same old corporate domination and imperial lawlessness. And if not Obama, they will be happy with John McCain. The only thing the average Church of the Ascending Obama parishioner can expect on that Great Gettin' Up Inauguration a cheap prayer cloth.

If Obama loses significant black support .. it's over.

What About the Black Community, Obama?
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Screw everyone who ever said "money is speech."

Money is not speech. Money is money. Money in politics sucks.
The Obama camp has now told Detroit Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick to stay home and away from the convention because he would be a "distraction."

My question .. did they also tell John Edwards to stay home?
Church of the Ascending Obama

"The likes of Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan Chase, Lehman Brothers and Morgan Stanley early on paid for Obamite Church property, pulpit and pews."

Obamamania might as well be a religion. Its African American denominations are rooted in faith - not facts. In some respects the Church of the Ascending Obama's dogma is the reverse mirror of those doomsday religious sects that preach "the end is near" based on no worldly evidence whatsoever.

Like all belief systems anchored in faith and little else, the Obamites scorn hard evidence and treat bearers of facts as heretics and servants of Evil. The difference is, the doomsdayers take it as a matter of faith that the end of the world as we know it is imminent, while the Obamites rely on faith alone to predict that their spiritual leader will usher in a glorious era of "change." You can't tell the Obamites any differently, even though their Holy Man is hopelessly surrounded by and beholden to international finance capital and their global protectors, the U.S. military-industrial complex.

If African American Obamites and their purportedly "progressive" non-Black brethren would get their heads of the clouds and survey the earthly landscape, they would confront the fact that the forces opposing change are far more influential in the Obamite church than the long-suffering masses of voting congregants. The money-changers are in charge. The likes of Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan Chase, Lehman Brothers and Morgan Stanley early on paid for Obamite Church property, pulpit and pews, long before the multitudes had ever heard of Obama or had a chance to tithe a portion of their hard-earned wages to him. Obama makes regular pilgrimages to shrines of imperial hegemony like the Chicago Council on Global Affairs. There, in the bosom of the permanent corporate rulers of the United States, Obama has repeatedly pledged to increase the already obscene U.S. military budget.

"The money-changers are in charge."

Do the Lords of Finance Capital fund Obama because they desire change? No! They give millions in campaign funds now in order to secure hundreds of billions in bailouts later, when The Obama has risen. That's their idea of salvation. Do the bankers and global money manipulators seek a new dispensation for the average citizen, a break from the past? Of course not. It is they who were the architects of the mega-corruption of recent decades, and who stand to lose the most from fundamental change, real reform. Have the militarists and their factories of mass destruction been converted to "change" that any peace loving person can "believe in?" Never. They want more of the same, more money for weapons, more troops, more tools of global domination. Obama blesses their gruesome enterprises - a benediction for the Anti-Changers.

The only change desired by the rulers of the United States, is a change of face, a new-and-improved packaging of the same old corporate domination and imperial lawlessness. And if not Obama, they will be happy with John McCain. The only thing the average Church of the Ascending Obama parishioner can expect on that Great Gettin' Up Inauguration a cheap prayer cloth.

If Obama loses significant black support .. it's over.

What About the Black Community, Obama?

it's funny you are bringing this up....for the first time in 8 months, i heard a ''swing'' of this on cspan washington journal this morning.....and i was thinking it must be a fluke, and then you posted this....

the segment was on who you originally supported for our next president and who you support now....

there was this intelligent, older i believe thru voice, african american woman that was a hillary suporter but now going to vote for mccain....which really threw me for a loop! She didn't like obama's cockyness and inexperience and didn't like the obama supporters basically.....saying she was EVIL for questioning this....she felt obama supporters were unreasonable.....mean to her....and she said she did not like the way obama WAS USING the race card, and kept repeating she was african american....and her community were treating her like crapola..... so she was voting for mccain....i nearly gagged!

another african american man called later and agreed to some degree....


i think obama is in trouble and this race will be much closer than we think if this trend continues.

