The Church of the Ascending Obama

BAC, my previous impression from you was that the black community knew Obama had to say some of the things he said to appeal to white folks (like the talk on fatherhood responsibilities for example). You believe that has changed within the black community?

I won't say that it has completely changed, but it is changing.

I recognize that he has to play the game to a degree, but he has gone overboard and his taking the black community for granted is insulting.

Politics is about quid-pro-quo .. what will you do for my constituency.

When Obama addresses the jewish community it's all about what he's going to do for them and the same is true of when he speaks to hispanics, women, gays, or anyother demographic .. except when he addresses the black community. Then, it's all about scolding us to further endear himself to white conservatives. Not a word about anything on the black agenda.

If he won't address black concerns, what are blacks to say to white politicians in a position to address our concerns? Why should white politicians be more concerned about black issues than the black politician.

For many of us, Obama is symbolism, nothing more.

In these critical times, we need substance, not symbolism.
I agree .. they won't vote for McCain, but they may not be energized about Obama enough to rush to the polls in overwhelming numbers.

Tepid black support for Obama .. he loses.

He doesn’t have tepid black support – he’s got tepid leftist black support, just as he has tepid leftist white support.

Dude, the black vote is coming out because regardless of what you say, a black man elected to the Presidency in this country is a game changer, period. And they are a big part of why Repukes are going to get swept out of congress.

Now, let’s wait to election day and see which one of is right. Not only do I believe blacks are coming to the polls in record numbers, I believe that this year, if they are kept from voting again, you are going to see some shit finally start to happen. And it’s high time, high fucking time.
Are you serious? Come on bac, there’s no question that Edwards was going to be a speaker at the convention, and probably Elizabeth Edwards as well. And today, there is no question that they won’t be.

Could not those same private negotiations with the Edwards also be held with Kilpatrick .. who has stated that he doesn't want to be a distraction and would have stayed away from the convention without admonition from Obama.

Obama used Kilpatrick to make a statement to white conservatives .. who are never going to vote for him anyway .. however, he is HEAVILY dependent on the black vote but doesn't seem to feel the need to be as careful not to offend blacks as he does with people who are never going to vote for him.
Could not those same private negotiations with the Edwards also be held with Kilpatrick .. who has stated that he doesn't want to be a distraction and would have stayed away from the convention without admonition from Obama.

Obama used Kilpatrick to make a statement to white conservatives .. who are never going to vote for him anyway .. however, he is HEAVILY dependent on the black vote but doesn't seem to feel the need to be as careful not to offend blacks as he does with people who are never going to vote for him.

Did he make a public statement on that, or release one, or is that the mayor himself repeated what he was told by the obama campaign? I'm sorry, I don't know enough about that to make a judgement.

As far as not being careful not to offend blacks - yep, he's taking his base for granted. Is that an unpardonable sin in politics? He takes me (an anti-war activist) for granted too. You want to know something, at this point in time, I don't care. I want to live. I want my family to live. I don't want WWIII, which, and maybe you have read the news about our missile deal with poland and Russia's reaction to it? these fucking lunatics seem hell-bent on giving to us.

You see, they are crazy. Bug-fuck nuts. They should be institionalized. You need to get this - I'd vote for Ron Paul if he were the only one running against these people.

Because I want to live. And I want my family to live.
He doesn’t have tepid black support – he’s got tepid leftist black support, just as he has tepid leftist white support.

Dude, the black vote is coming out because regardless of what you say, a black man elected to the Presidency in this country is a game changer, period. And they are a big part of why Repukes are going to get swept out of congress.

Now, let’s wait to election day and see which one of is right. Not only do I believe blacks are coming to the polls in record numbers, I believe that this year, if they are kept from voting again, you are going to see some shit finally start to happen. And it’s high time, high fucking time.

That is if he makes it to November. His Weakness may be overthrown at the convention by the Hillary forces.

I'm in touch with the black community and black media everyday .. I write for some black publications .. and the growing disappointment within is undeniable .. unless you don't know the black community.

Additionally, most of the black community is "leftist."

I didn't say he has tepid black support now, but if this trend continues, he most certainly will.
There isn't going to be any Hillary coup, that's fear-mongering and it's based on this demonization of Hillary Clinton. They already cut the deal, and it was laid out exactly how it's going to go and what she's going to say and when she's going to cast her vote as a superdelegate for him , and I'm sorry but I firmly believe that if this were Ted Kennedy we woudln't have this BULLSHIT going on about what Hillary is going to pull.

