The difference between liberals and conservatives

Underlying these differences are competing sets of liberal and conservative moral priorities, with liberals placing more stress than conservatives on caring, kindness, fairness and rights — known among scholars as “individualizing values” — while conservatives focus more on loyalty, hierarchy, deference to authority, sanctity and a higher standard of disgust, known as “binding values.”
liberals tend to be selfish people - they are primarily concerned with an environment that makes their lives better. Because they are selfish they assume others are - so things like voluntary charity is not workable - how could it be? people are too selfish, they don't want to give without being made to, how would anyone else be different?
liberals tend to be selfish people - they are primarily concerned with an environment that makes their lives better. Because they are selfish they assume others are - so things like voluntary charity is not workable - how could it be? people are too selfish, they don't want to give without being made to, how would anyone else be different?

You do not get to define those terms and expect us to just accept it.
While liberals tend to be more concerned with protecting vulnerable groups from harm and more concerned with equality and social justice than conservatives, conservatives tend to be more concerned with moral issues like group loyalty, respect for authority, purity and religious sanctity than liberals are.

I read an article recently that said conservatives accept hierarchies. They accept their positions and are no threat to those above them and do not want those below to scare them.
Liberals tend to beak barriers and step where the powerful do not want them to.
I read an article recently that said conservatives accept hierarchies. They accept their positions and are no threat to those above them and do not want those below to scare them.
Liberals tend to beak barriers and step where the powerful do not want them to.

Yes, article cites research showing hierarchy is very important for conservatives.
Yes, article cites research showing hierarchy is very important for conservatives.

Yeah it's pretty clear during the French Revolution. The terms "left" and "right" actually had a physical basis. Those seated on the right were for Monarchy. Those seated on the left were for individuals.
Niemi and Young wrote:

We measured moral values associated with unconditionally prohibiting harm (“individualizing values”) versus moral values associated with prohibiting behavior that destabilizes groups and relationships (“binding values”: loyalty, obedience to authority, and purity). Increased endorsement of binding values predicted increased ratings of victims as contaminated, increased blame and responsibility attributed to victims, increased perceptions of victims’ (versus perpetrators’) behaviors as contributing to the outcome, and decreased focus on perpetrators.

The old, if you didn't want to be raped why did you wear a mini skirt.
liberals tend to be selfish people - they are primarily concerned with an environment that makes their lives better. Because they are selfish they assume others are - so things like voluntary charity is not workable - how could it be? people are too selfish, they don't want to give without being made to, how would anyone else be different?

What an idiot liar
The difference between Liberals (aka Leftists) and Conservatives is that Liberals think only the collective--society as a whole--matters while Conservatives venerate the individual. Stalin summed this up nicely (his being a Leftist), "A single death is a tragedy. A million deaths is a statistic." That is to say Conservatives consider each and every death tragic, while Liberals see only the sum of a large number of people dying as an accounting error.
Never in the entire history of man has charity been able to solve the ills of poverty and wealth inequity

We have to do it as a structured society

That is why the founders wrote the words general welfare

It’s to all of societies members a good thing to help people

The right doesn’t believe that

Just another way they are wrong
Yeah it's pretty clear during the French Revolution. The terms "left" and "right" actually had a physical basis. Those seated on the right were for Monarchy. Those seated on the left were for individuals.

Wrong. In the French revolution, those on the Left were the mob and ruled "democratically." Those on the Right were anyone that objected to the mob and that resulted in them being voted off the island by guillotine.
Never in the entire history of man has charity been able to solve the ills of poverty and wealth inequity

We have to do it as a structured society

That is why the founders wrote the words general welfare

It’s to all of societies members a good thing to help people

The right doesn’t believe that

Just another way they are wrong


derp derp
Wrong. In the French revolution, those on the Left were the mob and ruled "democratically." Those on the Right were anyone that objected to the mob and that resulted in them being voted off the island by guillotine.

I love how you rewrite history.

Are you for Monarchy or are you for individuals?
The difference between Liberals (aka Leftists) and Conservatives is that Liberals think only the collective--society as a whole--matters while Conservatives venerate the individual. Stalin summed this up nicely (his being a Leftist), "A single death is a tragedy. A million deaths is a statistic." That is to say Conservatives consider each and every death tragic, while Liberals see only the sum of a large number of people dying as an accounting error.

The difference between Liberals (aka Leftists) and Conservatives is that Liberals think only the collective--society as a whole--matters while Conservatives venerate the individual. Stalin summed this up nicely (his being a Leftist), "A single death is a tragedy. A million deaths is a statistic." That is to say Conservatives consider each and every death tragic, while Liberals see only the sum of a large number of people dying as an accounting error.

Boy that was a good one! Quite a whopper!
Individuals. But that wasn't what happened in the French revolution. The Monarchy was replaced first by a totalitarian state and then an Emperor (Napolean) emerged...

Conservatism is about social hierarchy and status quo.

Liberalism is about individual liberty and progress.

Almost everyone can agree that either too fast or too slow of a progress can be a bad thing. It really depends.

You lump the entire Left as some of a monolithic entity where everyone thinks the same.
The difference between Liberals (aka Leftists) and Conservatives is that Liberals think only the collective--society as a whole--matters while Conservatives venerate the individual. Stalin summed this up nicely (his being a Leftist), "A single death is a tragedy. A million deaths is a statistic." That is to say Conservatives consider each and every death tragic, while Liberals see only the sum of a large number of people dying as an accounting error.

duhhhh Stalin duhhhhhh