The constitution does NOT give rights to illegal aliens.

More recently, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled in Zadvydas v. Davis (2001) that "due process" of the 14th Amendment applies to all aliens in the United States whose presence maybe or is "unlawful, involuntary or transitory."

If you want to change the constitution, you have to go thru the amending process. You can't let the supreme court do it and then call it an "interpretation". THINK
NO I think illegals should be deported.. and I think we should have a 20 year moratorium on ALL immigration..

But, I KNOW you are stupid because you still don't understand jurisdiction.

I tend to agree with the moratorium; but I'm not sure of the 20 year idea.

America needs to use the money being sent abroad, to fix our own problems.

Remember the adage of:
You can't help anyone else, until you can help yourself.
I AM a constitutional expert.


You can't even whine with dignity. :rofl2:
Did you just say the Holocaust was a myth?

If it was true, we'd be allowed to talk about it. Whenever the gover-media bans discussion of a subject, it's because they are defending a lie.

The holohoax was invented by the WW2 allied powers to deflect criticism of them for MURDERING MILLIONS OF CIVILIANS by their policy of urban bombing. THINK
The Contitution gives certain rights, though not the full sleight of rights of citizens, to all persons regardless of their citizenship status as our courts have ruled that certain rights are universal human rights.

HAHAHA. Did you really say that?. Where do unelected judges get the authority to decide what are "universal rights".??
If it was true, we'd be allowed to talk about it. Whenever the gover-media bans discussion of a subject, it's because they are defending a lie.

The holohoax was invented by the WW2 allied powers to deflect criticism of them for MURDERING MILLIONS OF CIVILIANS by their policy of urban bombing. THINK

That's crazy.. Where did you go to school?
I tend to agree with the moratorium; but I'm not sure of the 20 year idea.

America needs to use the money being sent abroad, to fix our own problems.

Remember the adage of:
You can't help anyone else, until you can help yourself.

You think little Israel needs 4 billion a year?
If it was true, we'd be allowed to talk about it. Whenever the gover-media bans discussion of a subject, it's because they are defending a lie.

The holohoax was invented by the WW2 allied powers to deflect criticism of them for MURDERING MILLIONS OF CIVILIANS by their policy of urban bombing. THINK

Yea...we can safely ignore anything this clown says.
This thread topic is flat out wrong

The U.S. Supreme Court settled the issue well over a century ago. But even before the court laid the issue to rest, a principal author of the Constitution, James Madison, the fourth president of the United States, wrote: "that as they [aliens], owe, on the one hand, a temporary obedience, they are entitled, in return, to their [constitutional] protection and advantage."

More recently, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled in Zadvydas v. Davis (2001) that "due process" of the 14th Amendment applies to all aliens in the United States whose presence maybe or is "unlawful, involuntary or transitory."

Twenty years before Zadvydas, the Supreme Court ruled that the state of Texas could not enforce a state law that prohibited illegally present children from attending grade schools, as all other Texas children were required to attend.

The court ruled in Plyler that:

The illegal aliens who are ... challenging the state may claim the benefit of the Equal Protection clause which provides that no state shall 'deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.' Whatever his status under immigration laws, an alien is a 'person' in any ordinary sense of the term ... the undocumented status of these children does not establish a sufficient rational basis for denying benefits that the state affords other residents.

A decade before Plyler, the court ruled in Almeida-Sanchez v. United States (1973) that all criminal charge-related elements of the Constitution's amendments (the First, Fourth, Fifth, Sixth and the 14th) such as search and seizure, self-incrimination, trial by jury and due process, protect non-citizens, legally or illegally present.