The Declining Value of Your College Degree

You know I really didn't appreciate the liberal arts when I was in college. I thought that was what the Frisbee chuckers on the quad were studying while I was sweating bullets in the library trying to get through Organic Chemistry.

Now that I'm older and wiser I'm glad I suffered through those liberal arts classes. Though, to be honest, I don't think I could read "The Mayor of Casterbridge" again even at gun point.
I thoroughly enjoyed reading Camus and my philosophy courses. But yes, "The Mayor of Casterbridge" can cause ruptures if applied too liberally.
I thoroughly enjoyed reading Camus and my philosophy courses. But yes, "The Mayor of Casterbridge" can cause ruptures if applied too liberally.

I read Camus "The Plague" when I was in high school. That was a more frightening, and lengtheir, version of Holden's Lord of the Flies.
it's the unfortunate thing about lib talking points. They find an article they think applies and without doing indepth research or thought they post and stick a foot in mouth.
I posted this story and made NO CLAIMS to anything. Just found it interesting and KNEW it would start a debate about what it really meant. And for the record, I would keep my degrees over not having them.
Yes degrees are a good thing, Especially for toppy, he would be cleaning toilets if he did not have a degree.