And for Obama, to me, the worst thing about him right now is exactly as you mentioned yesterday - Brezinski. At this point I don't care about all this other shit, and I just want these old motherfucking cold warriors gone. Why don't they die already>?
Did he make a public statement on that, or release one, or is that the mayor himself repeated what he was told by the obama campaign? I'm sorry, I don't know enough about that to make a judgement.

As far as not being careful not to offend blacks - yep, he's taking his base for granted. Is that an unpardonable sin in politics? He takes me (an anti-war activist) for granted too. You want to know something, at this point in time, I don't care. I want to live. I want my family to live. I don't want WWIII, which, and maybe you have read the news about our missile deal with poland and Russia's reaction to it? these fucking lunatics seem hell-bent on giving to us.

You see, they are crazy. Bug-fuck nuts. They should be institionalized. You need to get this - I'd vote for Ron Paul if he were the only one running against these people.

Because I want to live. And I want my family to live.

I feel you .. but if antiwar activists don't mind being taken for granted, that's their problem. I DO mind, and Obama has a responsibility to those who stood before him and made this opportunity possible for him.

Obama, the general election Obama, is as prone to disaster and war as is McCain AND he can be easily pushed, manipulated, and mocked into doing whatever the neocons want.

The man is so paranoid of what republicans might say that he went and hid wife for christ sakes. She's a Princeton graduate and I'm sure capable of standing on her own.

I'm not suggesting that you don't vote for Obama or support him as you see fit .. but if he continues to ignore and take blacks for granted .. you both have a big surprise waiting for you.
There isn't going to be any Hillary coup, that's fear-mongering and it's based on this demonization of Hillary Clinton. They already cut the deal, and it was laid out exactly how it's going to go and what she's going to say and when she's going to cast her vote as a superdelegate for him , and I'm sorry but I firmly believe that if this were Ted Kennedy we woudln't have this BULLSHIT going on about what Hillary is going to pull.

And for Obama, to me, the worst thing about him right now is exactly as you mentioned yesterday - Brezinski. At this point I don't care about all this other shit, and I just want these old motherfucking cold warriors gone. Why don't they die already>?


I'm with you there ...
I feel you .. but if antiwar activists don't mind being taken for granted, that's their problem. I DO mind, and Obama has a responsibility to those who stood before him and made this opportunity possible for him.

Obama, the general election Obama, is as prone to disaster and war as is McCain AND he can be easily pushed, manipulated, and mocked into doing whatever the neocons want.

The man is so paranoid of what republicans might say that he went and hid wife for christ sakes. She's a Princeton graduate and I'm sure capable of standing on her own.

I'm not suggesting that you don't vote for Obama or support him as you see fit .. but if he continues to ignore and take blacks for granted .. you both have a big surprise waiting for you.

Well, we’ll see what happens on election day. And whether or not McCain makes it there without a deadly senior moment, which I think is far more likely to happen than a Hillary coup! Of course, I am rooting for one.

As for being taken for granted, unless it’s my bf, who wouldn’t dare! I really don’t take it that personally bac. ;)
"Obama, the general election Obama, is as prone to disaster and war as is McCain"

I heard part I of this in 2000 from Nader, about Bush & Gore. 100,000+ dead Iraqi's later, it rings as hollow as it did then.

As beholden as both are to special interests, a McCain Presidency would look vastly different from an Obama Presidency, particularly with foreign policy.
Well, we’ll see what happens on election day. And whether or not McCain makes it there without a deadly senior moment, which I think is far more likely to happen than a Hillary coup! Of course, I am rooting for one.

As for being taken for granted, unless it’s my bf, who wouldn’t dare! I really don’t take it that personally bac. ;)

I wouldn't take you for granted Darla. I'd thank you everyday for cooking for me, cleaning for me, doing the chores, walking around the house in lingerie, keeping the bar stocked with liquor etc.
I wouldn't take you for granted Darla. I'd thank you everyday for cooking for me, cleaning for me, doing the chores, walking around the house in lingerie, keeping the bar stocked with liquor etc.

That’s a great list of reasons why I didn’t fly to California that time you, drunkenly, begged me to! LMAO
Well, we’ll see what happens on election day. And whether or not McCain makes it there without a deadly senior moment, which I think is far more likely to happen than a Hillary coup! Of course, I am rooting for one.

