The deity in the White House.

considering that Obama has not dismantled the most controversial of Bush policies, does that make Bush a good president?

When you look at everything Obama is doing - from his budget, to domestic priorities, to foreign policy, to his response when confronted with crisis - his Presidency represents a 180 degree turn from the Bush years.

Bush was a very incompetent President, who reacted poorly to a variety of situations. He squandered the worldwide good will from 9/11, blew Katrina and was generally a patsy for PNAC and Cheney, among others. He was in way over his head, and never really fit for the job.
When you look at everything Obama is doing - from his budget,
spending 8 times what Bush did, yeah Bush sucked because he didn't spend enough money :rolleyes:

to domestic priorities,
Whats Obama done on the domestic front except assume control of Private industries?

to foreign policy,
Obama hasn't swayed one iota from foreign policies that were in place during Bushs time.

to his response when confronted with crisis
what crisis has Obama responded to?

his Presidency represents a 180 degree turn from the Bush years.
doing the same thing that Bush did is 180 degrees different? :rolleyes:
Obama's budget represented a massive shift in priorities for America: healthcare, education, energy, many things that were virtually ignored during the Bush years are now at the top of the list.

As for foreign policy, are we pursuing the "Bush doctrine" anywhere? I must have missed it.

Obama has responded to the economic crisis; the economy is turning, though I'm sure you will never give him credit for that.

You can't have it both ways: America can't be taking a radical turn to socialism, yet at the same time, have Obama as a "carbon copy" of Bush....
Fox news nor the Weekly Standard ever called Bush God. Several critisisms of Bush were written in the Weekly Standard and many broadcasts on Fox have critisized the Bush Administartion. The problem is that you NEVER watch nor read those medias and so only spit crap out about them you have read in the rags you do read and listen to or you'd know that. The reason the ratings of those medias are so high is because the people who do watch and read them KNOW that they offer fair and balanced reportage.

The leftist media is so far a field from actual news worthy reporting as to be nothing more than a Saturday Night Live done badly joke.

Let's be clear here. Faux news doesn't enjoy "high ratings". NONE of it's news shows get 1/5th the viewers/ratings that "Lost" or American Idol draws.

Faux News DOES have the highest rated cable news programs, but even those shows draw at MOST 2-3 million viewers a night, numbers that would get a show cancelled on network TV. And let's not forget that even Vince McMahon and his WWE Wrestling draws more viewers each week than BillO or Sean or Glen
"how does rising unemployment show the economy turning around?"

Do you understand economics at all? Employment is always seen as a lagging indicator. Fact is, new unemployment claims were way below what was forecast for May.

And many indicators are starting to turn around; we're not out of the woods yet, but things are definitely looking better than they were in Feb. & March, when conservatives where warning of the doom we would encounter if Obama's plans passed.
Do you understand economics at all?
apparently better than you do.

Employment is always seen as a lagging indicator. Fact is, new unemployment claims were way below what was forecast for May.
and yet, unemployment is 1.4% higher right now than what was forecast and will most likely continue to rise. THAT is not a turnaround.
and the 'lagging' indicator? fuck a bunch of that. It's mighty convenient that when the other party was leading the way, it was all about the worker and unemployment numbers. My god how you idiots howled at 5.2%.

do us a favor and stfu. we'll let you know when the economy is doing better.
apparently better than you do.

and yet, unemployment is 1.4% higher right now than what was forecast and will most likely continue to rise. THAT is not a turnaround.
and the 'lagging' indicator? fuck a bunch of that. It's mighty convenient that when the other party was leading the way, it was all about the worker and unemployment numbers. My god how you idiots howled at 5.2%.

do us a favor and stfu. we'll let you know when the economy is doing better.

You can always tell when people don't know what they're talking about. They just curse & insult a lot.

Fact is, employment IS a lagging indicator. Deal with it.
Let's be clear here. Faux news doesn't enjoy "high ratings". NONE of it's news shows get 1/5th the viewers/ratings that "Lost" or American Idol draws.

Faux News DOES have the highest rated cable news programs, but even those shows draw at MOST 2-3 million viewers a night, numbers that would get a show cancelled on network TV. And let's not forget that even Vince McMahon and his WWE Wrestling draws more viewers each week than BillO or Sean or Glen

Hahahahaha! Talk about your spin. Of course we are talking about comparisons to "other news shows" idgit!