The Obama camp has now told Detroit Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick to stay home and away from the convention because he would be a "distraction."

My question .. did they also tell John Edwards to stay home?

I think they did. In any case he has said he's not going. I am going to watch the Democratic Convention, I think it's going to be interesting. :cof1:
it's funny you are bringing this up....for the first time in 8 months, i heard a ''swing'' of this on cspan washington journal this morning.....and i was thinking it must be a fluke, and then you posted this....

the segment was on who you originally supported for our next president and who you support now....

there was this intelligent, older i believe thru voice, african american woman that was a hillary suporter but now going to vote for mccain....which really threw me for a loop! She didn't like obama's cockyness and inexperience and didn't like the obama supporters basically.....saying she was EVIL for questioning this....she felt obama supporters were unreasonable.....mean to her....and she said she did not like the way obama WAS USING the race card, and kept repeating she was african american....and her community were treating her like crapola..... so she was voting for mccain....i nearly gagged!

another african american man called later and agreed to some degree....


i think obama is in trouble and this race will be much closer than we think if this trend continues.


The growing distrust among African-Americans about Obama has little to do with Hillary Clinton or the Clintons period. Blacks aren't clamoring for either of them.

The black woman who is voting for McCain because she didn't like the way she was treated or because she didn't like Obama supporters is an idiot, plain and simple.

I supported Obama in the primaries .. but I'm leaning toward McKinney now.

That being said, I have no regrets about not supporting Hillary Clinton.

I agree that the race will be close.
I think they did. In any case he has said he's not going. I am going to watch the Democratic Convention, I think it's going to be interesting. :cof1:

True, Edwards isn't going .. but the Obama camp didn't publicly denounce him as they did Kilpatrick.

The bottom line is that Obama CANNOT win without energized black votes .. which they take for granted.

BIG mistake.
The growing distrust among African-Americans about Obama has little to do with Hillary Clinton or the Clintons period. Blacks aren't clamoring for either of them.

The black woman who is voting for McCain because she didn't like the way she was treated or because she didn't like Obama supporters is an idiot, plain and simple.

I supported Obama in the primaries .. but I'm leaning toward McKinney now.

That being said, I have no regrets about not supporting Hillary Clinton.

I agree that the race will be close.

she had plenty of reasons for not supporting obama, but her concern were the Obamites not using their heads and only their hearts and obama could do no wrong attitude which she felt was a mistake....

And yes, i know how you feel about Hillary, nothing new there BAC....:clink:
Disillusioned as I am, I'm still voting for Obama.

America is like a punch drunk heavyweight champion right now, staggering around the ring, trying to avoid that one blow that will put it on the mat for the count. To me, electing McCain would be pretty tragic, and could easily be that blow that takes us to a level people would have even imagined even 10 years ago. Maybe that's being melodramatic, but there are so many levels that a President McCain would hurt us on, from keeping 100's of lower level positions that have contributed to the secrecy & corruption of the Bush admin in place, to our standing around a globe that would be absolutely incredulous about America keeping the same party in power.
and BAC what do you say when someone tells you by voting for Cynthia, you are actually casting a vote for McCain?
she had plenty of reasons for not supporting obama, but her concern were the Obamites not using their heads and only their hearts and obama could do no wrong attitude which she felt was a mistake....

And yes, i know how you feel about Hillary, nothing new there BAC....:clink:

Sounds a lot like the Clintonites.
and BAC what do you say when someone tells you by voting for Cynthia, you are actually casting a vote for McCain?

I say that's as stupid as "voting for Nader is a vote for Bush."

It's something that is only said by incredibly naive people who believe votes should be assumed, not earned.

