The Con-Con

Tea Party leader says only property owners should vote

December 1st, 2010 by John Grooms

The group called Tea Party Nation has its own weekly radio show. ThinkProgress is reporting that during a recent show, the president of Tea Party Nation (TPN), Judson Phillips, declared that voting rights in America should be restricted to property owners. That’s how the Founding Fathers wanted it, says Phillips, and “that makes a lot of sense, because if you’re a property owner, you actually have a vested stake in the community.” That’s the Tea Party Nation, folks: Building a bridge to the 18th century."

"...According to this Tea Party leader, if you rent your house or apartment, then you should not have the right to vote. In his worldview, you simply do not count as much as the homeowners next door. Presumably, if you once owned your house, but lost it in bankruptcy or foreclosure, well then you will probably lose the right to vote as well."

Looks like the tea party is finally showing their corporate colors.

Once only landowners can vote then the restriction will be only landowners who own at least $10mil worth of property can vote. Then only landowners who pledge money to the party can vote.

It's interesting to finally see exactly what the tea party stands for.

Tea party voters should realize they just stepped in shit.
WOW, he wants to take it back to the first printing of the Constitution!
WOW, he wants to take it back to the first printing of the Constitution!
Next, taking the vote away from women and returning blacks to 2/3rd's human, status! and you wonder why we think the Tea Timers are a little squirelly!
Oh look, another Liberal Democrat wanting to talk about a sex act so perverted that only Liberal Democrats knew about it until lately. Sorry, but this is a political discussion.
Conservatives make sex political, don't ask, don't tell, no marriage for homosexuals, you guys are always sticking your noses into other people's sex lives. it is because you have none of your own andhave to pay for sex.
I know you may not like it, but it has it's good points.

One vote for each person only.:)
What good points, denying people voting rights just because they can't or choose not to be land owners?

What would possible make you think this is a good idea, talk about establishing classes!

The poor would get screwed more than ever!
What good points, denying people voting rights just because they can't or choose not to be land owners?

What would possible make you think this is a good idea, talk about establishing classes!

The poor would get screwed more than ever!

Well it would help firm up property rights, make the union vote less of a threat to liberty, severely hamper people voting themselves money, and more.:)
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The idea behind it is that property owners have more interest in the community.

The problem is that this claim is bogus. It is based solely on the assumption that non-property owners who would take the time to vote would not have the community's best interest at heart. Those who don't care about the community won't bother to vote.
I'll continue to use the term teabaggers until you quit calling it the Democrat Party.

Now read the rest of my post and debate what I said or shut your pie hole.

The only issue you raised was: "LOL only voter can contribute. Tell that to the Supreme court and their Citizens United ruling."

The SCOTUS can't rule that an amendment to the Constitution is unconstitutional.

The remainder of your outburst was simply that, Democrat.
Do these ridiculous people have anything that might stand as a manifesto or a policy document or anything that has been written down in complete sentences?
Does anyone know what they really want and what they don't like (in complete sentences) about any existing party or organisation?
Please tell me because we poor suffering non americans are under the distinct impression that they have an extremely limited political vocabulary.

No, because the TEA Party is a grass roots organization and by definition poorly organized. That pretty much destroys the Democrat's accusation of "astroturf", doesn't it?
No, because the TEA Party is a grass roots organization and by definition poorly organized.

Thats why its so easy for neocons to defend. Tea party leaders can say anything, and the response to outrage is "its a loosely organized group with no real leaders, so that doesn't necessarily reflect the views of the group".

But at the same time, the actions of a single liberal is grounds for convicting anyone who voted for a DNC candidate in the last 20 years.
Conservatives make sex political, don't ask, don't tell, no marriage for homosexuals, you guys are always sticking your noses into other people's sex lives. it is because you have none of your own andhave to pay for sex.
Of course, the opposite is true. DADT was Clinton's policy, marriage has always been between one man and one woman until you Liberal Democrats wanted to change it, and in spite of your continued accusations, we Conservatives don't care what consenting adults do to each other in private.

Incredible irony that you attempt to defame me by falsely accusing me of soliciting prostitution and in the same post insinuate that you, as a Liberal Democrat, don't care what consenting adults do in private. :)
Next, taking the vote away from women and returning blacks to 2/3rd's human, status! and you wonder why we think the Tea Timers are a little squirelly!

Actually, both Civil Rights and Woman Suffrage were Republican initiatives, both amended to the Constitution, and both were opposed by the Democrat Party.
Tea Party leader says only property owners should vote

December 1st, 2010 by John Grooms

The group called Tea Party Nation has its own weekly radio show. ThinkProgress is reporting that during a recent show, the president of Tea Party Nation (TPN), Judson Phillips, declared that voting rights in America should be restricted to property owners. That’s how the Founding Fathers wanted it, says Phillips, and “that makes a lot of sense, because if you’re a property owner, you actually have a vested stake in the community.” That’s the Tea Party Nation, folks: Building a bridge to the 18th century."

"...According to this Tea Party leader, if you rent your house or apartment, then you should not have the right to vote. In his worldview, you simply do not count as much as the homeowners next door. Presumably, if you once owned your house, but lost it in bankruptcy or foreclosure, well then you will probably lose the right to vote as well."

Looks like the tea party is finally showing their corporate colors.

Once only landowners can vote then the restriction will be only landowners who own at least $10mil worth of property can vote. Then only landowners who pledge money to the party can vote.

It's interesting to finally see exactly what the tea party stands for.

Tea party voters should realize they just stepped in shit.

Since you have just equated the ideals of an entire political movement making up 30% of the country by citing the opinions of a single member I will enjoy skewering your Democrat Party by cherry-picking the stated opinions of some of its more extreme and socialist members. :)
Since you have just equated the ideals of an entire political movement making up 30% of the country by citing the opinions of a single member I will enjoy skewering your Democrat Party by cherry-picking the stated opinions of some of its more extreme and socialist members. :)

If it would be the first time you did so, you could blame it on this. But since its been a common theme for you......well...