And FOX beats ALL of them; that would be cable AND network news. The reason? Because people KNOW when they are being fed leftist rubbish which is what is to be had 80% of the time on ABC, CBS, NBC, CNBC, and to a lesser degree CNN. In fact FOX wins hands down on all its segments ad in some cases even when other networks are combined in their veiwerships!
Let's be clear here. Faux news doesn't enjoy "high ratings". NONE of it's news shows get 1/5th the viewers/ratings that "Lost" or American Idol draws.

Faux News DOES have the highest rated cable news programs, but even those shows draw at MOST 2-3 million viewers a night, numbers that would get a show cancelled on network TV. And let's not forget that even Vince McMahon and his WWE Wrestling draws more viewers each week than BillO or Sean or Glen

Hahahahaha! Talk about your spin. Of course we are talking about comparisons to "other news shows" idgit!

And FOX beats ALL of them; that would be cable AND network news. The reason? Because people KNOW when they are being fed leftist rubbish which is what is to be had 80% of the time on ABC, CBS, NBC, CNBC, and to a lesser degree CNN. In fact FOX wins hands down on all its segments and in some cases even when other networks are combined in their veiwerships!
If the dollar had anything to do with it the New York Times wouldn't be facing bankruptcy, and FNC wouldn't have more viewers than the rest of the cable news channels combined. Honest, fair reporting is a money-maker; parroting the Democrat Party talking points obviously isn't. *shrug*

Ut-oh 'Panky... Now you went and pissed Butch off!

This is going to cause a tightening of the lower bowels and a mad rush "to the facilities".

They never can refute the ratings, but is sure f-u-n to watch them turn inside out trying to "Make it ain't so!!" :pke:

Ut-oh 'Panky... Now you went and pissed Butch off!

This is going to cause a tightening of the lower bowels and a mad rush "to the facilities".

They never can refute the ratings, but is sure f-u-n to watch them turn inside out trying to "Make it ain't so!!" :pke:


I have seen no less than 3 anchors and or reporters from CNN hinting at wanting a gig at FOX while on both Hannity and O'reilly shows! The sold out State Run Media of the left SUCKS and any honest journaliss at those orgs knows it!
Hahahahaha! Talk about your spin. Of course we are talking about comparisons to "other news shows" idgit!

And FOX beats ALL of them; that would be cable AND network news. The reason? Because people KNOW when they are being fed leftist rubbish which is what is to be had 80% of the time on ABC, CBS, NBC, CNBC, and to a lesser degree CNN. In fact FOX wins hands down on all its segments and in some cases even when other networks are combined in their veiwerships!

It's a good thing Zappie is so round! When he rolls around in circles, he won't never get stuck in the corner!!!

I actually think that extra poundage squeezes out important brain cells.
I have seen no less than 3 anchors and or reporters from CNN hinting at wanting a gig at FOX while on both Hannity and O'reilly shows! The sold out State Run Media of the left SUCKS and any honest journaliss at those orgs knows it!

I am sooooo sure that it is all the rightwing, wingnuts out there that keep it afloat. The only lunatic left who watch it do so to give a full accounting to The Huffington Post. That bastion of fair and balanced...err..ummm..."news"??
It's a good thing Zappie is so round! When he rolls around in circles, he won't never get stuck in the corner!!!

I actually think that extra poundage squeezes out important brain cells.

At least he's doing his patriotic duty; I heard that the military buys up all his used underwear for parachutes.
I am sooooo sure that it is all the rightwing, wingnuts out there that keep it afloat. The only lunatic left who watch it do so to give a full accounting to The Huffington Post. That bastion of fair and balanced...err..ummm..."news"??

Watch FOX news for 30 days running and then maybe you can have a valid opinion...
At least he's doing his patriotic duty; I heard that the military buys up all his used underwear for parachutes.

Behold the IQ of the average conservative!

Idiotic, grade school fat jokes.

You gotta love Blaabba and disloyal's limited intellect. It makes their replies so predictable.
Srsly, the only people who are blowing up Obama to diefic proportions right now are right-wingers, who consider him Satan, and the harbinger of all evil.