The civil war, and Ron Paul

Beefy, I can't even respond if you didn't read my post, and ascribe things to me that I didn't say.

Sorry about that Cypress. I seem to have gone into "defend Ron Paul at all costs" mode there. I was agruing against stuff I had heard all night at Christmas dinner. My bad. :clink:

But your haircut is YOUR bad. :D
If you look at the transcript you posted Paul does not say the war was about slavery. That was Russert. Paul talks about...

He did this just to enhance and get rid of the original intent of the republic. I mean, it was the–that iron, iron fist...

The orignial intent of the republic was a union of states. Lincoln attempted to consolidate his control over the union. Paul does not argue that slavery was the cause of the war. That is Russert and our dumbass nAHZi, who probably wishes slavery still existed.
once again QFT. The North was not full of philanthropic haters of human bondage, they were terrified that some industrious slave owner would see the profit in using slaves to mine for silver and gold and not have to pay the miners or even care if they died. FEW northerners were opposed to slavery on moral grounds. Most just knew that you could not compete against free labor in a capitalist economy.

Except the North did compete and in fact did far better. You have it backwards. Slavery is innefficient and cannot compete against a capitalist economy.
If you look at the transcript you posted Paul does not say the war was about slavery. That was Russert. Paul talks about...

The orignial intent of the republic was a union of states. Lincoln attempted to consolidate his control over the union. Paul does not argue that slavery was the cause of the war. That is Russert and our dumbass nAHZi, who probably wishes slavery still existed.

WTF, are you ranting about fool? You're the one who thinks is good to be dependant on slave labor, or else you just deny it exists so you can continue in your marked stupidity. Your policies incentive slavery, not mine. Ok, dildohead?
Sorry about that Cypress. I seem to have gone into "defend Ron Paul at all costs" mode there. I was agruing against stuff I had heard all night at Christmas dinner. My bad. :clink:

But your haircut is YOUR bad. :D

Sorry about that Cypress. I seem to have gone into "defend Ron Paul at all costs" mode there.

LOL. No worries. We all go into blind defense mode of our favorite candidates sometimes.

Relax. Your blind worship of ron paul, doesn't even come close to the bush-in-tight-blue jeans worship, of another infamous poster. :)
What has Venezuela....

It's called "worker control." Look into it. If you researched the Bolivarian Revolution you'd have your answer but apparently you didn't. Of course. :rolleyes: Go to and look at their documentary called the same thing as the website.

have to do with our Civil War? After all you always criticize others on this board saying they are off topic! However you always bring Venezuela into the I will post some links to clarify your link...Yes Hugo and Venezuela does love 'Worker Control' especially in the drug smuggling and white sex slave trade markets...oh and not to forget Guerrellas are loved too!
Hun Asshat asked about how free people compete with slavery and there's his answer. I am on topic dumbass. Try following the thread.

have to do with our Civil War? After all you always criticize others on this board saying they are off topic! However you always bring Venezuela into the I will post some links to clarify your link...Yes Hugo and Venezuela does love 'Worker Control' especially in the drug smuggling and white sex slave trade markets...oh and not to forget Guerrellas are loved too!
My My........

Hun Asshat asked about how free people compete with slavery and there's his answer. I am on topic dumbass. Try following the thread.

for someone who gets so offended when she perceives someone called her a name...she sure loves to throw out demeaning names...even when non was thrown at whatever ...caca breath! and you were not on topic as Venezuela has nothing to do with slave trade/free people issues from our Civil War...I normally could care less about the topic straying, I do it myself as does everyone else in this board...I just pointed it out to you because you take issue with others who you perceive as going off topic...Hypocrite....:pke:
I called you a dumbass. Not a demaning name for a male did I? Anyone can be called a "dumbass." Gee weren't you just bitching about being on topic? Now look who it is. I at least was still on topic Baka. Once again hun Asshat asked how free people compete with slavery and my answer was "worker control." If you can't get that through your thick skull than fuck off. Keep repeating your tired old shit for all I care. I'm still on topic dumbass baka.

for someone who gets so offended when she perceives someone called her a name...she sure loves to throw out demeaning names...even when non was thrown at whatever ...caca breath! and you were not on topic as Venezuela has nothing to do with slave trade/free people issues from our Civil War...I normally could care less about the topic straying, I do it myself as does everyone else in this board...I just pointed it out to you because you take issue with others who you perceive as going off topic...Hypocrite....:pke:
No dumbass. It's about the workers being in control duh. If you did the research like I told you in my intro thread a thousand times you wouldn't still be an ignorant shit. And what does thought crimes have to do with the topic? :rolleyes:

Worker Control? Does it involves whips? Or withholding food rations? ANd thought crimes?