They can feel free to assume my vote all they want.
it's funny you are bringing this up....for the first time in 8 months, i heard a ''swing'' of this on cspan washington journal this morning.....and i was thinking it must be a fluke, and then you posted this....

the segment was on who you originally supported for our next president and who you support now....

there was this intelligent, older i believe thru voice, african american woman that was a hillary suporter but now going to vote for mccain....which really threw me for a loop! She didn't like obama's cockyness and inexperience and didn't like the obama supporters basically.....saying she was EVIL for questioning this....she felt obama supporters were unreasonable.....mean to her....and she said she did not like the way obama WAS USING the race card, and kept repeating she was african american....and her community were treating her like crapola..... so she was voting for mccain....i nearly gagged!

another african american man called later and agreed to some degree....


i think obama is in trouble and this race will be much closer than we think if this trend continues.


I think the only reason this story is even interesting at all is because it is such a rarity. It's not a trend, its an outlier. Outliers make interesting news stories because they are outliers. I wouldn't put any stock at all in the idea that black folks are going to vote for McCain in significant numbers. At all.

Seriously, this is ridiculous.
The growing distrust among African-Americans about Obama has little to do with Hillary Clinton or the Clintons period. Blacks aren't clamoring for either of them.

The black woman who is voting for McCain because she didn't like the way she was treated or because she didn't like Obama supporters is an idiot, plain and simple.

I supported Obama in the primaries .. but I'm leaning toward McKinney now.

That being said, I have no regrets about not supporting Hillary Clinton.

I agree that the race will be close.

BAC, my previous impression from you was that the black community knew Obama had to say some of the things he said to appeal to white folks (like the talk on fatherhood responsibilities for example). You believe that has changed within the black community?
What is a vote for McKinney, though, or Nader, for that matter? Do people who vote for McKinney REALLY want her to be President, and think that she is up for the job?

If the race was neck&neck between McKinney, McCain & Obama, and one vote was going to make the difference, would they still vote for McKinney to put her over the top & into the Presidency?
I think the only reason this story is even interesting at all is because it is such a rarity. It's not a trend, its an outlier. Outliers make interesting news stories because they are outliers. I wouldn't put any stock at all in the idea that black folks are going to vote for McCain in significant numbers. At all.

Seriously, this is ridiculous.

I agree .. they won't vote for McCain, but they may not be energized about Obama enough to rush to the polls in overwhelming numbers.

Tepid black support for Obama .. he loses.
I agree .. they won't vote for McCain, but they may not be energized about Obama enough to rush to the polls in overwhelming numbers.

Tepid black support for Obama .. he loses.

All I'm saying is that Obama has almost 90% support among black folk. Of course, translating that support to voting on election day is crucial, but pretending that black folks are running away from Obama in significant numbers to vote for McCain or some other candidate is just plain wrong.
The Obama camp has now told Detroit Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick to stay home and away from the convention because he would be a "distraction."

My question .. did they also tell John Edwards to stay home?

Are you serious? Come on bac, there’s no question that Edwards was going to be a speaker at the convention, and probably Elizabeth Edwards as well. And today, there is no question that they won’t be.
it's funny you are bringing this up....for the first time in 8 months, i heard a ''swing'' of this on cspan washington journal this morning.....and i was thinking it must be a fluke, and then you posted this....

the segment was on who you originally supported for our next president and who you support now....

there was this intelligent, older i believe thru voice, african american woman that was a hillary suporter but now going to vote for mccain....which really threw me for a loop! She didn't like obama's cockyness and inexperience and didn't like the obama supporters basically.....saying she was EVIL for questioning this....she felt obama supporters were unreasonable.....mean to her....and she said she did not like the way obama WAS USING the race card, and kept repeating she was african american....and her community were treating her like crapola..... so she was voting for mccain....i nearly gagged!

another african american man called later and agreed to some degree....


i think obama is in trouble and this race will be much closer than we think if this trend continues.


Frankly Care, because they said they were voting for McCain, NOT because they called and had problems with Obama, I think they’re Republican operatives. If you guys don’t think that Republican operatives are working the net and the call in shows on both radio and tv…well, I really wouldn’t know what to say.

And that's just paid operatives. For Christ sakes, I wouldn't be surprised if it was Dixie freelancing!