The damn facts! Indeed

You thought wrong. The numbers are right there at the link.

And I thought we were talking about the price tag of health reform. As the numbers show it's about $23.9 billion per year.

we are talking about the price tag for health care reform....all you are providing is the difference between what is spent and the increased taxes people will be paying....and neither of those amounts include what employers and individuals will be paying, it only includes government spending.....
??...considering the fact that you are wrong, you ought to reconsider calling me retarded....the link provided by Turd links to the CBO analysis which clearly shows that the net impact on the federal deficit for 2010-2019 will be $1.042 trillion (see table 2)

According to CBO’s and JCT’s assessment, enacting H.R. 3200 would result in a net increase in the federal budget deficit of $239 billion over the 2010-2019 period. That estimate reflects a projected 10-year cost of the bill’s insurance coverage provisions of $1,042 billion, partly offset by net spending changes that CBO estimates would save $219 billion over the same period, and by revenue provisions that JCT estimates would increase federal revenues by about $583 billion over those 10 years.
??...considering the fact that you are wrong, you ought to reconsider calling me retarded....the link provided by Turd links to the CBO analysis which clearly shows that the net impact on the federal deficit for 2010-2019 will be $1.042 trillion (see table 2)

floppyhippo has lost his mind when it comes to economics lately....i can't believe i ever thought he knew anything.....he was right when he said me thinking so makes me stupid....

see....floppyhippo is right about something
According to CBO’s and JCT’s assessment, enacting H.R. 3200 would result in a net increase in the federal budget deficit of $239 billion over the 2010-2019 period. That estimate reflects a projected 10-year cost of the bill’s insurance coverage provisions of $1,042 billion, partly offset by net spending changes that CBO estimates would save $219 billion over the same period, and by revenue provisions that JCT estimates would increase federal revenues by about $583 billion over those 10 years.

here is the report

on page 7 there is a chart titled "EFFECTS ON THE FEDERAL DEFICIT"

it lists the cumulative totals of government expenditures for 2010 to 2019 of $1.182 trillion, offset by expenditure savings of $163 billion resulting in a "NET IMPACT OF COVERAGE SPECIFICATIONS" of $1.042 trillion dollars....the $239 billion is the sum they claim after increasing taxes by $583 billion and reducing payments to doctors in the amount of $219 billion.....

further, it states that total does not include federal administrative costs...

it also states that employers would be required to "pay 8 percent of their average payroll per worker for each employee who received subsidies via an exchange", which would not be included in the above, nor would it include the sums any individual would have to pay....

finally, the offsets you claim are either higher taxes or reduced payments to service providers (ie doctors) so they are still sums that SOMEONE has to pay for the reform....

so, what is the cost of the health care package? thing is certain, it is NOT $1.3 trillion....
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it lists the cumulative totals of government expenditures for 2010 to 2019 of $1.182 trillion, offset by expenditure savings of $163 billion resulting in a "NET IMPACT OF COVERAGE SPECIFICATIONS" of $1.042 trillion dollars....the $239 billion is the sum they claim after increasing taxes by $583 billion and reducing payments to doctors in the amount of $219 billion.....

Yeah, because tax increases and cutting payments do nothing to reduce the deficit. That's not what a deficit is at all. A deficit is defined as "all programs enacted the conservatives dislike". Hallelujah.

And anyway, you're paying for it now in higher medical costs from uninsured going to the emergency room.
Everyday we are getting closer to being a third world toilet country!

In the end greed will destroy the United States of America!

There is a certain segment of the population that thinks everything is their right.....a job, a house, insurance, a cellphone, food stamps, a monthly check, and the list goes on and on....with more than 50% of the country not even paying a nickel into the income tax and magically getting a refund instead......we've created a hungry beast....
And then....the one, most important DUTY of the federal government, TO PROTECT AND DEFEND THE COUNTRY from our enemies, is made some kind of scapegoat....go figure...
??...considering the fact that you are wrong, you ought to reconsider calling me retarded....the link provided by Turd links to the CBO analysis which clearly shows that the net impact on the federal deficit for 2010-2019 will be $1.042 trillion (see table 2)

Uh, no it doesn't jackass. Jesus Christ getting ass-raped by a street walker, just read the fucking link. And you're one of the "smart ones" . . .

