The debate must be coming up!

YOu seem to be confused about the facts.
Trump agreed to the terms of the debate.
Trump had the opportunity to negotiate those terms.
Trump now thinks he negotiated horrible terms that he agreed to.

Fact - Trump is a horrible negotiator because he agreed to terms he now doesn't like.
Fact - You are ignoring the fact that Trump is a horrible negotiator how was out negotiated by someone you think is senile.

Why would you support someone that can't even negotiate with a senile old man but instead just caves into that senile old man?
you seem to be confused by reality.
Speaking of idiocy. Didn't Trump agree to the terms of the debate?

Yet you lie and whine that he is complaining.

Why is he whining about something he agreed to?

He's not - you're just lying.

It seems Trump can't even negotiate a win against a senile old man.

You Stalinists set terms that you knew Trump would refuse so that Quid Pro could escape debating. He called your bluff.

Even with the Cocaine, Adderall, earbuds, Tapper, and Bash - Trump is going to mop the floor with you.
Biden agreed to debates with the condition he gets to pick the moderators and networks

probably getting the questions in advance too
Biden did not set the conditions. The station wanted a real debate, not Trump's blustering and rudeness. I bet you could figure out the questions if you tried. They are not creating debating.
Biden did not set the conditions. The station wanted a real debate, not Trump's blustering and rudeness. I bet you could figure out the questions if you tried. They are not creating debating.
a real debate - LMAO

they have a job - provide cover for democrats.
Just let me know when Biden does a debate that ventures outside the boundaries of "friendly territory".
ROFLMAO. I guess Trump got beaten by a senile old man.
Our choices are
1. a senile old man
2. a man that is beaten at every turn by a senile old man
The fact that Biden is able to defeat Trump makes Biden the best choice because Trump loses to Biden in any negotiation.
ROFLMAO. I guess Trump got beaten by a senile old man.
At what?
Our choices are
1. a senile old man
2. a man that is beaten at every turn by a senile old man
Who is getting beaten by Biden? Beaten at what?
The fact that Biden is able to defeat Trump
At what?
makes Biden the best choice because Trump loses to Biden in any negotiation.
What negotiation?

You're just rambling incoherently again.........
See. Trump couldn't even negotiate and win when faced with a senile old man. You think he can negotiate with world leaders that aren't senile?
So you're trying to pretend that Trump's 4-year record, during his term in office, of negotiating with (and winning against) world leaders somehow DOESN'T exist?
So you're trying to pretend that Trump's 4-year record, during his term in office, of negotiating with (and winning against) world leaders somehow DOESN'T exist?
Giving Putin and Kim Jong Un blowjobs normally is not classified as negotiating with the person getting the blowjob.
Correct, and he's honoring that by showing up regardless of the very hostile conditions that he's facing.

The whole point is that Biden REFUSES to show up under even NEUTRAL conditions, let alone any sort of hostile conditions... Why do you suppose that is?

Why won't Demonkkkrats participate in a debate unless the debate has moderators that are on "their team"?

How can they deal with "hostile" world leaders if they can't even deal with "hostile" moderators?
Correct, and he's honoring that by showing up regardless of the very hostile conditions that he's facing.

By "hostile conditions" I assume you mean having to use the brain he has.

The whole point is that Biden REFUSES to show up under even NEUTRAL conditions, let alone any sort of hostile conditions... Why do you suppose that is?

Because he is smarter than Trump? Because he is a better negotiator?

Why won't Demonkkkrats participate in a debate unless the debate has moderators that are on "their team"?

Because they are smarter than Republicans? Because they are better negotiators than Republicans?

How can they deal with "hostile" world leaders if they can't even deal with "hostile" moderators?


Now stop whining like a little baby and see what happens.
I would think the first time it is mentioned, Trump will be prepared

something along the lines of reminding the viewing audience that Biden lied about laptop - it's what he and the swamp do. they lie

Or how he lied about the very fine men comment - and it took years for that lie to be exposed

This is Joe Biden and the media. they used to call him out for his lies right away - they actually had him leaving the campaign trail in disgrace once upon time for stealing speeches and lying abut grades. Now the media helps him with these lies

so I would look right in the camera and say every time Dementia Joe brings up my criminal record, remember all his other lies and how that is what he does - he steals speeches, he lies, and the media and the one sided justice system helps him.
Noone lies like trump, I doubt he will bring it up.
I haven't heard any whining from Trump about the debate. He seems "ready to go" to me.

It IS fixed. It's a leftist "lion's den".

Biden DOES have the questions ahead of time. It was the same way with "Beautiful Hillary".

Biden IS taking drugs. His handlers pump him up with only God know what before any sort of special event at which he is speaking (e.g., a debate, a SOTU address).

You say trump isn't whinning and then proceede to whine for him. You must come up with asinine excuses why Biden makes trump look like a fucking juvenile imbecile before he does it.
By "hostile conditions" I assume you mean having to use the brain he has.

Because he is smarter than Trump? Because he is a better negotiator?

Because they are smarter than Republicans? Because they are better negotiators than Republicans?


Now stop whining like a little baby and see what happens.