As for being taken for granted, unless it’s my bf, who wouldn’t dare! I really don’t take it that personally bac. ;)

I do take African-Americans being taken for granted personally.

If he doesn't feel my vote is important enough to earn, then he doesn't need it.
"Obama, the general election Obama, is as prone to disaster and war as is McCain"

I heard part I of this in 2000 from Nader, about Bush & Gore. 100,000+ dead Iraqi's later, it rings as hollow as it did then.

As beholden as both are to special interests, a McCain Presidency would look vastly different from an Obama Presidency, particularly with foreign policy.

How so?

How does an Obama presidency look different then a McCain presidency on foreign policy?

Before you answer keep one word in mind .. Brezenski
Frankly Care, because they said they were voting for McCain, NOT because they called and had problems with Obama, I think they’re Republican operatives. If you guys don’t think that Republican operatives are working the net and the call in shows on both radio and tv…well, I really wouldn’t know what to say.

And that's just paid operatives. For Christ sakes, I wouldn't be surprised if it was Dixie freelancing!

Well, if i were to judge on how a person's accent sounds when they speak, i would say you are wrong and that she was a black woman, not a hispanic and not a white person from the south or north, this is not to say that she hadn't been a republican in her life or still was a republican like Condi Rice....

There was no doubt in my mind that she was what she said....and i am ALL OVER the supposed hillary supporters that are republicans trying to cause my senses up, to peg them quickly!!!

This was a very sincere woman, thus so surprising.

Well, if i were to judge on how a person's accent sounds when they speak, i would say you are wrong and that she was a black woman, not a hispanic and not a white person from the south or north, this is not to say that she hadn't been a republican in her life or still was a republican like Condi Rice....

There was no doubt in my mind that she was what she said....and i am ALL OVER the supposed hillary supporters that are republicans trying to cause my senses up, to peg them quickly!!!

This was a very sincere woman, thus so surprising.


Ok. Must be an anomaly.
This is crazy, does Obama have to suck everyones ass till he's drunk on booty juice, or don't the people who got him this far understand politics and KNOW he has to do something to reel in some independents. When a Jewish candidate runs for office other jews don't sit around and wring their hands because he isn't talking about Israel all the time. THEY KNOW he is going to work for their interests and understand that looking like is ONLY going to work for their interests is a sure way to alienate the rest of the voters.
This is crazy, does Obama have to suck everyones ass till he's drunk on booty juice, or don't the people who got him this far understand politics and KNOW he has to do something to reel in some independents. When a Jewish candidate runs for office other jews don't sit around and wring their hands because he isn't talking about Israel all the time. THEY KNOW he is going to work for their interests and understand that looking like is ONLY going to work for their interests is a sure way to alienate the rest of the voters.

So jews automatically know that any elected jew will be a staunch zionist, even if he rarely speaks of the issue? Is that a secret bible code?
All I'm saying is that Obama has almost 90% support among black folk. Of course, translating that support to voting on election day is crucial, but pretending that black folks are running away from Obama in significant numbers to vote for McCain or some other candidate is just plain wrong.

I never said blacks were running from Obama in significant numbers NOW .. but there is an undeniable number of blacks who have moved away from him AND if this trend continues there will be a significant number who move away.

Additionally, it won't take a large percentage of blacks to reject Obama before it becomes significant. He needs a huge number of blacks to vote for him if he has any chance of winning. He m,ay have 90% of blacks who are going to vote, but that percentage is misleading because he needs 90% of HUGE numbers.

Nor did I EVER imply that blacks were going to vote for McCain at anytime. They don't have to vote for McCain .. they can simply stay home, or vote for McKinney.

Stop pretending that he isn't losing support.

Poll: Obama losing key support
By Steven Thomma

WASHINGTON — Sen. Barack Obama has lost ground among some of his strongest bases of support, including young people, women, Democrats and independents, according to a new ATV/Zogby poll.

The Illinois Democrat has also lost some support among African-Americans and Hispanics, where his lead over Republican Sen. John McCain has shrunk, and among Catholics, where he's lost his lead.

The net result, pollster John Zogby found, is a race that's neck and neck, with McCain supported by 42 percent; Obama by 41 percent; Libertarian Bob Barr by 2 percent; and independent Ralph Nader by 2 percent. Another 13 percent supported other candidates or were undecided.

Zogby called the results a "notable turnaround" from a July survey he did that showed Obama leading by 46-36.

"McCain made significant gains at Obama's expense among some of what had been Obama's strongest demographic groups," Zogby said.

