The Democratic Party is destroying itself by advancing Biden for a second term.

No, I'd give Bridem his due.
C'mon. You and damn near everyone currently not in the Biden camp would be saying, "Poll do not matter yet" if the polls showed Biden with a big lead. And you would be correct on that, because right now, polls do not truly matter yet. In fact, as was shown in 2016, polls may not matter at all before the poll taken in early November nationwide.
C'mon. You and damn near everyone currently not in the Biden camp would be saying, "Poll do not matter yet" if the polls showed Biden with a big lead. And you would be correct on that, because right now, polls do not truly matter yet. In fact, as was shown in 2016, polls may not matter at all before the poll taken in early November nationwide.
Polls show the mood of the country'. The mood of the country' is not in Dementia Joe's favor. He does not have the power to change that. He is deteriorating right before our eyes. He flubs up daily.
Polls show the mood of the country'. The mood of the country' is not in Dementia Joe's favor. He does not have the power to change that. He is deteriorating right before our eyes. He flubs up daily.
What does that have to do with what I wrote in the comments you quoted from me?
The Dems say Biden is fine, just old. The Republicans have claimed he is mentally incompetent for years. When he did well at the State of the Union, they were silent. After a while, they settled on claiming he was on drugs, some secret sauce that only he could get. The desperation of the Trumpys is so blatant. Trump is making the same claim at rallies as he sweats profusely and meanders mentally.
Joe passed the bar on his first attempt. That is tough to do. Many very bright lawyers and politicians have not been able to do that. Joe is much smarter and a better thinker than Daffy Donald.
Is that why the race is a toss up now? You saying if it were any other Democrat running they would clean the floor with Trump? Sure seems that way
Yes, if a 'normal' Democrat were running against Trump it wouldn't be a contest. If a, say, Reagan-like Republican were running against Biden, it wouldn't be a contest. Biden would be losing by streets, he'd have been lapped several times in the race.

But because it's between Biden--the senile, elderly, fuck up--and Trump--one of the most divisive politicians (at this point) ever to run for president--it's fairly close. That's what it's really down to.

Biden is senile and elderly and has ZERO record to run on. That's why his campaign is running almost exclusively attack ads at this point. Trump on the other hand messages well with his base but has difficulty connecting outside it. The reason he's viable against Biden is because Biden has been so bad in office. People want change, and if the only option to get it is Trump, they're going to vote Trump.

That's really what it comes down to. The Democrats lurched hard to the Left the second Biden got in office, and everything went straight in the shitter as it always does when the Left runs things. McGovern got kicked to the curb for it. Carter got stomped for it. Clinton realized after he lost Congress massively in the mid-terms it didn't work and changed course to a more moderate position. That saved him. Obama was an anomaly with the Black vote and running against very weak Republican candidates. Now you have Biden. Biden has a 4-year record of fucking things up, whereas Trump has a record of 'Not so bad.'

Under Trump, most people saw real gains in their income and standard of living. The world wasn't going to hell in a handbasket. With Biden, if you're in the upper middle class or truly rich, you've made out as your investments and such have kept up or exceeded the high inflation and prices. On the other hand, if you aren't in that top say 10% of earners, you are seeing your finances go to shambles. You are losing ground on pay, can't afford groceries or gas, you rent is up, you can't buy a house or a new car, and you are watching the world go to hell.

That's where it's at right now. People don't like Trump, but they sure as hell know they can't take four more years of Bidenomics.
Depends on which poll you want to consider. 538, an aggregator of polls is probably a better measure and they have Trump stomping Biden with about a 70% chance to win right now.
Indeed and the far left Democratic Socialist loons are in full panic mode .

They have no bench.
The Dems say Biden is fine, just old. The Republicans have claimed he is mentally incompetent for years. When he did well at the State of the Union, they were silent. After a while, they settled on claiming he was on drugs, some secret sauce that only he could get. The desperation of the Trumpys is so blatant. Trump is making the same claim at rallies as he sweats profusely and meanders mentally.
Joe passed the bar on his first attempt. That is tough to do. Many very bright lawyers and politicians have not been able to do that. Joe is much smarter and a better thinker than Daffy Donald.
Biden is a mental midget and always has been. As recently as a couple of weeks ago, he plagiarized a Ronald Reagan speech at the D-Day memorial. How stupid do you have to be to repeatedly get caught plagiarizing other's work and smacked down for it to know to stop doing it? Biden is clearly senile. He stumbles over sentences--and it isn't some "studder"--whenever he speaks now. His movements are stiff and slow. That he has moments of clarity only reinforces that.

Trump isn't some polished gem himself, but he isn't senile either. Trump rambles, but at least he's coherent. Trump may be a fat fuck but I bet Biden couldn't do a round of golf today if his life depended on it.

If I had the choice, I'd rather have someone else entirely to vote for than those two, but they're who we're stuck with right now.