The Deaths of Two Mothers in Georgia Show Ending Roe Was Never About “Life”

Ain't that Abortion pill great!

Well, as in all medicines, it's best if the physicians are able to take care of any problems. But if you eliminate access to medical care then the occasional bad thing will rapidly progress to something even worse.

This Georgia case actually seemed to work pretty well. The woman tried to do evil and was punished. God didn't like strike her down, He needed some help from negligent medical practice. But for those who fought so hard to overturn Roe this must feel like a victory.
OK The Law

Georgia Abortion Laws​

The state provides exceptions to its abortion ban in the following cases:

  • Medical Emergency: If a physician determines there is a condition that makes an abortion necessary to prevent death or a substantial and irreversible physical impairment of a major bodily function to the pregnant woman, an abortion is legal.
And still, doctors allowed two women to die because of Ga's abortion laws. The fetus' heart must not be beating, OR a physician must deem the mother to be in danger of death or severe harm. Any doctor making that decision will end up in court.

Ga's abortion laws killed these women.
And still, doctors allowed two women to die because of Ga's abortion laws. The fetus' heart must not be beating, OR a physician must deem the mother to be in danger of death or severe harm. Any doctor making that decision will end up in court.

Ga's abortion laws killed these women.

Hearts were not beating