The Conservative Nanny State


How the Wealthy Use the Government to Stay Rich and Get Richer

The Conservative Nanny State, by Dean Baker

"In his new book, economist Dean Baker debunks the myth that conservatives favor the market over government intervention. In fact, conservatives rely on a range of “nanny state” policies that ensure the rich get richer while leaving most Americans worse off. It’s time for the rules to change. Sound economic policy should harness the market in ways that produce desirable social outcomes – decent wages, good jobs and affordable health care."
It brings into question whether the people enacting these policies are actually Conservatives, or if they are simply Republicans with no values at all.

It is a fact that these same policies are practiced by many Democrats, despite the plank in their platform opposing Corporate Welfare.
How the Wealthy Use the Government to Stay Rich and Get Richer

The Conservative Nanny State, by Dean Baker

"In his new book, economist Dean Baker debunks the myth that conservatives favor the market over government intervention. In fact, conservatives rely on a range of “nanny state” policies that ensure the rich get richer while leaving most Americans worse off.

Yet another author who mistakes Republicans for conservatives.

It’s time for the rules to change. Sound economic policy should harness the market in ways that produce desirable social outcomes – decent wages, good jobs and affordable health care.

Correction: Yet another big-government nanny-state liberal author who mistakes Republicans for conservatives.[/QUOTE]
It brings into question whether the people enacting these policies are actually Conservatives, or if they are simply Republicans with no values at all.

It is a fact that these same policies are practiced by many Democrats, despite the plank in their platform opposing Corporate Welfare.

I find this argument misplaced as conservatives are usually republicans and republicans are usually conservatives. The social commons they operate under is ideologically conservative. Ideas have power and those beliefs guide the republicans, no need to mention them, but corporatism is a enormous positive for republicans/conservatives. I would agree that many democrats suffer the same illness but it is less pronounced and less ideological.
I find this argument misplaced as conservatives are usually republicans and republicans are usually conservatives. The social commons they operate under is ideologically conservative. Ideas have power and those beliefs guide the republicans, no need to mention them, but corporatism is a enormous positive for republicans/conservatives. I would agree that many democrats suffer the same illness but it is less pronounced and less ideological.

Political advantage and values are not one in the same. Who doesn't want to have the corporations on their side?
It brings into question whether the people enacting these policies are actually Conservatives, or if they are simply Republicans with no values at all.

It is a fact that these same policies are practiced by many Democrats, despite the plank in their platform opposing Corporate Welfare.

Trust me when I say a true Republican will throw out his deepest conservative belief when it comes to ensuring that they are one of the privelaged few who are to shepard our nations wealth and political power. They will do what ever it takes to make sure they are a member of that class and that the interest of that class are paramount to all others including those of the nation at large.
This topic is worth a bump.

"Political debates in the United States are routinely framed as a battle between conservatives who favor market outcomes, whatever they may be, against liberals who prefer government intervention to ensure that families have decent standards-of-living. This description of the two poles is inaccurate; both conservatives and liberals want government intervention. The difference between them is the goal of government intervention, and the fact that conservatives are smart enough to conceal their dependence on the government.

Conservatives want to use the government to distribute income upward to higher paid workers, business owners, and investors. They support the establishment of rules and structures that have this effect. First and foremost, conservatives support nanny state policies that have the effect of increasing the supply of less-skilled workers (thereby lowering their wages), while at the same time restricting the supply of more highly educated professional employees (thereby raising their wages).

This issue is very much at the center of determining who wins and who loses in the modern economy. If government policies ensure that specific types of workers (e.g. doctors, lawyers, economists) are in relatively short supply, then they ensure that these workers will do better than the types of workers who are plentiful. It is also essential to understand that there is direct redistribution involved in this story. If restricting the supply of doctors raises the wages of doctors, then all the non-doctors in the country are worse off, just as if the government taxed all non-doctors in order to pay a tax credit to doctors. Higher wages for doctors mean that everyone in the country will be forced to pay more for health care. As conservatives fully understand when they promote policies that push down wages for large segments of the country’s work force, lower wages for others means higher living standards for those who have their wages or other income protected.

Conservatives don’t only rely on the nanny state to keep the wages of professionals high, they want the nanny state to intervene through many different channels to make sure that income is distributed upward. For example, conservatives want the government to outlaw some types of contracts, such as restricting the sort of contingency-fee arrangements that lawyers make with clients when suing major corporations (conservatives call this “tort reform”). This nanny state restriction would make it more difficult for people to get legal compensation from corporations that have damaged their health or property.

Conservatives also think that a wide variety of businesses, from makers of vaccines to operators of nuclear power plants, can’t afford the insurance they would have to buy in the private market to cover the damage they may cause to life and property. Instead, they want the nanny state to protect them from lawsuits resulting from this damage. Conservatives even think that the government should work as a bill collector for creditors who lack good judgment and make loans to people who are bad credit risks (conservatives call this “bankruptcy reform”).

