the Dutch caught Putin red handed

You're really stupid and here's why, in language you should be able to understand. The Dems are using the fact that Russia meddled in US elections. Nobody of even average intelligence should be denying that.

The point is, all countries do that to each other, and the US does it to other countries, including Russia and China, more then they do it to the US. So the fact is, Russia did interfere! The part that you're not understanding is that the Dems need to try to use it against Trump is hugely threatening to world peace. Already Russia and Putin have been thoroughly demonized in the minds of a large majority of Americans. And that doesn't end with just Dems, it goes good for Repub supporters too.

It's a very bad reason to try to use to bring down Trump! Try to understand that please!

Otherwise, we are totally in sync with the need to bring down Trump as soon as possible. And I think we can probably agree that no means are off the table, including the Kennedy solution. That's not saying I advocate the Kennedy solution, it's just saying that I wouldn't care as long as the evil is stopped.

Please try to rise above the kneejerk fukking politics. You're doing a lot of harm on this forum to the end solution for your country.

In fact. Trump's campaign staff worked with Russian hackers to bring down Hillary. Manafort supplied them with the best and up-to-date campaign data. They helped them with targeting. Stone was a go-between communicating with the hackers and their boss. Mueller listed more than a dozen cases of election interference with Trumpian assistance. He said he was not permitted go after them. So he said Congress should do the job.
Sometimes saving the country is worth risking pissing off the crooks and their followers.
The evidence is mountainous

Lots of Republicans are going to die with shame hanging over their heads

Some will die in prison for these crimes
The evidence is mountainous

Lots of Republicans are going to die with shame hanging over their heads

Some will die in prison for these crimes

Only if the Russians release the dirt they have on Republicans like the cocaine-fueled sex parties and Trump on Pedo Island.
You don't find it funny that the dutch hacked into russian computers to find out they were hacking also?
No. It's long been known that Putin had ordered a troll farm to attack other nations cybernetically. I consider the Dutch's actions to be self-defense.
I wasn't aware that the Dutch were at war with Russia, when did that happen?
Your continued defense of Putin is noted, comrade Tink.

You have no problem with Russia hacking other nations but you demand another nations must declare war on Mother Russia before they can hack back. Fine. Your choice, comrade.
Your continued defense of Putin is noted, comrade Tink.

You have no problem with Russia hacking other nations but you demand another nations must declare war on Mother Russia before they can hack back. Fine. Your choice, comrade.

All nations hack other nations, this is common sense.

The fact you don't know this says a lot about you.

You don't think the NSA is hacking into shit all over the planet?
All nations hack other nations, this is common sense.

The fact you don't know this says a lot about you.

You don't think the NSA is hacking into shit all over the planet?
What does it say, comrade Tink?

Do you recognize the difference between listening in on other nations and attacking them using cyber? I'm guessing you only see it when it's in Russia's favor, tovarish!

IRA activity begins in 2014
In Spring of 2014, the special counsel reports that the IRA started to “consolidate U.S. operations within a single general department” with the internal nickname the “translator.” The report indicates that this is the time the group began to “ramp up” its operations in the U.S. with its sights on the 2016 presidential election.

At this time, the IRA was already running operations across various social media platforms, including Facebook, Twitter and YouTube. Later it would expand its operations to Instagram and Tumblr as well.
The tea party was whipped into existence by Russian trolls folks

Disagreed on being created by Russians, but I think they certainly threw money and support at it just like the Soviets supported the Civil Rights and antiwar movements in the 60s. Anything to create division between Americans.
You're really stupid and here's why, in language you should be able to understand. The Dems are using the fact that Russia meddled in US elections. Nobody of even average intelligence should be denying that.

The point is, all countries do that to each other, and the US does it to other countries, including Russia and China, more then they do it to the US. So the fact is, Russia did interfere! The part that you're not understanding is that the Dems need to try to use it against Trump is hugely threatening to world peace. Already Russia and Putin have been thoroughly demonized in the minds of a large majority of Americans. And that doesn't end with just Dems, it goes good for Repub supporters too.

It's a very bad reason to try to use to bring down Trump! Try to understand that please!

Otherwise, we are totally in sync with the need to bring down Trump as soon as possible. And I think we can probably agree that no means are off the table, including the Kennedy solution. That's not saying I advocate the Kennedy solution, it's just saying that I wouldn't care as long as the evil is stopped.

Please try to rise above the kneejerk fukking politics. You're doing a lot of harm on this forum to the end solution for your country.

Non-sequitur fallacy. Putin does not support Trump. Putin is a socialist. He supports DEMOCRATS.