The depth of Cindys Drug problem hits the MSM

"It's not just about her addiction, it's what she did to cover up her addiction and the lives of other people that she ruined, or put at jeopardy at least," Gosinski said in an interview this week.

Cindy and John McCain declined repeated requests to be interviewed for this article. The McCain campaign also declined to comment.

Based on the limited details they have provided in earlier interviews, it is impossible to tell the full story of a difficult period in their lives. The following account of Cindy McCain's prescription drug abuse and her and her husband's efforts to deal with it is based on official records, including a report by the county attorney's office in Phoenix, and on interviews with local and federal officials involved in the probe.

Since when are facts slimey?
your slime, News flash Cindy Mcain is not perfect.
The dr is more to blame than the moron who get the perscription.
Cindy's illness is not a republican one, many democrats are drug addicted as well.
Where's your slimeball attack on them.
"It began with Vicodan [sic]. In 1989, I had ruptured a couple of disks carrying my 1-year-old, Bridget, in a pack on my back," she wrote.
But Bridget was not born until 1991. In other accounts, McCain said she hurt her back while picking up her son Jimmy, who was a toddler at the time of her injuries. “

So basically, the liar never hurt her back at all. I get so sick and tired of rich white people, when caught popping painkillers, using the ole “I hurt my back and accidently got addicted BS line” I used to take hydrocodones, right around this time too – 1991. I got them one time from a dentist when I had a root canal that turned into some other procedure I forgot what it’s called. I didn’t “get addicted because I had pain”. I took a couple and I liked the way I felt, so I kept taking them. That’s what pretty much everybody does. There are people who take them due to chronic pain, no doubt, but the addicts – they’re doing it for the high. Let’s just put that tired old bullshit excuse to rest.

And since she was facing a possible 20 year sentence but got off by way of the same high powered, and exorbitantly expensive attorney who got McCain the “lightest sanctions of all of the Keating five” crooks, and since for 99.9 percent of people this kind of attorney is as out of reach as a private plane to “get around Arizona in’ is, I’d like to see McCain’s voting record on sentencing issues, and any statements he has ever, ever, made on the subject.
"It began with Vicodan [sic]. In 1989, I had ruptured a couple of disks carrying my 1-year-old, Bridget, in a pack on my back," she wrote.
But Bridget was not born until 1991. In other accounts, McCain said she hurt her back while picking up her son Jimmy, who was a toddler at the time of her injuries. “

So basically, the liar never hurt her back at all. I get so sick and tired of rich white people, when caught popping painkillers, using the ole “I hurt my back and accidently got addicted BS line” I used to take hydrocodones, right around this time too – 1991. I got them one time from a dentist when I had a root canal that turned into some other procedure I forgot what it’s called. I didn’t “get addicted because I had pain”. I took a couple and I liked the way I felt, so I kept taking them. That’s what pretty much everybody does. There are people who take them due to chronic pain, no doubt, but the addicts – they’re doing it for the high. Let’s just put that tired old bullshit excuse to rest.

And since she was facing a possible 20 year sentence but got off by way of the same high powered, and exorbitantly expensive attorney who got McCain the “lightest sanctions of all of the Keating five” crooks, and since for 99.9 percent of people this kind of attorney is as out of reach as a private plane to “get around Arizona in’ is, I’d like to see McCain’s voting record on sentencing issues, and any statements he has ever, ever, made on the subject.

McKeating5 is 1,000 time more honerable/relevant target than is ditz drug addict wife
So if Michelle had stolen drugs from her charity and Dr shopped and used her employees names to get bags full of drugs 15 years ago you would never mention it?
your slime, News flash Cindy Mcain is not perfect.
The dr is more to blame than the moron who get the perscription.

You are such slime, and hypocritical, you would be all over Obama if his wife had this in her past.
Hey, guess what bitch? It was 15 goddamn years ago, and Cindy has REPEATEDLY admitted it to be a great moral failure on her part. That's more than a Democrat would EVER do. :mad:

She only ever admited it when the Arazona Republic called and told her they were running a story about it the next day. Then she called a press conference.

In April 1986, she and her father invested $359,100 in a shopping center project with Phoenix banker Charles Keating.[15] This, combined with her role as a bookkeeper who later had difficulty finding receipts for family trips on Keating's jet,[22] caused complications for her husband during the Keating Five scandal, when he was being examined for his role regarding oversight of Keating's bank.[
She only ever admited it when the Arazona Republic called and told her they were running a story about it the next day. Then she called a press conference.

hey Junior, I've got 7yrs of college. I'm not like you tabloid reading room temprature morons (desh, dhula, Jarod):clink:
You see folks this is all tied together and Cindy is in the middle of it.

Keating was courting this family for good reason ,money and political power.

Cindy family money bought him the lawyers who smoothed it over. Then Cindy is given another "project" by her Dad and she ends up addicted to drugs within a year. McCain is so interested in his family he doesnt even notice she is wacked out on drugs. She embarrasses him again. Now the reason he called her a cunt becomes more apparent huh?

I dont think they like each other.
You see folks this is all tied together and Cindy is in the middle of it.

Keating was courting this family for good reason ,money and political power.

Cindy family money bought him the lawyers who smoothed it over. Then Cindy is given another "project" by her Dad and she ends up addicted to drugs within a year. McCain is so interested in his family he doesnt even notice she is wacked out on drugs. She embarrasses him again. Now the reason he called her a cunt becomes more apparent huh?

I dont think they like each other.

Oh, definitely desh. Yesterday there was a story going around, with pictures, of McCain (the guy who today derides “celebrity”) spending his 70th birthday on Ann Hathaway’s crooked boyfriend’s yacht. Funny, but no sign or mention of Cindy McCain. That marriage is such a frigging sham.
Here is the funny thing, they are connected. Cindy was tied up in the Keating 5 scandal.

Keating 5 is legit and good for dems to go against.
Cindy's illness is off limits to anyone with class, which most certainly isn't you or Dhula.
Its Kinda sad to fwatch them.

I see her look at him and she seems to still have some kinda love for him but I never see him look at her with that look that all us women know all too well.

I think she still wishes he cared but doesnt like the way he treats her in private.

The kids seemed miserable at the convention too. Especailly the adopted daughter.
Its Kinda sad to fwatch them.

I see her look at him and she seems to still have some kinda love for him but I never see him look at her with that look that all us women know all too well.

I think she still wishes he cared but doesnt like the way he treats her in private.

The kids seemed miserable at the convention too. Especailly the adopted daughter.

I have no sympathy for her honestly. She’s got the recourses Desh. A lot of women (and yeah, men too) have to live like that. She doesn’t. Get a divorce and get a life.
Keating 5 is legit and good for dems to go against.
Cindy's illness is off limits to anyone with class, which most certainly isn't you or Dhula.


if this were a dem they would have been dead in the water long ago.

These are facts and verifiable ones.

Do you really think we should go back to being so nice while the ohter guys fucking LIE to win?