In these areas of public policy, and other areas discussed in this book, conservatives are enthusiastic promoters of big government. They are happy to have the government intervene into the inner workings of the economy to make sure that money flows in the direction they like — upward. It is accurate to say that conservatives don’t like big government social programs, but not because they don’t like big government. The problem with big government social programs is that they tend to distribute money downward, or provide benefits to large numbers of people. That is not the conservative agenda — the agenda is getting the money flowing upward, and for this, big government is just fine."

from The Conservative Nanny State
This is nothing new.
Conservatives have always tried to control Washington in order to increase their own wealth.

"In 1933, Marine Corps Maj.-Gen. Smedley Butler was approached by men representing a clique of multi-millionaire industrialists and bankers. They hated U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt (FDR) with a passion, and saw his “New Deal” policies as the start of a communist take-over that threatened their interests. FDR even had the temerity to announce that the U.S. would stop using its military to interfere in Latin American affairs! Wall Street’s plutocrats were aghast! They had long been accustomed to wielding tremendous control over the government’s economic policies, including the use of U.S. forces to protect their precious foreign investments. Because of Butler’s steadfast military role in upholding U.S. business interests abroad, the plotters mistakenly thought they could recruit him to muster a “super-army” of veterans to use as pawns in their plan to subjugate or, if necessary, eliminate FDR.

Butler played along in order to determine who was behind the plot. He later testifying under oath before the MacCormack-Dickstein House Committee on un-American Activities. During that testimony Butler named those who were directly involved in the plot. He also identified an powerful organization that was behind the scenes coordinating and backing the plot. This organization, the American Liberty League, was comprised of some of America's wealthiest bankers, financiers and corporate executives..."

what I find disturbing is that the propaganda machine today has created 'conservatives' who vote against their own self interest and believe they will benefit. Now-a-days if you work for a living why would you even consider voting for a 'conservative' knowing their history and failures and greed?
Now-a-days if you work for a living why would you even consider voting for a 'conservative' knowing their history and failures and greed?

Only reason I can think of is stupidity.
Bush cut taxes - conservatives cheered
Bush invaded a country - conservatives cheered
Bush selected ideologues to the SC - conservatives cheered
Bush vetoed child care - conservatives cheered
Bush started faith based initiatives - conservatives cheered
Bush reduced aid to our veterans - conservatives cheered
Bush engaged in illegal wire tapping - conservatives cheered
Bush reduced environmental regulations - conservatives cheered
Bush tried to outsource SS - conservatives cheered
Bush reduced taxes - conservatives cheered

There are lots lots more, that Bush and his administration is now not a conservative administration makes my head spin and is the epitome of hypocrisy.

A vote for John McCain is a vote against the fundamental principle of America, the right of the individual to lead their life privately without the government interfering.
Bush cut taxes - conservatives cheered
Bush invaded a country - conservatives cheered
Bush selected ideologues to the SC - conservatives cheered
Bush vetoed child care - conservatives cheered
Bush started faith based initiatives - conservatives cheered
Bush reduced aid to our veterans - conservatives cheered
Bush engaged in illegal wire tapping - conservatives cheered
Bush reduced environmental regulations - conservatives cheered
Bush tried to outsource SS - conservatives cheered
Bush reduced taxes - conservatives cheered

There are lots lots more, that Bush and his administration is now not a conservative administration makes my head spin and is the epitome of hypocrisy.

A vote for John McCain is a vote against the fundamental principle of America, the right of the individual to lead their life privately without the government interfering.

have you seen the growth of spending and the growth of our government under Bush? There is nothing conservative about that.
Now-a-days if you work for a living why would you even consider voting for a 'conservative' knowing their history and failures and greed?

Only reason I can think of is stupidity.

ah yes, we all know liberals are all compassionate and caring, don't care about money and have only done positive things for the country, never anything wrong. Why Americans don't vote 100% for Democrats is beyond logical reason.
ah yes, we all know liberals are all compassionate and caring, don't care about money and have only done positive things for the country, never anything wrong. Why Americans don't vote 100% for Democrats is beyond logical reason.

it is perfectly logical. Not everyone is smart enought not to vote for Republicans.
if so many poor people are so smart because they vote Democrat why are they poor?

Ohh Stupid people vote for democrats too. I am just talking about who the smart people vote for. Who do most professors and teachers vote for ?

I am just so sure your beloved USC is a hotbed of republicanism ;)
Ohh Stupid people vote for democrats too. I am just talking about who the smart people vote for. Who do most professors and teachers vote for ?
You mean those that cannot make it in the real world? Well, they tend to vote for people who will give them the most for the least amount of effort.