the dumbest thing I’ve heard in an awful long time...


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Bloomberg: Clinton-McCain Gas Tax Break Is the 'Dumbest Thing'

by Azi Paybarah

Michael Bloomberg said giving drivers a break from the gas tax is “the dumbest thing I’ve heard in an awful long time.”

I asked him about it right after he delivered his executive budget at City Hall just now.

He said, “It’s the dumbest thing I’ve heard in an awful long time from an economic point of view. I don’t understand why you think there’s any merit to it whatsoever. We’re trying to discourage people from driving and we’re trying to end our energy dependence. We don’t do that -- oh, and incidentally, we’re trying to have more money to build infrastructure. All three of those things go fly in the face of giving everybody $30 a year. The $30 bucks is not going to change anybody’s lifestyle. The billions of dollars that we would otherwise have in tax revenues can make a big difference as to what kind of a world we leave our children.”

Bloomberg praised officials who opposed the “summer break on gasoline taxes which would help Chavez, Qaddafi and other people like that. I don’t know why anybody would want to do it.” He went on to say critics like Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver were right. "And," he added, "[Barack] Obama was right on this one, and that [John] McCain and [Hillary] Clinton were wrong. The last thing we need to do is encourage people to drive more and to take away the monies we need for infrastructure in this country. “

Bloomberg is right the 2 Republican Candidates are wrong like usual....

they currently recieve the "billions" in tax revenue. where are all these great things Bloomberg speaks of? What are they doing with the money? I doubt the country is going to fall apart because everyone paid $30 less a year.

Nice rhetoric
What are they doing with the money?

Oh, I don't know, maybe something trivial like supporting our interstate system.

Hell, we don't need an interstate system. A private turnpike system where everybody had to wait in line for hours to pay 50 bucks to drive down a 5 mile single lane road to go and pay money again at the next stop would work so much better.
CC referring to Hillary as one of 2 Republican Candidates....yeah, that is one the stupidest things I ever heard lately too....

CC's made even more stupid posts when he was allowed to post of FP, but alas(hooray)he was banned from that site...
What are they doing with the money?

Oh, I don't know, maybe something trivial like supporting our interstate system.

Hell, we don't need an interstate system. A private turnpike system where everybody had to wait in line for hours to pay 50 bucks to drive down a 5 mile single lane road to go and pay money again at the next stop would work so much better.

Nice strawman, homo. So without $30 from everyone, the highways will all fall apart? You're so stupid you don't even understand my point. They're not talking about abolishing the damn tax, just giving people a break for a while.

Bloomberg is filthy rich and is as far removed from the common man as possible. Do you think the common man agrees that we need to be taxed more as the price of gas rises? Get a clue watertard
A fav con tactic, buy your way out of something rather than face the problem. especially when you are using someone elses money ;)

yes sir. good job and thank you for calling the cons out on it. As a fellow Dem we escape it beacuse it is there fault.
yes sir. good job and thank you for calling the cons out on it. As a fellow Dem we escape it beacuse it is there fault.

LOL, At least the dems do not seem to be too hypocritical about it.
But it sucks from both sides.

This must have been before a few more drinks last night.
Nice strawman, homo. So without $30 from everyone, the highways will all fall apart? You're so stupid you don't even understand my point. They're not talking about abolishing the damn tax, just giving people a break for a while.

Do you really think that people wouldn't end up paying one way or another for whatever small savings they'd incur in a month?

You're an economic genius, stirfry. Actually, scratch that; you're dumb as a rock.
they currently recieve the "billions" in tax revenue. where are all these great things Bloomberg speaks of? What are they doing with the money? I doubt the country is going to fall apart because everyone paid $30 less a year.

Nice rhetoric

Actually Bloomberg is 100% correct. From an economic viewpoint it is indeed one of the dumbest things they have said. I would say the dumbest is the "let's cut everyone a check" rebate that is on its way out.
LOL, At least the dems do not seem to be too hypocritical about it.
But it sucks from both sides.

This must have been before a few more drinks last night.

On this issue Obama is correct (as is Bloomberg) but note your party also is supporting the chant for a gas tax rebate. Hopefully the Obama/Bloomberg camp prevails on this issue.
Hahhaha. Oh everybody just laughs Cawacko. They all know you by now. Beefy loves it.

My parents flew out from S.F. last night to visit me for the weekend so I was drinking with them. My dad calls me this morning, 'uh Jr. do you have my credit card?' He lost it last night. I lost mine last Thursday night in a drunken outing. Talk about the apple not falling far from the tree...
My parents flew out from S.F. last night to visit me for the weekend so I was drinking with them. My dad calls me this morning, 'uh Jr. do you have my credit card?' He lost it last night. I lost mine last Thursday night in a drunken outing. Talk about the apple not falling far from the tree...

I thought you were going back to California around now, no?
I thought you were going back to California around now, no?

was suppose to leave May 15th. They fired a guy in the L.A office last week which now means I'm going to at least be out here another month. I was almost in tears when I heard that. I want to be back there so bad.