Can we get some better wing-nuts? Please.
here is the report

on page 7 there is a chart titled "EFFECTS ON THE FEDERAL DEFICIT"

it lists the cumulative totals of government expenditures for 2010 to 2019 of $1.182 trillion, offset by expenditure savings of $163 billion resulting in a "NET IMPACT OF COVERAGE SPECIFICATIONS" of $1.042 trillion dollars....the $239 billion is the sum they claim after increasing taxes by $583 billion and reducing payments to doctors in the amount of $219 billion.....

further, it states that total does not include federal administrative costs...

it also states that employers would be required to "pay 8 percent of their average payroll per worker for each employee who received subsidies via an exchange", which would not be included in the above, nor would it include the sums any individual would have to pay....

finally, the offsets you claim are either higher taxes or reduced payments to service providers (ie doctors) so they are still sums that SOMEONE has to pay for the reform....

so, what is the cost of the health care package? thing is certain, it is NOT $1.3 trillion....

these idiot liberals are incapabale of following economic statements let alone the math. Total fucking idiots. I wish I could laugh at them in real life.

Go take a statistics course you fucking morons
Uh, no it doesn't jackass. Jesus Christ getting ass-raped by a street walker, just read the fucking link. And you're one of the "smart ones" . . .

Can we get some better wing-nuts? Please.

you sir, are a moron. You need schooling because you can't even follow what a report says.
you sir, are a moron. You need schooling because you can't even follow what a report says.

Another brain-dead jackass:

According to CBO’s and JCT’s assessment, enacting H.R. 3200 would result in a net increase in the federal budget deficit of $239 billion over the 2010-2019 period. That estimate reflects a projected 10-year cost of the bill’s insurance coverage provisions of $1,042 billion, partly offset by net spending changes that CBO estimates would save $219 billion over the same period, and by revenue provisions that JCT estimates would increase federal revenues by about $583 billion over those 10 years.

And you, you aren't one of the "smart ones" so I expect as much from you. Still, can we have some better wing-nuts, please?

help me out here...i don't see it is NOT 1.3 trill......what did you mean by that?

what will the health care reform package cost...
$1.043 trillion in government expenditures for people covered by the government option
plus 8% of employee wages paid by employers of persons covered under the government option
plus employer payments for persons not covered by the government option
plus payments by individuals not covered by the government option or employers
plus the cost of federal administration
plus the higher taxes paid
and most significantly, plus the additional sums that the government forgot to calculate in the first place.....
what will the health care reform package cost...
$1.043 trillion in government expenditures for people covered by the government option
plus 8% of employee wages paid by employers of persons covered under the government option
plus employer payments for persons not covered by the government option
plus payments by individuals not covered by the government option or employers
plus the cost of federal administration
plus the higher taxes paid
and most significantly, plus the additional sums that the government forgot to calculate in the first place.....

all i see is 1.043 you're saying the rest will be more or approx. than 200 billion?
all i see is 1.043 you're saying the rest will be more or approx. than 200 billion?

???....the $1.04trillion is the cost of insuring what percentage of the people in this country?....according to the CBO estimates, by 2019 we will still only have 30 million people on the government option, so how much do you think it's going to cost to insure the other 300 million?.....
???....the $1.04trillion is the cost of insuring what percentage of the people in this country?....according to the CBO estimates, by 2019 we will still only have 30 million people on the government option, so how much do you think it's going to cost to insure the other 300 million?.....

to many ifs in that post
???....the $1.04trillion is the cost of insuring what percentage of the people in this country?....according to the CBO estimates, by 2019 we will still only have 30 million people on the government option, so how much do you think it's going to cost to insure the other 300 million?.....

You're saying the government is going to try to pay for the other 300 million's health insurance? What?

What does the government have to do with the cost of insuring 300 million people who already have insurance? There are 45 million currently without insurance. 300 million? Are you retarded or just trying to set up some dishonest point again?
You're saying the government is going to try to pay for the other 300 million's health insurance? What?

What does the government have to do with the cost of insuring 300 million people who already have insurance? There are 45 million currently without insurance. 300 million? Are you retarded or just trying to set up some dishonest point again?

liberals push the insurance program saying we need health care reform for the poor.....they create a plan which only helps some of the poor, and even those are left holding a bag they can't afford......they add to the plan provisions that help those who aren't poor, like the unions.....they market the plan by implying it's going to provide insurance for those who will get nothing.....they brag about how cheaply it will provide health care and the average brainless liberal shouts "Hurrah!, I'm getting free health care and it's only going to cost rich people $1 trillion dollars!" truth, it's an expensive plan that doesn't accomplish what it ought to or what liberals claim it will.....

my question is much is the health care plan going to's more than the $ the government is going to spend to insure 3/4 of the people they insist need help........

does anyone even know how much it's going to cost and what we are getting for those $?........
Ohh I understand now Postmortem Profit is saying that all will be poor in the USA and get govt paid health insurance.