The depths to which academia has sunk, a Taylor Swift Conference

Well at least she's far better than the likes of Madonna, who had BIGGER impact.

Madonna and Taylor are or were Prima Donnas. I am not down on Madonna in any way. I was a fan of hers as well.

They are just two different people- but really- are they?

How do Prima Donnas retain their innocence? Probably not easy- not in this nasty and hateful world. Perhaps through composure and keeping certain things private!

Madonna struggled with that, but Taylor seems to be skating right through it all with no signs of trouble on the radar screen.

You can bet that they are huge fans of one another, and they would come to each other's aid and defense of one another in a heart beat!
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No doubt this conference will bring to the light life changing information. In a world apparently being destroyed by phobias and isms and environmental disasters and killing, we apparently have time to talk about Taylor Swift. There is no way to accurately describe how fucked up his country is right now.

You don’t have to attend now, do you?

So fucking desperate.
So fucking nothing.
Then you better make sure all your heirs and relatives attend Bob Jones U or someplace similar where inquiry and query aren’t allowed

Well unlike leftists my heirs and relatives dont fear inquiry and query. Whats hilarious is you actually seem to believe universities are place of inquiry and query. LMFAO
I am not blaming anyone unless you can point to where I did. Im merely wondering why a conference is needed to discuss a cardboard cut out of a human being.

Naw, you’re not wondering that. You’re merely a desperate, angry attention whore.
Well unlike leftists my heirs and relatives dont fear inquiry and query. Whats hilarious is you actually seem to believe universities are place of inquiry and query. LMFAO

Well if they are like you, sure they do, it they don’t hear it from a talking head they don’t believe it, thinking on their own isn’t their specialty

And colleges have always been centers of inquiry, that is why the right has always hated them, they’d prefer dictated curriculums with little room for individual thought
Well if they are like you, sure they do, it they don’t hear it from a talking head they don’t believe it, thinking on their own isn’t their specialty

And colleges have always been centers of inquiry, that is why the right has always hated them, they’d prefer dictated curriculums with little room for individual thought

It's true. Bob Jones University, Oral Roberts University and Liberty University all suppress independent thinking.
No doubt this conference will bring to the light life changing information. In a world apparently being destroyed by phobias and isms and environmental disasters and killing, we apparently have time to talk about Taylor Swift. There is no way to accurately describe how fucked up his country is right now.

Wait, there was another thread where a Governor wasn't appropriately focusing only on the Ukraine and Gaza (not Israel, Gaza) just recently. Those folks should be in here burning up this thread super angry about how universities can't keep their "eyes on the prize" so to speak. Taylor isn't Gaza or Ukraine, nor in Gaza or Ukraine, so we are not allowed to talk about this nowadays.
Wait, there was another thread where a Governor wasn't appropriately focusing only on the Ukraine and Gaza (not Israel, Gaza) just recently. Those folks should be in here burning up this thread super angry about how universities can't keep their "eyes on the prize" so to speak. Taylor isn't Gaza or Ukraine, nor in Gaza or Ukraine, so we are not allowed to talk about this nowadays.

You would think right?
I am not blaming anyone unless you can point to where I did. Im merely wondering why a conference is needed to discuss a cardboard cut out of a human being.

she seems to be the most important musical artist of the last 30 years, and is an important international cultural influencer.

Economically, her business model seems to be a global jugernaut. Culturally, she is an international icon

If Indiana University can spend tens of millions of dollars every year on a basketball team, I think their art department can host a conference on a premninent international artist, without being laughed out of the room.
Wait, there was another thread where a Governor wasn't appropriately focusing only on the Ukraine and Gaza (not Israel, Gaza) just recently. Those folks should be in here burning up this thread super angry about how universities can't keep their "eyes on the prize" so to speak. Taylor isn't Gaza or Ukraine, nor in Gaza or Ukraine, so we are not allowed to talk about this nowadays.

No doubt this conference will bring to the light life changing information. In a world apparently being destroyed by phobias and isms and environmental disasters and killing, we apparently have time to talk about Taylor Swift. There is no way to accurately describe how fucked up his country is right now.

It's always hilarious when people who haven't set foot in a classroom since they were MAYBE 18 express their views of higher education, which they were either too stupid, too lazy, or too cowardly to pursue for themselves.

BTW - you owe us your eye teeth.
she seems to be the most important musical artist of the last 30 years, and is an important international cultural influencer.

Economically, her business model seems to be a global jugernaut. Culturally, she is an international icon

If Indiana University can spend tens of millions of dollars every year on a basketball team, I think their art department can host a conference on a premninent international artist, without being laughed out of the room.

It is a f*cking weekend conference, Fri-Sun, not a course, not part of the curriculum, but a weekend activity offered by the school, and these dorks because some blogger told them are portraying it as the end of education, the eclipse of Occidental civilization

As I’ve said many times before, the MAGA militia needs to get a life, at the very least, get out more, a lot more
It is a f*cking weekend conference, Fri-Sun, not a course, not part of the curriculum, but a weekend activity offered by the school, and these dorks because some blogger told them are portraying it as the end of education, the eclipse of Occidental civilization

As I’ve said many times before, the MAGA militia needs to get a life, at the very least, get out more, a lot more
I'm not sure MAGA knows the difference between a conference and a class.

MAGA always tries to make a gigantic mountain out of a little tiny molehill.