His findings:

Among voters aged 18-29, Obama lost 16 percent and McCain gained 20. Obama still leads, 49-38;

Among women, McCain gained 10 percentage points. Obama now leads 43-38.

Among independents, Obama lost an 11 point lead. They're now tied.

Among Democrats, Obama's support dropped from 83 percent to 74 percent.

Among Catholics, Obama lost the 11 point lead he had in July and now trails McCain by 15.

Zogby said Obama also lost ground among minorities.

Additionally, many in the black media are tearing Obama a new asshole .. as they should. They will affect black voters.


Imperialism With a Black Face

"The time for blindly rooting for the Brother will be over."

If Barack Obama succeeds in winning the presidency, Black America will be put to a test that will define its political and moral character for generations. We will discover if African Americans are really the kind of progressive, compassionate, humanity-loving people that Martin Luther King thought we were, that Malcolm X was so confident we were, and that the political record up to this juncture in history seems to indicate we are.

The African American reputation as the most consistently progressive ethnic group in the United States will stand or fall according to how Blacks comport themselves, politically, under a Barack Obama administration. Obama has not earned the Black vote; he has in fact treated African Americans very shabbily, singling them out for cultural criticisms that he would never direct against whites, Latinos or Asians. So-called Black "leadership" has abdicated all claim to the title, by failing to make even the most modest demands of Obama. As a consequence, Obama owes Blacks nothing, having promised them nothing. But that has not mattered for the vast majority of African Americans, who, like their timid leaders, have paid little attention to issues of substance during this campaign. Rather, they are consumed by centuries of pent-up aspirations to see a Black face in the highest place in the land.

"The world will come to hate him as they have other American presidents."

If that day comes, as conventional wisdom says is likely, the test of African American morality, good character and collective wisdom, begins. The time for blindly rooting for The Brother will be over. The many voices of an evolving planet will suddenly intervene to make their own demands on the American presidency. And unless Obama turns out to be the fictional "Spook Who Sat by the Door" - a closet progressive and Race Man whose been fooling the Imperialists and Warmongers and Lords of Capital and Reagan Democrats and all the other bagmen for corruption he's been sucking up to - he will respond as the corporate politician and military expansionist that he is. He will close ranks with the same finance capitalists that are cannibalizing the last remnants of American industry, as he has many times publicly promised to do. He will leave the Bush Gang's multitudinous crimes uninvestigated and unpunished - a promise repeated just days ago - thus leaving intact a veritable pirates' map for future criminality. (Why not in his own administration?) And he will rush to maintain the momentum of American Manifest Destiny, just as he has repeatedly said he would, had only Blacks and progressives been listening.

Barack Obama has given his solemn word that he will substantially increase the U.S. military budget, and will follow the Bush Doctrine of preemptive attack if he deems it in U.S. interests. He will continue to militarize Africa through the U.S. Africa Command, Africom, which he heartily endorses. He will spread America's grasping tentacles deeper and further around the planet - and the world will come to hate him as they have other American presidents.

It is at this point, and it won't be long, that African Americans will have to decide: Are they prouder that there is a Black face in the nation's highest place, than they are ashamed that imperialism's face is Black?

ADDITIONALLY, he is losing support from antiwar groups and the left .. who put his ass in position to be president.

Is Barack Obama Losing Left-Liberal Support Already?

"Typical is a column Tuesday by Bob Herbert in the New York Times, entitled “Lurching with abandon.”

An unabashed supporter of Obama over the course of the primary campaign, Herbert writes, “Obama’s strongest supporters are uneasy, upset, dismayed and even angry at the candidate who is now emerging in the bright light of summer.”

Obama, he continued, “is not just tacking gently to the center. He is lurching right when it suits him, and he’s zigging with the kind of reckless abandon that’s guaranteed to cause disillusion, if not whiplash.”

He notes, “There’s even concern that he’s doing the Obama two-step on the issue that has been the cornerstone of his campaign: his opposition to the war in Iraq.”

Herbert portrays the candidate’s recent positions as “clever panders” based on cynical electoral calculations.

He says that Obama is convinced that “in the long run none of this will matter, that the most important thing is winning the White House, that his staunchest supporters (horrified at the very idea of a President McCain) will be there when he needs them.”

The Times columnist warns, however, that this is “a very dangerous game for a man who first turned voters on by presenting himself as someone who was different, who wouldn’t engage in the terminal emptiness of politics as usual.”
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